Katsuyori Shibata

I nominate Katsuyori Shibata for being a stupid daft cunt.

For the uninitiated, Shibata is a Japanese pro wrestler, in Japan they prefer to use a wrestling style that is more stiff (i.e they make their moves and strikes, etc hit a lot harder than they should in a worked environment) in order to make what they do look more realistic than what you would see in the WWE.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with working stiff to a degree, but alas, in Japan they have a tendency to go a bit overkill in these things, Japanese pro wrestling in the late 90s was notorious for often descending into flat out head-drop fests which inevitably took a horrendous toll on said pro wrestlers who were on the receiving end of these moves.

Now, in a match with an opponent a number of months ago, Shibata decided to do a spot where he attacks his foe with a series of unprotected headbutts. It ended disastrously. For Shibata that it is. For he collapsed after the match and ended up in hospital where it was revealed he suffered a subdural haematoma and was left temporarily paralyzed down his entire right side. The man nearly died from this. Now he has recovered somewhat but this brain injury has ended the man’s career.

So why, might my fellow cunters ask, am I cunting Katsuyori Shibata? My answer is this – nearly killing yourself in a worked, or if you like, fake, wrestling matching via One. Measly. Heabutt. Spot. is pretty fucking stupid in my opinion.

Was it worth it Shibata? Was it worth wrecking your health and ending your in ring career over one spot in a match you stupid daft cunt?!

Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister