Have we not got enough shit already?
Cunts queue up like like brainwashed amoeba at the doors of the foul bastions of consumerism at 6 a.m. to buy useless unnecessary crap that they don’t need with money they don’t have all to impress people they don’t like.
What a proper cuntfest, brain dead fuckwits.
Nominated by Dick Byrne
Don’t get them here until January when I’ll stock up on parkas for my return to the fuckin cold…….
Not Christmassy at all here. Tellys shite and boxing day here doesn’t get celebrated. Just a normal day with normal telly.
I know there’s more to Christmas than telly, but not much.
Thanks fuck for drugs….. (drinking is for pisshead cunts)
Are you a teetotal dope fiend like me Birdman?
And the look at us as if we’re druggies.
The alchy pisshead cunts.
Fuckin losers
Disgusting stinky cunts.
A little harsh perhaps, but fully in tune with where you’re coming from. They’re ignorant. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs on the planet.
Not harsh…… Just turning the tables on the hypocritical cunts.
I’ve been in pubs with pissheads, listening to then whinge about “druggies”
I’ve been snagged on here by pisshead cunts for partaking in mind altering goods.
Hypocritical, double standard, fuckwitted, stinky cunts.
Slagged, not snagged.
They really are hypocritical tho.
And when was the last time us stoners were glassing cunts outside pubs?
You make a good point Birdman.
When I was younger if there was different crews in the room/pub, along with alcohol there was usually trouble.
If there was some weed chucked in the mix, trouble free.
Who wants to lump someone when they’re stoned..?
In my experience no-one…
Quite – that’s what I meant by “one of the worst drugs”. And you’re right, hypocritical cunts of the highest order!
Its been the only time that I’ve appreciated Tramadol & Gabapentin. Festive painkiller combo.
Surely, unless I’m being a completely thick cunt, most of the shit they buy is cheaper on the internet anyway? Fuck me, I’d avoid like the plague the shitty shopping ‘malls’ they infest. Cunts.
Surely the unnecessary Boxing Day shit is only the left over unnecessary shit they were not able to get rid of before Xmas?
I took a jumper Id bought in the summer back to Next years ago in the sales and swapped it for a coat.
The girl was rushed to fuck and didn’t spot my scam.
A couple of years before that I was in the Lesta shop buying the home and away jersey (Fox Leisure ones) and gave her my money. She round it all up, bagged them and gave me my receipt back and All my money.
Boxing day /January sales can be great if you get the right fuckwitts serving you.
PS. The jumper had been worn to fuck and was a bit out of shape.
Hope it didn’t have crusty cuffs too.
Here’s another one
I once was in a clothes shop in the January sales and bought jeans and a bag.
The girl charged me for the jeans and must have thought I had put my bag on the counter.
Got it free.
Tip if you want a bag. Buy one in a clothes shop and do what I done.
Can’t wait for the sales now.
Boxing Day Sales! Cunts can flog stuff at 75% off and still make a profit means they are just greedy cunts.
Exactly. Greedy cunts selling clobber at massively inflated prices. Cunts!
What the fuck is a Christmas market and when did they become a tradition?
My memories of Christmas shopping in blighty is hiding inside shops from the freezing cold pishing rain.
Now cunts get all clogged up in woolen garments and wander around shite stalls as if their lives were being written by Charles fuckin Dickens.
Sky News reported that queue started forming at 10pm Christmas day. Fucking fuck the fuck. All that’s needed is an armoured vehicle with machine guns. What are the cunts hoping to get?
Wheres an angry Peacefull in a Trannie Van when you need one.
Oh sorry am I allowed to call it a Trannie Van, didn’t mean to cause offence.
Could be identifying as an MG BGT…..
Or how about a midget?
I worked with a guy years ago who never shut up fantasizing about doing a midget, wonder if he ever got to fulfil his dream 😀
What gets me is how retailers can offer their wares at massive discounts at this time of year and still make money. Makes it all too obvious how hugely inflated their prices are during the rest of the year. Markup to make money by all means, but price gouging is just taking the piss. Cunts.
If twats wanna waste their hard earned on tat they don’t need just let them get on with it.
I know they’re oblivious to reality, I’m not, as I watch the death of my country in my lifetime….
You have read my final post,Cunters.Apparetly this site is so hypocritical as to remove any post that is even mildly critical of Jews.
Been Fun.Best Wishes to you all.
Fuck them.
Ffs Dick Fiddler. It happens to me frequently….
You’re now part of my club……
Unbelievable that comments are deleted, but fuck it, it is what it is.
And I can’t be losing anyore allies on here. 🙂
PS. I have some 4×2 blood and I found nuffin wrong with your comment.
In fact, to me anyway, it was in line with most comments on here. Just the subject matter that pissed someone off.
Mental note to self and any cunters interested.
No anti 4×2 comments
No anti (major) royal family comments (the kids are a free for all, but leave the old ones out of it)
If there’s more I don’t know……… Yet 🙂
Pps, I don’t believe cockroaches can survive a nuclear explosion, but I’m sure I’m fuckin wrong. 🙂
I got “moderated” for mentioning non white things that live in the sand – calling liebour total cunts, Corbyn a swivel eyed lunatic, Starmer a traitorous bastard, McDonnell an out and out communist and the fat non white bird flabbot the love child of Bob Mugabe and that hideous Batmanjelly woman who always looks like she was halfway through laying a chocolate log when the lights went out and the thieving cunt got dressed in the dark in the AlBBC used curtain prop department. I don’t know which was the trigger word but had I been posting on the next “hate whites kill all infidels” site I would have had no problems. CUNTS.
Adios Dick fiddler – the sport of cunting wont be quite the same without you. ;-(
Long live Dick Fiddler.
All the best, Dickie… Shame it’s come to that, but this place isn’t for the easily offended… And I’m sure worse has been posted here… Then again, maybe the site is being protected? As a song and dance over certain things may have happened before?… Anyway, sorry to see you go, pal…
Not a fan of the tribe either Dickie old pal I have been quite vocal in the past about them as well but have toned it down as a peace offering to the mods (old and new) part in due to more progressive thinking that is unfortunately taking place on the internet nowadays.
Wrongthink has taken full form…
Won’t forget about you and your drunken humorous stories Namaste fren- sincerely Titslapper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD8LYTinYBE Come back when you cooled down abit… to sympathise I’ve had thousands of ‘too offensive’ posts deleted regardless if it was satire or not
I just posted this on the Brewer nom:
I too read Dick’s post. Strong meat but not exceptional, except It might be the moderators interpreted the post to be personally directed at Kravdarth, who’s post Dick was responding to. Moderators may have thought Dick fell foul of the following:
“In England and Wales the Public Order Act 1986 prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group’s colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. Section 18 of the Act says:
A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—
(a) they intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or
(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.”
(I suggested Dick & Krav “get a room”)
That’s bullshit, but fuck off if you want to.
Read the how we do stuff page. They’ve updated it.
As far as I can see, you can criticize who you like until it becomes racial or religious hatred which is illegal. Threatening them with death and destruction and calling them cockroaches seems to me to hit that criteria…
For the record, I did not threaten them with “death and destruction”. That is a bare-faced lie (not the first time that you’ve been accused,is it?). . As someone so cleverly put it,you are the epitome of “geriatric middle-management “who clearly bends the truth when it suits him. However I would also add pompous to an otherwise spot-on description.
Racial or religious hatred seems to be only illegal in certain places… Those ever so peaceful cunts in Luton who chant about white people and have banners that say ‘Kill the English’ and ‘Fuck the Police’ seem to have a different set of rules… Same goes for that tranny, Monroe Buggeredoff… That thing can spit hate at white people on breakfast telly and no fucker bats an eyelid… It’s a funny old game, as Greavsie used to say…
It’s illegal all over the country but it does seem you’re more likely to get away with it if you’re non white and not straight?
And wasn’t Bergdorf cunted a couple of days back?..
Never said you did DF. You seem to enjoy taking a pop at me…
Offensive little fucker when you don’t get your own way so personally I won’t miss you if you do fuck off.
Either way which bit of the “our blog our rules” thing didn’t you understand? It has never been a democracy.
Suggest you winge to the admins. Fuck all to do with me how they treat you so don’t have a go at me…
How we do stuff
“Don’t piss about insulting other contributors and commenters because that’s trolling. We review all comments, so behave or we’ll kick your arse out again. We’re here to cunt the cunts of the world not to cunt each other, so piss off and don’t a cunt”?
Surely your last response to DF is also a breach of the site rules?
So sue me.
That’s the third time this cunt has referred to me a ‘geriatric middle management’ which is wholly inaccurate as I am not geriatric and have not been ‘middle management’ for over 25+ years as I ran my own business.
The “our blog our rules” thing isn’t administered or controlled by me any more but as far as I understood it when I was involved it meant “we do what we fucking well like and screw anyone who doesn’t like it”. This is a blog for cunts after all!
Like I said, winge to the admins. Don’t bother me with it. It’s fuck all to do with me. I couldn’t give a fuck if DF leaves or stays but if people bite me then I bite back. Seems fair to me. It’s called ‘right of reply’…
I didn’t see the post in question, but surely calling someone a cockroach isn’t racist or sectarian?
That wasn’t the context.
I don’t get being “offended”.
If someone tries to offend me, I just take pleasure in the fact that I encouraged some cunt to waste their time being bothered by me when I couldn’t give a flying fuck about them.
Anyway, fuck em Baaaaaaaaaaah
(my two new catchphrases as they’re going spare)
Hard not to be offended by cunts like Munroe Bergdorf…the wife thought she’d have to take me to A&E during that cunt’s appearance on ‘This Week’!
Being offended must be bad for your health. Snowflakes are continuously offended. Hope they all melt before they get old.
Talkin bout my generation.
Do yous cunts sleep all night or summat?
Been here on my tod all night.
Lazy cunters.
Not even an aussie or a kiwi turned up.
Some Christmas bash this is…………
I’m still up birdman. It is 1:24 AM and I’m in bed watching Rules of Engagement on Netflix. Living the dream as usual. How you doing?
Brilliant, Imitation Yank, brilliant.
Can’t sleep, but other than that, brilliant.
Hope yer well and had a good “holidays”
Had a couple of surgeries over the last couple of weeks, so that’s been a bit of a cunt. Still, 2 hydrocodone acetamin pills every 4 hours for several days took the edge off. Haha.
Apart from that, doing well despite not being able to drink. Doctors and their fucking rules. Cunts.
Several positives though including not being expected to shovel cunting snow, limited mobility has meant Mrs Yank brings me whatever the fuck I want and 16 consecutive days away from my turd infested office. Result!
How’s life in your neck of the woods treating you?
Shit man, hope they weren’t serious operations. Get well soon, mate.
Life here is “waiting on summer”
Nothing life threatening, thankfully.
I hear ya about summer. Here in the Yank mid west it’s been minus a billion for several days, ice and snow everywhere and just plain miserable.
As soon as I’m back on my feet, we’re moving down south. Can’t wait!
I got this stuff post surgery brand name Shortec & Longtec
Don’t know how it compares with what you’ve got but it sorted my pain, however stopped giving me it after a week or so.
Left me in agony for weeks as the Tramadol & Gabapentin kills my energy and alertness before it touches the pain so you are just a tired & sleepy sore cunt most of the time.
I nod off and on all through the night. Sometimes been known to coma out even halfway through typing a response. Rarely out for more than an hour.
I don’t get how if you add a post to a thread that it doesn’t put it to the top of the pile.
I find myself looking back in older threads through the night from before my time here, but not recently as I’ve struggled to keep up with cuntings lately.