Men’s ‘Daisy Dudes’ Hot Pants


A ‘hello honky tonk’ cunting for Chinese ‘fast fashion’ giant Shein, which is retailing denim hot pants for men.

A superb casual look for the summer I’m sure you’ll agree, and sure to be particularly popular with those light on their feet during Pride Month.

Just between us, I’m thinking of buying a pair, purely for wearing privately around the house, you’ll understand. The sight of my tight backside in those will almost certainly drive the wife into a frenzy.

Does anybody know where I can pick up a t-shirt like the one the guy in the photos is wearing? I think I’ll need it to maximise the effect. She won’t know what’s hit her.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

Hollywood going on strike

is a cunt.

Oh no!!
Time to panic!
Hollywood is going on strike!!

Thousands of film and TV actors are to go on strike with industrial action being called by luvvie union Sag Aftra.

Premieres and award shows will be effected,
With token black actors and topical trans actors failing to get their egos massaged.

CGI superhero nonsense will grind to a halt that we wouldn’t of watched anyway.
Hard times.

People already are struggling with the price of cocaine and rent boys,
And plastic surgery will be effected.

Rumours are the Scientologists are preparing emergency advocado face masks to the poor of Beverly hills.


Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

More on this item below firstly from Norman and then the Duke of Cuntshire.

Anyone see those Hollywood cunt trumpets playing at unions and going on strike?
Walking out of that film premiere the other day. I am sure that the cost of living crisis is really putting the bite on them, isn’t it? I bet Cillian Cunty, Emily Cunt and those other luvvie bellends don’t even look at their bills and food costs, what a bunch of bastards. If these pampered pisspot poodles were at Orgreave or Wapping, their arses would have fallen out after copiously shitting themselves.

And as for Hollyweird ‘actors’ being replaced by robots, what would be the fucking difference? Most of the fuckers can’t act and do woke shit anyway.

‘We’ve left the premiere early to write our picket signs’.

Do fuck off.

Hollywood going on strike.
I thought this was some sort of joke when I first heard it, but it seems to be fact.

Hollywood going on strike.
I thought this was some sort of joke when I first heard it, but it seems to be fact.

Daily Fail


Peter Tatchell


Big brave Peter. Yes Peter attempted to make a citizen’s arrest on Mugabe and got a slap from his bodyguards. Yes , he went to Moscow and got battered before the coppers rescued him.

Yes he went into a Church of England service and started screaming about gay rights before the coppers turned up. Oh what a fucking hero.

I might have some respect for this bender when he goes into a Mosque and starts shouting the odds. Ain’t gonna happen is it? …….because he’ll get his fucking head cut off. Those cunts don’t fuck about, we all know that. Fuck off back to Australia you wanker and shut the fuck up while you’re doing it.

Sky news

Nominated by Freddie the Frog.

“Moz” Hossain

A Blue ribbon cunting please for one of the three “Conservative” (?) London Mayoral Candidates. Can this quivering heap of Remaner jelly be the best even Sunak can offer?. He, like Khant, is a great self publicist, and just to prove how low he will go he started grizzling when he was talking about his late mum a few days ago:

What a load of self indulgent bullshit!

Perhaps the idea of a Pakistani Bambi figure will tickle the teardrops of some Londoners, but there is something very unseemly in crying for the cameras. If he is selected (and I BET he is), you can just imagine the hysterics when he looses. He will have Mrs May playing the violin for him.

No flowers, by request.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Idris Elba,

is a cunt, isn’t he?

What can you do if you’re too old, too boring, and too untalented to play James Bond.

Claim, “wayy-ciistm”.

The name’s Dull. Terribly dull. Licensed to play the race card.

Stick to shitty adverts for Sky, you chippy, Jack-of-no-trades cunt.


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.