The National Debt

Deficits by chancellor

We are so fucked. Bond interest is about 0.4% per annum (and about 1.5% for 5 year bonds). If interest rates go up to the level of inflation -about 3%, interest payments will go up 7.5 times, and Britain will default (or start printing money like Zimbabwe).

Meanwhile the Tory cunts want to build some £250 million railway that nobody wants, and that will serve no sensible purpose, for £35 billion (so they can thieve £millions each from taxpayers and put future generations of ordinary people in even more cunt debt).

MPs are cunts – they have sold off all our assets to foreign shylocks (so we pay 3 times more for fuel, water, etc. than countries with mixed economies who have collective ownership of essential utilities), they have borrowed to buy elections (and to thieve for themselves), and they have destroyed and defiled everything that made Britain pleasant and wholesome.

Nominated by: Debtor