Hamas and the UK Left wing support for them

Hamas are terrorist cunts and we all know it.
Their recent murder of Israeli citizens is sickening, and will hardly further their cause.

Unless of course you’re a member of the UK Labour party, who refuse to condemn the Hamas murdering, seem to support it, and find other ways to describe it.
Just as pathetic is the BBC who describe the terrorists as militants, because it is in keeping with their policies. Who’d have thought it.

If you value your TV screen, under no circumstances watch Jeremy Corbyn’s opinion on the situation.

Daily Fail

Nominated by the Duke of Cuntshire.

Jacinda Ardern (6)

…a horse faced cunt who after being put out to pasture (so to speak) by the Kiwi electorate needs to be sent off to the glue factory.

But no! These wannabe totalitarian types never go away and true to form rather than retire after her unpopular policies forced her from elected office, she joined the ranks of other evil leaders in un-elected office.

Not content with indoctrinating young people at Harvard University (where she was recently given a fellowship) and true to her desire to control the Great Unwashed, she joined forces with one of the truly great liars of all time at the Tony Blair Institute for Lies, Misinformation, Disinformation, Bullshit, Bollockry* and Global Domination.

In and of itself, allying oneself with a cunt like Blair is worthy of a cunting. But what she did today solidifies her as a stand alone, World Class cunt of Weapons Grade proportions. Speaking at the United Nations she called for an end to free speech, especially as it relates to Climate Change.


To quote the article:

“In her speech, she notes that we cannot allow free speech to get in the way of fighting things like climate change. She notes that they cannot win the war on climate change if people do not believe them about the underlying problem. The solution is to silence those with opposing views. It’s that simple.”

Jesus H. Christ Himself in a Soviet Gulag! What has this world come to when a Maoist and Mrs. Ed look alike can publicly call for an end to people speaking their minds…let alone partake in an open debate…and there’s no public outrage?

Actually, there’s a small part of me that hopes she’s right about climate change. I’d like nothing more than a strong Wizard of Oz style wind to pick up a house, twirl it through the air, and drop it right on her Totalitarian Ass. (Maybe in her case a barn might be more appropriate.)

Hopefully, she’ll be in a threesome with Tony and Cherie when it lands. That’s one Only Fans video I’d pay to see.

*More bastardized English.
**Did anyone else notice the headline and the link both misspelled her name?

Nominated by General Cuntster.

Anal Sex

It probably looks pretty good in p0rn films with a girl getting double or even triple plugged. And it has to be said a young woman’s arse is one of the Wonders of the World!

However, I have only ever indulged in anal sex 3 times over the last 40 odd years, and not one of them turned out as well as you see in those very same films.

The first time was when I was about 18, drunk after a cranky party and ended up in bed with a girl called Emma. Very much a one night stand, but despite that for the first 30 odd minutes we went through the usual positions until for whatever reason I shoved my dick in her arsehole while she was on all 4s presenting herself to me.

It hurt both of us like hell and of course she simply wasn’t ready for such an invasion, as I found out when I pulled out!!

2nd time, I was in my 30s. Very much the same scenario as before, but on this occasion the woman had done anal before and could easily accommodate me. But I still found it not only painful but also a right old turn off. And that was that.

The final time was just a few months ago with the wife. This time we did our homework and did all the necessary “prep work” before hand But again it just didn’t do anything for me and I soon ended the idea.

So yeah, watching a girl getting plugged up the arse looks good on film, but the reality is far far different – at least for me.

Nominated by Technocunt.

Selfishness Taken To The Extreme

This cunt, Taylor Moss, crashed his car on the way to the airport for a holiday in Tenerife………ok, but he left THREE people in the wreckage with life changing injuries.

He then legged it with his girlfriend to continue with his holiday. Said Cunt has just been sentenced to Three years inside, not fucking long enough…… CUNT


Nominated by Paul.

Royal fans (2)

I’d like to nominate ‘Royal fans’ and the newspaper stories where they ‘go wild’ because Kate Middleton had a ladybird land on her arm or some other such innocuous nonsense.

The royal family, like all truly rich people, utterly despise their subjects and quite rightly so. The average Ant and Dec or Strictly watching, shopping at Iceland moron ought to be abhorred.

Even if you think they like you, they don’t, as bloodnutted royal arse-kisser Nicholas Witchell found out when he heard then Prince Charles referring to him as ‘that awful man’.

Does King Charles have even an ounce of respect for the flunky who wipes his backside for him or puts the toothpaste on his brush? Of course not.

This lot are even more pathetic than the sort of twat who worships regular celebrities, who might, at least, acknowledge where they’ve come from.

Grow a spine and stop simpering over chinless inbreds who’d step over you if you were having a heart attack without even thinking to order their servant to call you an ambulance.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine.