Fart Crime

…. is now a thing. And if you maliciously fart at someone – even if you only do so in a 5 second fully clothed pre-recorded video gesture via a messaging app (or email presumably)… and whatever cunt you send it to has the self importance – but severe lack of something else that I’m struggling to define – to bring this to the otherwise totally useless constabulary of Great England – as opposed to deleting the clip and blocking the sender – … there will be arrest, prosecution, court, fines, community service and restraining orders in your future.

You know, .. like there USED to be for burglary, mugging, sexual assault etc.

I’d equally like to co-cunt the base level useless bitch that sent the fucking fart videos, christ is this what we’ve become as a species?

Please don’t schedule this on April 1st, admin!

NY Post. (Link changed by Night Admin to avoid ad blocker crap – NA)

Nominated by : Cuntemall

Rhys Herbert

Rhys Herbert AKA Digga D isa cunt along with his well paid lawyer.

Mr Herbert makes the sort of “music” that makes one get violent purely by the sound of it. And makes his musical rivals get violent because of the choice words used.

As for his stage name I can only assume it is a play on the good old term spade as he certainly has not done any manual digging.

Young Mr Herbert got a fairly light sentence for massive amounts of what was probably “stardawg” lesser quality herbs given his previous but still, his lawyer is spouting prison is harming his musical career.

Absolute pisstake of the entire system, I would have sentenced him to removal of voicebox followed by some real digging.

ARY News. (Link provided by Cuntemall)

Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles



Why the fuck is this pointless, toothless, rubber-stamping heap of overpaid shit of an organisation allowed to exist?. It does fuck all for the consumer. It is in the pocket of Royal Mail a.k.a. Checzs R Us.

For years prices have gone up rapidly and services gone down alarmingly to the point where – currently – the first class stamp, after two rises in one year stands at £1.65 – and might well rise yet again.

Now they have rubber stamped the idea of second class deliveries on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only, though they SAY they will provide a six day delivery for first class letters – as few people bother with first class stamps, presumably postmen will be sitting in their depots scratching their bollocks on Saturday mornings.

Considering the Royal Mail has to deal with millions less items each year now, it beggars belief that they fuck up so many times and you can wait a fortnight for a letter posted 20 miles away.

No doubt when the Czech has tired of his new plaything, he will sell it on to Freds Pound Shop Ltd., and the arseholes at OFCOM will Ok that as well:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Selena Gomez

Hi yi yi amigos.
On the signing of Trump executive orders and state of emergency deporting of illegal freeloaders from Mexico,
Multimillionaire actress Selena Gomez filmed herself crying and sobbing for the poor Mexican Cartel gang members being sent back over the border.

This was the typical virtue signalling from someone uneffected by south American villains roaming about
near her home,
What with having a gated mansion and private security.

It also prompted criticism from mums of kids murdered by undocumented illegal immigrants.
Who rightly pointed out

” We don’t remember you crying for the victims”

Shocked that she isn’t universally worshipped and that not everyone accepts every utterance from a Hollyweird airhead,
Ms Gomez went into a sulk.

Here’s a idea señorita.
Use your countless millions to help them if you feel such empathy?
Fuck off to Mexico if you love them so much?

Badges? What badges?
We don’t need no stinking badges!


Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt.

Causing Hoarding and Panic

Just publish a headline like this.

Tesco, Aldi, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Lidl shoppers urged to freeze milk and meat this week

Yahoo News.

Please note, this is NOT advice from the Supermarkets named directly, but simply yet another example of click bait “news”

Apparently, there’s a possibility of power cuts over the next few days, because:

Last week
Blizzard to hit, only 8 Counties will escape Blast.

A few days later
Snow blast in 20 regions

7 regions to be hit by snow blast.

Notice the re-occurring word?
Emotive, isn’t it?

So freeze milk and beef in anticipation of power cuts caused by the incoming snow blast, that might happen, probably, possibly, if there’s an R in the month, because
” We’re doomed, doomed I tell you!”

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest