…. is now a thing. And if you maliciously fart at someone – even if you only do so in a 5 second fully clothed pre-recorded video gesture via a messaging app (or email presumably)… and whatever cunt you send it to has the self importance – but severe lack of something else that I’m struggling to define – to bring this to the otherwise totally useless constabulary of Great England – as opposed to deleting the clip and blocking the sender – … there will be arrest, prosecution, court, fines, community service and restraining orders in your future.
You know, .. like there USED to be for burglary, mugging, sexual assault etc.
I’d equally like to co-cunt the base level useless bitch that sent the fucking fart videos, christ is this what we’ve become as a species?
Please don’t schedule this on April 1st, admin!
NY Post. (Link changed by Night Admin to avoid ad blocker crap – NA)
Nominated by : Cuntemall