Let us have a truth is stranger than fiction cunting for the Zizian Death Cult of High Tech, Vegan, Trannsexual Vampires.
This story is bizarre and disturbing even by Cunt Engine standards.
In September of 2022 an obituary was posted in a local newspaper for one Jack Amadeus LaSota who fell overboard and (presumably) drowned in the Pacific Ocean. His body was never recovered.
Cross the continent and fast forward to January 2025, and two US Border Agents and one suspect are killed in a shootout in Vermont. At some point another suspect was captured.
From that point on these 2 stories intersect and what unfolds becomes frighteningly surreal.
The Border Agents were killed by members of the Zizian Death Cult, a group of Vegan Transexual High Tech Vampires. Their leader is none other than the aforementioned Jack LaSota aka Ziz…the Ziz in Zizian…who as it turns out is not dead after all.
This High Tech Vegan Vampire Tranny is said to be responsible for (at least) 6 deaths across the nation.
Back in 2019 before it disappeared, it seems as though Ziz and it’s associate Felix “Ophelia” Baukaut, started attracting followers when they began a kind of Vampiresque / High Tech Blog talking about hacking and the undead.
Given what I know about vampires, the blood and vegan thing seems a little odd to me but who am I to question a genius.
Anyway, Ziz along with 3 other accomplices left civilization, donned black robes and Gut Fawkes masks and went into the wilderness to write their manifesto.
From there the story gets even weirder (if you can imagine that). When they emerged, they become involved in some kind of kiddie creeper protests that resulted in criminal action against them. At the time it’s defense attorney…one Daniel Kapleovitz said of Ziz:
“LaSota seemed like a very kind and thoughtful person who cared about animals and protested against injustice.”
I’m not sure that Attny Kapleovitz is a very good judge of character. I have a hard time just getting past the whole High Tech, Vegan, Tranny, Vampire thing.
Be that as it may…
As the case dragged on it seems Ziz got involved in a murder and was forced to fake it’s own death and go underground. (No vampire / undead / buried in it’s native soil pun intended.)
Now, six years later, thanks to the capture of one of the Transpires, Ziz has been arrested and is being held in connection with at least 6 murders…including the execution style murders of 2 people (aged 69 and 71) in Pennsylvania and one Samurai sword killing (age 80) in California.
I’m going to stop now and provide you with a 2 in 1 link from the Daily Mail so you can read the story for yourselves:
I say 2 in 1 because this link is a story about Zis’ arrest with a little background information. If you click the link in the first paragraph; “Bay Area vegan trans ‘death cult” it will take you to a previous story with more detailed background information.
As dark and disturbing as this story is there is some good news.
Remember Opheila? It was shot dead by police…presumably by a silver bullet or a garlic filled hollow point.
And the 80 year old guy who got stabbed with the Samurai Sword…the old guy went down fighting and shot one of his attackers dead. Ditto the bullet.
And according to some accounts, there is at least one survivor of the Death Cult’s attacks who can give evidence and testify against them.
I’m almost at a loss for words. Truth really is stranger than fiction and it seems blatantly superfluous to say that the Zizian Death Cult of High Tech Transexual Vegan Vampires are cunts.
Nominated by General Cuntster.