The London Science Museum

Get this: the London Science Museum reckons Lego bricks are homophobic and transphobic!

Daily Fail

Apparently this bonkers stance re Lego is part of a museum tour on “stories of qu**r communities, experiences and identities” dreamed up by a sinister sounding group calling itself the “Gender and Sexuality Network”.


A “Seeing Things Qu**rly” guide states that Lego bricks are anti-LGBT because they reinforce the idea that heterosexuality is the norm (it is) due to the bricks having male or female parts that are designed to “mate” with each other.


It further states that this is “heteronormative”, which is the idea that “heterosexuality and the male/female gender binary are the norm and everything that falls outside is unusual.”

Unusual? That’s one way of putting it. I’m sure fellow cunters can think of more appropriate words to describe it.

When I first heard about this gobbledygook I thought it must be another of Titania McGrath’s brilliant woke wind-ups, but no – it’s real!

Doubtless, if these degenerates had their way they would see our kids glueing their Lego bricks together with tranny jizz.

The London “Science” Museum… a blatant misnomer if ever there was one!

Nominated by Shit Cake Baker.

Dead Pool [352]

Congratulations to Gelderd_Ender who has won Dead Pool 351 by picking the legendary US Singer Roberta Flack who has died today aged 88. Flack was best known for number 1 hits such as “First Time Ever I saw your face” ,”Killing me Softly” and “Feel like making Love”.Flack was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 2022 and had to retire with immediate effect.

On to Dead Pool 352

The rules:

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and it is first come first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses nominations from the previous pool.

2)Anyone who nominates the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No switching picks mid pool unless they have already been nabbed by someone else.

5)Hits are awarded based on chronology of death reporting not necessarily in chronology of death.

Natalie Cuomo

Funny female comedian is one of those misnomers like honest politician or working royal and US comedian Natalie Cuomo didn’t do the sisterhood any favours when a rant at a gig in Washington D.C. went viral earlier this month.

Now, I don’t know anything about her material which I’m assuming is about as funny as a ballbag in a zipper, but this was about her response to a heckler in the audience. She suggested a man and his friend sat in the audience were a gay couple, he objected and she called him ‘afraid’ of being called gay he then said it wasn’t his fault she didn’t have better material.

Cue full on girl boss mental feminazi rant, screaming inches from his face, “There’s so many people coming together to be supportive. No, look me in the eyes! You’re putting fucking negative energy out there! This is the last show of my fucking weekend, look me in the fucking eyes! Its a sold-out show and you want to say mean shit to me? Don’t fucking do that!”. Ok, someone needs a chamomile tea in the greenroom.

YouTube 1.

Being heckled is part of the deal, a comedians quick wits and ability to think on their feet and make hecklers look a fool in front of the rest of the audience shows their skills as a comic. This was neither funny or clever, just a brattish tantrum over some fairly tame criticism. “When they put teeth in your mouth they spoiled a perfectly good bum” – Billy Connolly. Now that’s a riposte Natalie.

Needless to say if this had been a man screaming in a woman’s face it would have been a hate crime and he would have never darkened a stage again.

A bonus link of an actual funny and rather attractive woman.

They do exist!

YouTube 2.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

Complaining About Inheritance Squandering

But Mum, you’re squandering MY inheritance!

Her Family News.

Now, am I alone in thinking that the money in my accounts is mine, to spend as and when I think fit?

I have just been watching Heartbeat, and one character ( about 40) was berating his father for this, so I had a little Google, and I can tell you that the link is one of very many.

How have we raised a generation that would rather see their parents penny pinch, instead of being warm, well fed and comfortable, so they can benefit from their parents good sense?

A few months ago, I was complaining about hair loss, now I’m wondering about my sanity.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

The Immigration Tribunal

I am incensed by the report that the Immigration Tribunal allowed a convicted Albanian criminal to remain in the UK on the grounds that it would be “unduly harsh” on his 10 year old son who does not like the chicken nuggets served over there. This was enough for the Tribunal to allow his appeal on the right to a family life provisions of the Human Rights Act.

The scum in question, Klevis Disha, 39, came to the UK illegally in February 2001 as a 15-year-old unaccompanied child. He used a false name and falsely claimed to have been born in Yugoslavia. He married another Albanian illegal immigrant here in the UK, had a family, including chicken nugget boy, and was then given UK citizenship. He then went on to rob £250,000 and was jailed for it.

The chicken nugget refusal is being appealed. No doubt it will be upheld by the Immigration appeals tribunal and the family permitted to remain, thereby further enhancing our brightly coloured, glorious multicultural society.

No need to worry. Diversity is our strength.

Standard. (Link by Night Admin. The original GB News link didn’t work – NA)

Nominated by : MMCM