Ahmed Alid

This worthless piece of “asylum seeker” shit murdered 70-year Terence Carney on a Hartlepool street, 8 days after Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped a further 240, setting in motion the current war in Gaza.

Earlier that day Alid had attempted to murder another man, forcing his way into his room where he stabbed the man multiple times with a kitchen knife while shouting “Allan’s Snackbar”.

The man fought him off, at which point Alid ran into the street where he came upon Mr Carney, who was out for a regular early morning walk.

All this took place before Israel’s response to the Hamas attack, but Alid told the police his attack was in protest against Israel and the Gaza conflict.

Lessons will not be learned.

BBC News

Nominated by: Mingejuice Bottler

97 thoughts on “Ahmed Alid

  1. Nothing will ever change until the vermin are housed in North London latteland and start butchering Pippa and Benedict.

    No one in power gives a fuck about a Hartlepool pensioner.

  2. Anyone that looks that retarded should be shot on sight..

    It will soon be a thing of the past when dame keir gets his border quango going.

    Imagine it hundreds of people sitting in offices on £50,000 a year..

    Oh you want details?
    No that’s the plan, more civil serpents..

    • In more robust times we had a nice trick when dealing with recalcitrant heretics. We put a bloody great stake in the ground , tied the miscreant up to it, put a load of wood around it and set the lot alight. It soon stopped their bloody nonsense.

  3. So a coward and a nutter.

    And to look at him you’d think a good looking lad like him would be . making something of his life.

    I keep hearing how people like him are good for Economic growth and culturally enrich thick white cunts like me.

    When does that start?

  4. I think the cunts who allowed this same evil level of cuntishness into our country, should’ve be forced to eat murdering cunts turds as an aperitif at dinner.

  5. Hang the paki cunt!
    Very short drop, wrap his bare feet in tar soaked rags and set alight at the same time!

  6. If Israel hadn’t yet responded to the attack then this cunt was not acting in retaliation, he was celebrating.

    And as he didn’t know the religion of the unfortunate man that he murdered then it makes you wonder if all the problems in the Middle East are just down to colour of the skin.

    This sand Pákí didn’t care if the guy that he murdered was Jewish or not.
    He was white, so that’s good enough.

    It says a lot about the current state of the British legal system that his lawyer thought it was a reasonable defence to excuse the murderer on the grounds that he was enraged about events in a country thousands of miles away which people in the UK had absolutely nothing to do with.

    The UK, where you have millions of these mad, racist cunts but where it’s an offence to call one the P word.

  7. I don’t know how you can be so mean to one of these bearded children.

    Probably pissed off because his goat turned him down…again

  8. North Africans are some if the very worst vermin in the world.

    Whichever pen pushing cunts waved this piece of shit through should be imprisoned and forfeit their pensions,possessions as a lesson to the army of appeasing arseholes we have running the country.

    Repeat offences by these cunts should lead to a firing squad.

    Diversity is a lie and those perpetuating it need learning.

    Lessons will be learned..

    By Oven.

  9. Inbred cunt. Round the lot of them up and take then on a lovely holiday to Christmas island. Then nuke the fucking weirdo grooming cunts.

  10. I had to laugh at this detail;

    ‘The court heard a panic button was pressed multiple times but was not working, and Alid’s solicitor who was also in the room called 999 to say they were “stuck in a room with a terror suspect”.

    Wasn’t working. Like everything else in the public sector.

  11. Evolved as far as they can go, just fucking tanned retards!
    What was that Devo said about too many chromosomes

  12. A Moroccan ‘asylum seeker’.
    I wonder if the 14 million tourists due to visit Morocco this year know it’s a war-torn failed state from which poor Ahmed had to flee.

  13. I’m more shocked that he was found guilty of murder..

    I thought that was impossible these days, sorry let me rephrase that..
    I thought it was impossible for sand rats and darkies to be convicted of murder..

    It’s the mental health you know.

  14. I’m more shocked that he was found guilty of murder..

    I thought that was impossible these days, sorry let me rephrase that..
    I thought it was impossible for sand rats and dàrkiès to be convicted of murder..

    It’s the mental health you know.

  15. Slightly O/T but on the subject of Gaza…

    How enjoyable to see the bedwetting millennial wokeists throwing their toys out of the pram over Israel getting into the Euro Faggotfest Final. I’m minded to break the habit of a lifetime by switching it on tomorrow just to vote for the Yids.

    I suppose it’s too much to hope for them to win, but as long as they beat our own Britain-loathing bum boy that’ll be good enough for me.

  16. I note Ahmed Aldi is wearing a North Face t-shirt.

    He must be one of these people of colour facing barriers accessing the countryside due to racism and white privilege.

    • Yeah up Snowdon in sandals and pyjamas.

      Only a matter of time till one of the worshippers of Allah is found at the bottom of a ledge with crows pecking his carcass.

      Nature1-Allah 0

      • I’ve seen the crows stripping the carcasses of lambs on the Welsh hills Mis. They invariably start with the eyes. Bring it on!

  17. Oh dear, I’ve been moderated. Let’s try again but without the racial and sexual slurs….

    Slightly O/T, but how enjoyable to see the bedwetting, millennial wokeists throwing their toys out of the pram over Israel getting into the Euro F@ggotfest Final. I’m minded to break the habit of a lifetime by switching it on just to vote for those missing a foreskin.

    I suppose it’s too much to hope for them to win, but as long as they beat our Britain-loathing @rse bandit that’s good enough for me.

    • The Swedish Police are itching for a box up. There’s a whole bunch of them planted in the ‘audience’. I really hope it kicks off, the limp-wristers will get a melting.

      Then the local snack-bar filth will start their traditional car burning.


    • Well, the Eurovision Phag Contest was tiotally rigged for the Ukraine to win, wasn’t it?

      I hope Israel totally piss it. So nunerous cunts like Lineker, the Beeb and the like all explode.

  18. Swing them by the neck off Tower Bridge live on TV, then bury their families alive, then fill the pit with rancid pig’s nut batter. Then watch how fast it stops.

    If our navy had the power to blast them into pieces should they enter our waters, we wouldn’t have all this. I truly believe our government needs to be tried for treason. How many m..ders, r.pes, t attacks etc etc have been committed since those in charge have facilitated an open door policy for the filth of the world. Imagine how any one of us would feel if our loved ones suffered at the hands of one of these cockroaches. We’d want justice. They’ve failed to protect us. Indeed, they’re directly responsible and complicit in every act of barbarism acted out by these sub-humans.

    Diversity is our strength? It makes me sick.

    • To even make a start on getting rid of these cunts, we have to rid ourselves of our MPs, Civil Service and immigration lawyers.

  19. 40,000 plus on the terror watch list, the list includes a few far right just to show there isn’t any prejudice against the peacefuls.
    Up from a figure of 23000 a couple of years ago and this cunt wasn’t even on Ze List!

    You can bet there are a damn sight more now with all the cunts arriving across the channel spurred on by the scuffle in Gaza.

    Dark times are coming!

      • The spooks (not the sooty ones) should get ready, enough drones to attack every single mosque in the country, enter all the coordinates and a synchronised attack on a Friday at 1pm.

        That will be a good start 😂

  20. As Mr Twatt pointed out earlier, until these cunts start to settle in latteland fuck all will change!
    Not only do those in power not give a fuck about a Hartlepool pensioner, they don’t give a fuck about any of us!
    It’s all too easy to be uber inclusive when you are disaffected.

  21. Just how many of these fucking animals are walking our towns being showered with benefits looking for people to kill?

    Hoo-eee, what a bunch of cunts.

  22. Many jails are ‘run’ by Mudslimes, he’ll get a hero’s welcome. Try deport followed by a large nuke on the country of origin.
    Problem solved.
    The end.

    • We could probably dispose of 90% of them with one large bomb on London. Although I’d drop one just for the hell of it.

      • Can’t argue with that.
        “Drop the bomb, exterminate them all” *

        *Col. Kurtz.

  23. What that BBC report singularly failed (deliberately?) to mention was that from 2007 Alid had sought asylum in 13 different countries, including Germany, Spain and Italy, before boarding a ferry from Holland to Britain in 2020.
    Unbelievably he then spent 3 years living in Hull before being given a shared accommodation place in Hartlepool with the unfortunate Mr Nouri, a Christian who he subsequently attempting to murder him in his sleep.
    According to Nouri, while waiting for his claim to be assessed, Alid viewed terrorist videos and would sit in the kitchen glaring at him with a knife in his hands.
    Nouri reported him to the police and the property company as “highly dangerous and an extreme Muslim.”
    Nothing was done.
    On October the 7th, Alid laughed and revelled at the Hamas massacre of innocent Israelis.
    Once again, the Home Office has blood on their hands, as they did with acid throwing scumbag Abdul Ezedi and so many others over the years.
    Clearly, lessons are never learned.
    Fuck them.

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