BBC Radio 2 and Radio 3 (3)

Radio 2, (can chuck 3, 4 and 5 in there as well I guess but for different reasons). Therefore I’ll stick to Radio 2 or myself for being an old cunt.

I know that I’m a sarcastic moaning old cunt but these days there is fuck all to listen to on the car radio. 3 is full of violins and bints screeching in a foreign language. 4 fuck me, gardeners world and women talking bollocks about fuck all and of course the political bias. 5 Nicky cunt Campbell or it was the last time I tuned into it some years ago. Now back 10 or 15 years ago you could listen to some actual music on Radio 2 and most of the DJ’s were funny and not up their own arse kind. (Kennedy and Wogan for example).

Nowadays sadly radio 2 sounds just like radio 1; cliché DJ’s spouting, well clichés and the music sounds like chimps banging furniture together interspersed with the “ODD” base line and synth cord.

Then again it could be me that’s at fault and not keeping up with the times.

Nah fuck that Radio 2 is a cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

And on a similar topic but different radio station, here’s one from Fuckwittery

BBC Radio 3

Oh, I dunno.

I tune into R3 for a bit of peace and quiet because it broadcasts Classical music without ads (and a bit of Opera – which frankly they can keep). Some genres of Classical music transport me away to a different era, much like walking in an old forest: you could be in any place or time. The relief at escaping the present and its fucktarded shambles is measurable.

Problem is, classical music (dare I say like much of Western civilisation) is populated with white Europeans. What is the BBC to do?! Why come up with programming which contorts itself in its efforts to get away from old whitey males and include ‘narratives from contemporary perspectives’ etc fucking blah and so we get rap and commentary on offensive statues on a Sunday evening. On BBC Radio 3, the classical music station.

For fucks’ sake, is there no fucking escape?! I’ve listened to Radio 1 xtra, Kiss fm and so on in the past, I don’t actually mind the music. But I object to it being shoe-horned into a channel which is for Classical music. It’s indicative of the politicisation of every pissing area of life and an agenda to which none were asked whether we wished to sign up for.

Rant over. As you were. Fuck the BBC and all like them, the cunts. Happy St George’s day + 1.

BBC Programmes