Microsoft Windows Blue Screen of Death

Bugger me the latest Windows “outages” currently paralysing the world – and quite literally if you are having NHS surgery – take me back to the ’70s when Microsoft OSs were notoriously unreliable and falling over their own poorly tested and poorly written code. (The PC wasn’t invented until 1982 with the first version of Windows not released until 1985, but carry on – NA) There were rolling testing releases to the community which somehow never created a reliable OS. One change/update would set off a whole series of further faults ect ect and trigger the notorious BS of Death, the fault screen advising to switch off (losing all your work) and restart in Safe Mode. Then you can start wanking to this:

Microsoft Link.

So here we go again, synthetic apologies but no lessons learned. Well I learned my lesson years ago and use Linux/Ubuntu (free) and Mac (because certain of my programmes only work in Mac) and when only strictly necessary my own hacked copy of Windows XP (has been around so long most of the bugs have been ironed out). I never use Cloud services so have avoided the current buggeration. Ironic that MS have always been pilloried as the deep throat Bond villains of the World and here we are with the greatest master stroke of World Domination ever perpetrated.

Apparently down to their Security Partner Cloudstrike (sounds like a SMERSH cover name) who wrote and dumped new code on the World without basic fitness for purpose checks. Latest optimistic assessment “Recovery likely to take weeks rather than days”. Very sincerest apologies from Cloudstrike Ceo George Kurtz (classic Bond villain name). Compo conflicts already underway with M’ Learned Friends calculating their massive fees (but definitely not using Windows).

Now we are back to the Stone Age having to learn how to use cash and book holidays ect by filling in forms. Worst aspect of it all is the total swamping of other news and endless tech type personality free talking heads trying to explain what they have yet to understand. This is vindication of the Total Cock-Up theory of history. Anyone wanting to comment on this post will likely have to post it.

Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke

Jess Phillips [10]

Jess Phillips has been trying to demonise men for years, her attitude when there was a request for a men’s day in Parliament was disgusting knowing that suicide in men is real problem.
Having said that there is no excuse for the treatment her volunteers got during the campaign, her stance on Gaza (resigning from the front bench to vote for a ceasefire) was never going to satisfy the ‘Muslim voters’ and she now knows what REAL misogyny looks like.

Anyone who had doubts that Islam is the biggest threat to our country just needs to look at Jess Phillips constituency.

At least she she is still on the Gravy train, still a victim and still ugly, that fat arse slamming down on the green benches for another 5 years

BBC News.

Nominated by : Sick of it

Sir Kweer Starmer Prime Minister (21)


and his cabinet are cunts.

A special (It’s downhill from now on) cunting for our new Prime Minister – Sir Keir Starmer. The latest in a long succession of chinless wonders, to take the helm of the goodship ‘Great Britain’ and steer it, full speed ahead, toward the nearest Iceberg.
He leads a Labour Party who, not so much ‘stormed’ to election victory, but rather, won by default, being the only horse in a 2 horse race that turned up at the starting gate. The Tory horse collapsed before it could leave the stables. Nigel Farage has now put it out of all our miserys, by going into the stable and shooting it.
Sir Keir has appointed his new cabinet….
Angela ‘loose draws’ Rayner – Deputy PM (already sharpening her knives)
Rachel Reeves – Chancellor (we’re skint so she’s going to move around piles of fictional pound notes)
Yvette Cooper – Home Secretary (She’ll the stop the boats – by opening the airport gates. Welcome to new Bangledesh)
Ed Millband – Energy Muppet (look forward to rises in Fuel Duty and a wind turbine coming to your area soon)
David Lammy – Foreign Secretary ( David Lammy !!!! FFS ! )
400+ MPs to choose from, and these are the ‘Best’ Sir Keir could come up with ?
That not a pool of talent – more like a thimble full……


Nominated by Lord of the Rings.

A second helping from W C Boggs below followed by a small piece on his pussies by Jeezum Priest.


A limp-wristed, hi, duckie, cunting for old Kweer, who in his very first speech in Parliament yesterday, congratulated himself on having so many homosexuals behind him (on the green benches – shame on you i f you thought anything else):

Is there something the toolmakers son isn’t telling us? -might he be that way inclined himself?. Is Kweer about to “come out of the closet”?.. When you think of all that free advice he gets from the two old queens of New Labour, Mandy and Blair – I wonder what he has to give them in return?. Then there is ugly old Sue Grey – could she be Apricot Lil?. Ugly women (AnalEase, Sugartits Cooper) camp gay men, (Streeting, seems like a nice boy) many promoted to the front benches. There’s nowt so Kweer as folk….. Shut that door!

I have a feeling we are in for some very gay days


Keirs Kittens. Pussies.

Sir Kier, in his wisdom, has appointed several extremely young, and not at all seasoned, new MPs into Junior cabinet roles.

If you’re thinking it’s like being chalk monitor, think again.

Junior Ministers become Senior, then Cabinet, Then PM.

You heard it here first.




“Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton (1887)

In March the US Supreme Court reversed a decision by Colorado’s supreme court to remove Donald Trump from it’s primary election ballots. In doing so, not only did they ignore the constitution, they acted in unseemly haste to make sure his name got printed on the ballot papers. This month by a six to three majority they decided that Trump cannot be criminally prosecuted for ‘official acts’, and left it to the very last minute to say so, which is exactly what Trump wanted. His whole strategy is based on delaying any legal proceedings so that if he wins the election in November, he can either pardon himself or instruct his attorney general to dismiss the case. These ‘justices’ have now returned the case to the district court judge to determine which acts are ‘official’, and if she decides some of them aren’t, Trump can take it to the appeal court and then back to the Supreme Court. The whole thing has become a farce.

It used to be said that in America no-one is above the law. Now someone is. The six ‘justices’ who sided with Trump are conservative, in other words they are Republicans. Judges are meant to be apolitical and their decisions are supposed to be arrived at by applying the rule of law, but these six people are looking for ways to re-interpret the law to suit their own agenda. They are shirking their responsibilities by handing immunity to Trump on a plate. The checks and balances which have always been part of the democratic system are being systematically eroded, not by some foreign power, but from within.

One of these ‘Justices’, Clarence Thomas, conveniently forgets to acknowledge receiving gifts and expensive holidays from rich people, when in reality he is obliged to report them. Another so-called Justice, Samuel Alito, displays MAGA flags outside his houses. These people have forgotten the meaning of the word ‘justice’ and their decisions are making a mockery of it. These six conservative Justices don’t have an ounce of integrity among them and have no guiding principle other than self-interest. They are bringing the US judicial system into disrepute and shamelessly exploiting the fact that they are answerable to no-one.


Nominated by Allan

Getting your Moggie chipped

Getting your Moggie chipped.
Yes folks, after today, any cat (except for Felix, Sylvester & Tom of course) will need to have one by law. £20 a shot, & if you fail to comply, then you will be fined. My friend had his his stray cat done today that he “adopted” a little while back. It’s well old, so I asked him “Is it worth it?” Well I guess people do fall in love with their pets. I do understand this ‘chip’ thing with dogs, but cats? They always go out, without their owner, & when they get damaged, they could end up at the R.S.P.L.C. who will fix them, then contact the owner. & if you want your beloved pet back there will be a hefty bill. I know that this has happened. Whereas a dog should not end up in this situation. Of course if you have paid out 2 grand for a Peruvian Pedigree, or a Burmese variation, then of course get it done, but a scraggly old Moggie? It should be the owners choice, that is of course if you can really say you actually own the thing! I can see the population of these creatures dwindling, but that is not a bad thing, for what these horrible creatures do to certain breeds of fauna. Oh well I better take my tiger in tomorrow, & get him done!

Nominated by What’s so funny about Biggs Diccus? with a slightly different take on Cats by Herman Jelmet below.

“Domestic” Cats

Anything that gets these unnecessary creatures under some form of control is ok with me.

This is a link from a little while back. Albeit this is an Aussie news article.

Business insider

A lazy cunts “pet” in my opinion.

If you’re going to own a cat then do the responsible thing and keep the evil little bastards in the house and preferably neuter the things while you’re at it.

A fat lazy tart who lives at the bottom of the road from me has about half a dozen of them roaming around the place hunting and killing songbirds, mice and whatever else.

“oooh look, Tiddles has brought me another present”

One of them rather stupidly ventured into my back garden not so long ago and was nearly ragged to death by my whippet.

It hasn’t been back since but if it does and my dog kills it then tough fucking luck.

As I say though, a fat lazy single mother with half a dozen cats that she can just open the door for and let out.

A dog would require walking and other forms of exercise see.

It’s generally either fat lazy tarts, spinsters or homosexual men who have a penchant for keeping these utterly pointless fucking things but regardless of all that, if you do own the odd a cat or six, do the decent thing and keep it indoors.

If you happen to be a responsible cat owner who’s not a fat lazy woman or a homosexual man then please accept my apologies. Other than that – Fuck off and get a proper pet.