Snow and Snowflakes


Not prepared for snow & Snowflakes (Young people not the shit that falls from the sky) every year the white sub zero temperature pensioner killing shit causes havoc. Now call me a naive,or just a cunt but when winter rears its ugly head snow may be on the horizon, so please, pretty please prepare for it .

Now to justify my rant I have just been away in winter (my own fault for choosing this time I know) and queued for 12 hours at Zurich airport behind 6 snowflakes. By fuck did they make 12 fucking hours LONG. The floor was too hard, the floor was too cold (from my experience they generally are) then it was the free water given to you, then the free food, then being given “too much information!” Sorry but being given a constant update to me was welcome and then finally the uber whine they were not all give individual rooms free of charge!!

These swiss people had spotted they were 3 couples on a weekend so they were housed as 3 couples, now these evil free accommodation/food and beverage dolling out swiss cunts did not consider their feelings and “safe space!” requirements. At all. Just saved them and others from sleeping in minus 12 or in the airport terminal.

Nominated by Toryboy

35 thoughts on “Snow and Snowflakes

  1. A snowflake. Delicate and very fragile, little or no substance, and melting at the very first sign of normality.

    The young and feckless of today, are the perfect fodder for the new world order that will come.

    This is the generation of the fabricated world. Instant diversionary “bread and circus’s” via twatter, facefuck and the internet world of you tube.

    The victims of an insidious indoctrination, financed by the hidden nazi.

    Am I sorry for them? No. They were told, they were warned, and they failed to listen.

    The gutless transmorphic sleep walk to the destiny of there own making.

    Cunts, thick cunts.

  2. The ones that currently boil my piss are the students who want to ban any idea that doesn’t fit in with their blinkered view. I read today that they even want to ban any book which may contain trigger words. I must admit I find this barely credible. Surely the whole point of further education is to stretch your viewpoint? If these reports are true,these people must never have got any further than the puerile views that they learned as children.
    I never got as far as doing O levels,never mind go to Uni.,but I’ve always had this,(probably t.v. inspired) idea of students debating different views. Apparently now they can’t even mention certain words,never mind say that they support some “nasty” viewpoint.
    I don’t actually blame “the Snowflakes”. I blame our generation which has allowed the erosion of values. We did nothing as the “liberal elite” took over the education system and imposed their own “one-party state” system. We are to blame,nobody else. These people can only impose their system because we let them. That’s not to say that I don’t look forward to seeing the Cunts reap what has been sown. I do hope I’m still crawling around just long enough to be able to say to them “Serves you right,you soft Cuuuuunnnttttss.”.

    Fuck them

    • Nothing like a bit of shadenfreude DF, unfortunately i feel this is just the start and I may well live through the golden years of these soft headed cunts utopia.

      • Oh,I wouldn’t worry too much L.L.. You’ll be too busy leaning how to live under the new “Peaceful” regime and our own soft-as-shite Snowflakes will be far too occupied with flapping their arms as they plummet to Earth from the nearest high building,to bother you.

        Happy Days.

      • Yes that will be added to the Oxford Urdu Dictionary in our near future:

        The Penguin: The motion the infidel does after we peacefully throw them from a tall building.

    • Agree fully Dick – our/my generation primarily to blame.

      All this PC “right on” libtard bollocks dates back to opposition to 18 yrs of Thatcher/Tory Government, eventually ushering in Blair 1997 (admit I voted Lab on that occasion), ever since the Left have been allowed to dominate and increase their stranglehold on political thought.

      My generation. I was born two days before Bliar. And I am so ashamed of what my generation has done to this country, infantilising the electorate and all the other cultural vandalism that now seems beyond our ability to make right or reverse.

      • Nah, don’t blame yourself shitcake…….blame the useless retarded cunts of Sedgefield. They were the useless fuckers who elected the spunkstain in the first place. Mind you, in North Tyneside we elect dog turds as long as they are labour ( complete with rosette )

      • Not really blaming myself Asim. More my generation.

        I sussed Bliar within months of his election – the Bernie Ecclestone £1million ‘donation’ which had the surprise surprise effect of exempting formula one racing from tobacco advertising ban is what first alerted me to Bliar’s psychopathy.

        Never trusted the cunt again or Labour since.

      • Not blaming myself! Just saying it was mine and subsequent generations predominantly to blame for hopeless current state of the nation.

        But did little to try and stop it. Just watched in trepidation as it gradually (at first) happened. Never been one to get involved, or join any club that would have someone like me as a member. Now got fucking man-flu so not really thinking too straight…

      • Was just too young to vote when bliar was elected and already hated that psycho clown, but it’s superb to know younger generations have intelligence too. I was beginning to think it was more fruitful to search on Jupiter. Bless you and hope you are feeling better.

  3. More piss boiling par excellence from the BBPC… Women? Fucking women?!!? They are not women, you fucking cunts! These demented beeb libfucks would welcome Pol Pot, Joe Stalin, Heinrich Himmler, Ian Brady, Peter Sutcliffe, and Augusto Pinnochet with open arms if they became transbender circus freaks… Like the blacks in America (and most other places) being a ‘woman’ (real or fake) is a get out of jail free card for complete cunts who do and say what they want without criticism… As for them looking like women? Since when did Vogue start putting corpses on its cover? And Monroe Buggerdoff (or whatever it’s called) looks like Chris Eubank with lipstick… Cunts!

  4. Emergency snowflake cunting;

    One that keeps reappearing, having made a couple of appearances the last few days goes by the name of Joe Delaney. Thought he had dried up, but he’s back again like a bad smell.

    He is a whining cunt with nothing better to do with his time than criticize anyone that does anything in respect of the Grenfell Tower or the Grenfellians.

    He’s a trouble making cunt who claims to be representing the Grenfell Action Group & previously, the Lancaster West Estate Residents Association and any other rowdy group.

    His whines are normally directed at the actions of the Kensington & Chelsea Tenants Management Organisation, the local council or the government.

    The caption alongside his name he represents today is the “Grenfell Recovery Scrutiny Commitee”.

    Who the actual fuck?

    How many the actual fuck?

    How many cunt groups do you represent trouble maker?

    Today’s what is that he’s unhappy that the Kensington & Chelsea Tenants Management Organisation has handed the running of properties to the council as it cannot fullfil the obligations to the standards the residents expect.

    He’s “fed up of hearing them say they are sorry and that actions speak louder than words”

    They have said they are sorry, put the affected tenants up in hotels (expenses paid), offered everyone accommodation and even continue to put up people refusing accommodation.

    Well Joe Delaney, I’m sick listening to you and as you say “actions speak louder than words”, so why don’t you jog on and walk that dog of yours instead of stopping whining at every media organisation who will give you the time of day. I pity your dog shit stain!

    Nothing has, is or ever will be enough for the Grenfellians. The gravy train should never have been allowed to leave the Westminster station. Its time reality kicked in and derailed it. I hope this is the start.

    K&CTMO have quite rightly, given up appeasing the cunts as they have realised they can’t make them happy as well as look after the other 9400 residents who have needs and problems too.

    I believe you wanted them to hand it back months ago anyway, as they were failing to turn ashes into gold for the “entitled”. Now you want them to keep it and run it badly?

    You wanted people from the housing organisation, council, government and contractors held to account?

    What about your taxi driver, indoor BBQ’er firestarter?, is he exempt from account too?

    I want all those living illegally and those fraudulently claiming to have their assets seized, money owed to HMRC paid (tax evasion), prosecuted for their crimes and deported with a life long GB entry ban. How dare they seek sanctuary in a country and treat it like this.

    The government is failing the honest citizens of this country by allowing this illegal activity and further more, harbouring the criminals in a society which I pay police to protect & serve to provide a safe country for me and my family and like minded citizens.

    These illegals have shown contempt and do not deserve to be here, fire survivors or not.

    This sends out the wrong signals to overseas criminals about our judicial system. Examples need to be made and clear messages need to be sent to anyone else thinking of coming here to commit crime that we are not a soft touch.

  5. Merry belated winter festival cunters.
    For those of you that celebrate it. I’m sorry if those that don’t celebrate it are irked by my wishing them a merry winter festival . I understand that us celebrating our culture is not part of your great plans and………..
    Ah fuck it, go fuck a goat if yer offended…….

      • Cheers Black and White Cunt… Same to you………. Are you having a “white” Christmas?

        (big line up the tubular bells)

      • Cheers Asimplearsehole.
        I am, but from the herbal variety.
        (same as all day every day)

        Hope you had a good one.

      • Nah trying to calm the wild side down mate. Getting a bit old for partying for two days. Chilling with the weed more now.

      • May I wish all a happy hogmanay when it comes. Last time I checked paganism was not on the banned list.

  6. These fucking students censoring books. It should be compulsory for every one of the cunts to read the complete set of Biggles. That’ll teach them!,

    For younger cunter who may not be aware, the Biggles books are probably the most racist there is. Biggles dog was called Nigger. Priceless.

  7. Two black patients yesterday ( in prison) on being told that there demands would not be met played the race card! What a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What concerned me more was the school age looking spotty officers who just stand aroubd looking vague……. Another two white ones were just as uppity. One even threatened me “if I ever see you on the out” My reply: “Yes my face will be the last thong you see before my car bonnet meets your torso!

  8. Oh yeah the cunt on Heart FM xmas day apologising for playing white christmas “this is controversial so I apologise now” said the cunt. The song is acutally a tribute to a child who died in it’s infancy and the parents were Jewish. It is about the time of year and not about Christianity.

    I am Jewish. However this is a Christian country. Our beloved monarch is tge head of the church of England. Without this country abd Mr Churchill there would be no Jews left.

    God bless the Queen.
    God bless America
    Long live the state of Israel

    • Is “White Christmas” racist now?

      Obviously the reference to snow is not what was intended by Irving Berlin (himself a Jewish chap) in 1942.

      No he foresaw that in 2017 liberal elitists and virtue-signallers would seize upon it as a slight on all persons of colour (who genuinely couldn’t give a fuck) who *THEY* have taken it upon themselves to feel offended on their behalf.

      Fuck’s sake, what a bunch of cunt!

      If it’s so bastard offensive – libtard cunts – ex-fucking-plain this then YOU CUNTS!

  9. @Mods…Why was my post removed? It was not abusive. Was it removed merely because it wasn’t kissing Jewish arse? Brilliant,a site that claims to Cunt the Cunts…but doesn’t allow anything even mildly derogatory to be said about the Jews. Fucks Sake, talk about Snowflakes,you are so hypocritical as to be comical. Utterly pathetic.

      • Hardly mild Dick.

        But agree with Kravdarth: say what you like.*

        *Within the law presumably…otherwise what’s the point of this site?

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