Toyota Prius


So it turns out that buying a Prius isn’t as ‘green’ as the thick cunts who buy them thought they were.

Have you also noticed how some cunts put bollocks like this in their email signature: “Think about the environment before printing this email”. Jezus christ on a bike! The vast majority of paper is made from trees grown on tree farms specifically for the purpose of…..wait for it……making paper. So, if we all used less paper, the demand would drop which would lead to fewer trees being planted on these tree farms. Last time I checked trees absorb CO2 and produce O2. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? So wouldn’t we want more trees rather than fewer trees.

Bring back triffids I say. And set them on Prius drivers and muslims. It’s the right thing to do.

Nominated by: Imitation Yank