Ahmed Alid

This worthless piece of “asylum seeker” shit murdered 70-year Terence Carney on a Hartlepool street, 8 days after Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped a further 240, setting in motion the current war in Gaza.

Earlier that day Alid had attempted to murder another man, forcing his way into his room where he stabbed the man multiple times with a kitchen knife while shouting “Allan’s Snackbar”.

The man fought him off, at which point Alid ran into the street where he came upon Mr Carney, who was out for a regular early morning walk.

All this took place before Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, but Alid told the police his attack was in protest against Israel and the Gaza conflict.

Lessons will not be learned.

BBC News

Nominated by: Mingejuice Bottler

97 thoughts on “Ahmed Alid

  1. Alas Juicy we truly live in a seriously fucked up country when a piece of shit like this can evade so called checks. All those who managed to miss this cunt on the radar should be found guilty of incompetence and negligence of the highest order and given the boot with immediate effect.

  2. Ugly fucking cunt
    Looks like a Paki Charles Manson.

    And that benchmark in senility, Joe Biden can fuck off and all.
    America lecturing anyone on bombing people is ridiculous in itself.
    But him saying to bomb Gaza ‘is just wrong’?

    Why doesn’t he just say ‘But… But it’s racist’ and have done with it?

  3. I’ve been to the caliphate of Rochdale today.

    May as well of been Karachi,Gaza, or Mecca.

    The only whites I saw were benefit sponge dossers.
    Shagsacks in tracky bottoms.

    In the 30s Rochdale was a thriving northern industrial town.
    Full of hardworking white, proud working class folk.

    Like a cancer.☹️
    A whole town destroyed.

    • I hope you managed to mildly damage a few, Mis.
      They fucking wander in the road, like the biggest threat is a brick-ladened

    • I was in a little place called seven kings today,supposedly named after a meeting of seven Anglo saxon kings took place there..

      Only two Anglo saxons there today..

      I can report to the southwest.
      “Pàkis thousands of them”

      • We’ve got plenty of Honkeys down in Kent: Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Slovaks, Polaks, uncle Bulgarians, drug-dealing Albanians, and Romanian cunts.

      • We have pretty much handed Bognor to the Polaks in Sussex. They work the plant nurseries and farmland, or in building trades or hotels. You see quite a few Slavic and Romanian names in the local papers’ crime section, usually drink-driving.

    • Your depiction of Rochdale in the 30s could equally well be ascribed to Birmingham decades late. When we married in 1974 our first home was in a suburb of Brum which had been a safe tory seat but that was the year in which it was taken by Labour. We didn’t realise at the time that the rot had set in. Into the 80s we were still very happy to live there. My wife is a genuine Brummie born and raised, born in the old maternity home in Heathfield Road in fact where as I’m really a Black Country lad. This very day she mentioned in passing that in those days the idea of us leaving Brum never entered her head. By 1999 we were glad to get out. MP for the constituency where our first home is located is a (very) fat Paki whose main concern at the moment appears to be his mates in Gaza for whom we are not doing enough.


    • I lived in Rochdale for a year mid 90’s and another year mid 2000s. Even in that time the difference was noticeable.

    • There’s probably fuck all for them anyway, the curry houses won’t employ them, nor the corner shops and as everybody knows, where there’s Pakis, there’s filth, sponging and raype

  4. OT, but I’ve had to mention that the nomination route is looking like an overgrown bush, atm.

    I’ve offered my services.

    • Loads of them JP!

      Anyone posting one now can expect to see it around late July, not allowing for emergency time sensitive cuntings such as maybe Eurovision.

      There is bound to be something kicking off tomorrow night.

  5. Fetch every convicted terrorist out of their cells tonight and burn them at the stake.

    Force the BBCistan at gunpoint to broadcast it live..some worthwhile “breaking news” for a change.

    Then state clearly immediately after the hangings that every illegal immigrant will suffer the same fate.

    Fuck Rwanda.

    We can tidy up this foreign flotsam quite readily.

    • Batteries of colossal trebuchets along the rockier stretches of coast, with baskets capable of holding 8-12 dinghy enthusiasts.
      Broadcast live from 7-9 every night (except Sunday) and hosted by Gary Lineker.

      • Hosted? Fuck that, I’d want the cunt to be the first one launched. With a fanfare and a bottle of cheap champagne broken over his fucking head.

      • I thought making him watch and relate the events would be more of a punishment.

  6. Rope for this shitewad, let’s start getting some retribution. Why should we the taxpayer look after this scum.

  7. In an ideal world, this cunt would be given a fair trial and then hung or whatever form of despatch you would choose.
    Never going to happen, unless we get a ‘real’ right wing government, preferably ultra nationlist.
    The Liberal experiment of the last 60 years haa failed.

  8. I just read some bullshit article about how the UKs mental health is as bad as it gets. Is it any fucking wonder………?

  9. I really couldn’t give two dollops of goat’s wank about Gaza.

    My view is that all the UK dwelling Joseph Dakies can fuck off there on a one way ticket from Thiefrow…

    …and protest until their filthy sandals squeak.

    Dirty, crime-ridden cunts.

  10. ” My name is Legion, for we are many. ” Mark 5 : 9

    The balance tipped a long time ago.

    The UK has a terminal disease.

  11. my mate has just sent me a video of a woman getting agro for wearing a cross in a Muslim area, unfortunately I don’t know how to put link up to it

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