Emergency cunting to the smarmy faced granny fucking globalist cock sucking cunt Emmanuel Macron.So Macron wants to make wolf whistling illegal and punishable by a fine.Of course Manny cares about women (he doesn`t want his granny wife and side bitch Merkel wolf whistled at after all):P.He cares about women so much that he has allowed unsustainable amounts of peaceful refugees who have killed women and girls and whose culture treats women little better than cattle.So instead of saying shut the borders to stop our women getting groped and raped in the street like Cologne Sweden etc let me grandstand and virtue signal by fining people for flirting.What an utterly contemptible slimy disingenuous cuntbag this frog is.I wonder if he is against men lusting after beautiful women as his wife looks like Gail Platt with her face smashed through a windscreen at 80mph.Bet this cunt lets a little whistle out when visiting nursing homes.He is also constantly badmouthing Brexit and Britain`s weakness despite the French being renowned for rolling over and surrendering.
Nominated by Shaun