Joe Biden [14]

Sleepy Joe Biden article :

Sleepy Joe Biden… or is he the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz ?

“Putin must not remain in power !”
‘was the President of the United States calling for a regime change in Russia?’ asked the media
“ahem… no, er definately not” came the reply from the US state dept underling “when the President said Putin must go, he actually meant Putin must stay” – because we all think that’s a good idea, don’t we ! ! !

Why are the US and all the western leaders shit scared of Putin. They won’t say it, but we are being led towards a ceasefire being signed. Will Putin be ousted ?
Will he face war crimes charges in the hague ? No, he won’t – and we all know it.

The only armistace Putin will agree to, will include :-
He gets parts of the Ukraine he wanted all along ; All the sanctions are lifted ; Ukraine never joins Nato ; He get’s to have killed thousands in a war he started, faces no consequences, and he will still try to assinate Zelensky, meddle in the Ukraine Gov’t and do whatever he likes.

Sleppy Joe and the West “we are behind you Ukraine” .. several hundred miles behind you ….

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

Joe Biden [13]

Creepy Joe Biden.

This Uber cunt has proved yet again, to be unfit for office. Is there nothing this senile old wanker can’t fuck up?

The hair sniffing cunt has said “ How did we get to the place where, you know, Putin just decides he’s gonna invade *RUSSIA*? Something like this hasn’t happened since World War 2.”

There is no hope.

Twitter Biden Link

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe

Joe Biden’s Mother

Joe Biden ( Mainly his family of plastic paddies)

I fucking hate Plastic Paddies. Especially American Cunts who think because they have a spec of Irish Blood that they shit shamrocks, piss Guinness must hate the British and love “the cause”.

Basically Biden allegedly said his Mother refused to sleep in a bed at a hotel that was once used by the Queen. I thought alright bit bigoted but she may from Ireland back when it was fighting for its independence and its civil war. Nope she was born in fucking PENNSYLVANIA, good old US Of A!

I bet she never took a walk down the streets of Belfast during the troubles. Look in the eyes of the widows, orphans whose relatives died because of “the cause”.

It was Yanks like this who helped fund and arm the IRA during the Troubles which dried up after 9/11 right when IRA said they lay down their arms for good. Funny that, looks like the Plastic Paddy gravy train stopped.

Biden hates us just like Barry Obama over stupid bullshit that happened years in the past.

It boils me piss.

Nominated by: Twatus Cuntus

A side note worth mentioning from arfurbrain:

Hope he knows (and she knew) that Pennsylvania was named after admiral William Penn who was as English as me.

Joe Biden (11) and his “Beast”

Now that the COP26 climate change summit is finally underway in Glasgow, it’s really heart-warming and refreshing to see the sacrifices being made by the great and the good to set an example to us little people.

Take good ol’ ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden for example. He’s thoughtfully arranged to stay in Edinburgh, so he’s only got to travel some forty miles or so to attend the gig. He’s being transported in a most eco-friendly vehicle, so modest that it’s jokingly and ironically referred to as ‘The Beast’ by his entourage. This vehicle is so fuel efficient that it manages to do an incredible eight miles to the gallon.

Ever mindful of the need to lead where you wish others to follow, ‘Sleepy’ Joe has ordered his delegation to minimise its carbon footprint, so his cavalcade must never exceed twenty vehicles, and no more than one escorting helicopter is permitted.

I think we get the message loud and clear, Mr President. In the fight against climate change, it behoves all of us to make sacrifices.

We’re. All. In. This. Together.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee