Unprecedented Pressure

A proper cunting and no mistake. Students are being turfed out of their digs to make way for our beloved dinghy riders. A cause of righteous outrage. Check out what The Sun says in the link below.

Apparently, according to the Home Office, the asylum system is “under unprecedented pressure”! What fucking system is that? You may well ask. Is it the one that lets thousands of cunts in every fucking week? Whose fucking fault is that? Would that be the leftie, civil servant, fuck-witted cunts at the Home Office?

Maybe now the consequences of the Government’s open door policy are hitting students they will stop being hand-wringing apologists for any old woke shite and start acting like grown-ups in waiting. I look forward to their first anti-immie demo. We live in hope rather than expectation.

Meanwhile, the NHS could be “overwhelmed” this winter. Proper shocking. Bet you never thought that would happen. What can be the cause? Go on, take a guess…

The Sun

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

Cycling Mikey

Have we done this cunt?

He is a self-appointed guardian of London’s roads, at least as annoying and unwelcome as ulez. His MO is to slide up alongside unsuspecting motorists and film them using their phones, even when they are stationary in traffic. Often during rush hours when people are phoning ahead to say they are late.

He also parks himself on the wrong side of the road and stops cars and vans from turning right at a busy junction. In his arrogant seth afrikaan accent he commands the vehicles in question to reverse and join the proper queue whilst advising them they will be reported to met police online and will be getting a summons in the post. In addition he lambasts all his victims, telling they are terrible human beings and should be ashamed. He uses sarcasm with comments such as “did you get your licence from a Christmas cracker” and similar insults. Some motorists don’t take this very well. He has stopped doctors and even ambulances but ignores any infringements by fellow cyclists, claiming they could fall off and injure themselves. However, he doesn’t apply this logic to motorcyclists.

Now I am not condoning people who commit technical driving offences. We shouldn’t be using our phones on the move, nor taking shortcuts on the wrong side of the road. But this sanctimonious little snitch irritates me to hell. He pokes his nose in where it’s not invited. He causes people to get 6 points on their licence and possibly banned, losing their livelihood. He delights in humiliating drivers who are just trying to navigate their way around overcrowded capital roads. He sees himself as a national hero, supported by the likes of Jeremy Vile and other car haters.

The dice is already loaded against motorists especially those powered by ICE. We don’t need sanctimonious pricks like this rubbing salt into the wounds.


YouTube Link.
(Hoisted by his own petard video link provided by our Motoring Correspondent, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by Lord Helpus.

Lauryn Hill Overkill

What a load of cunt.

All over the internet and the MSM, the 25th anniversary of ‘The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill’ is being gushed over and celebrated. Why, is the obvious response.
Well female and black answers that one. Naturally, the BBC and Grauniad are front runners, but even sites like Discogs are joining in the woke arse kissing.

For a start, it’s nothing special. Hill was part of the Fugees. Three middle class pillocks playing at being ‘refugees’ and ‘urban guerillas’. They are now known for a Roberta Flack cover. Hardly cutting edge stuff, that.

Hill put out a solo album. It came out and that was that. But now 25 years later, it’s being lauded as some pioneering masterpiece, and – as is the BBC’s wont – making out it’s the first and only black artist to ever make a record. The amount of great black artists is considerable. Aretha Franklin, Nina Simone, Stevie Wonder, Lena Horne, Smokey Robinson, all the Motown greats, the Stax people. Where would Hill rate in a real list of such acts? But, according these cunts, Hill’s album tops the lot. Another media twat compares Hill’s ‘impact’ to that of Bob Marley and the Wailers. Ludicrous.

One of the more ludicrous sycophantic BBC statements is ‘Hill brought Hip Hop to the mainstream’. Didn’t Grandmaster Flash, Sugarhill Gang, Run DMC, Eric B and Rakim, Beastie Boys and even Malcolm McLaren do that years ago? If anything, Hip Hop’s major MTV breakthrough was the team up between Run DMC and Aerosmith. These woke cunts just make things up to fit their views. No matter how untrue it is.

Loads of links for this, but I’ll put the Discogs one on.


Nominated by Norman.

“Bang, Bang, you’re Unalive”

Seems that today’s TikTok savvy yoof are using “unalive” in their conversations rather than “dead”, primarily to get round the algorithmic censors on social media sites that block certain words that might be deemed hurtful, distressing or even in extreme cases posts that deal with violent/sexual imagery.

Familiar words such as “death”, “dead”, “suicide”, “rape”, “die” are now deemed offensive by some sites, and the algorithms that these sites use are for ever being finely tuned to block such words from being published.

Therefore, kids and twentysomethings have had to adapt by using alternatives such as “unalive” (“death”) or “mascara” (to describe rape or sexual assault).

We really are living in a touchy-feely world when social media sites have decided to block not just the more obvious offensive words, but are now going even further just in case it might unhinge someone if the real word is published.

Therefore, if ever post “I wish I was dead” on a social media site, it could very well be blocked. Instead just say “I wish I was unalive” and you’ll be fine!

abc news

Nominated by Technocunt with a seconding by Cuff Chugger below.

I would like to second this nomination, and also add to it. Not so much the blocking of certain words (although that does happen im my example as well) but not only word ‘censorship’ but online comments censorship….ie the removal of the ability to comment about certain news stories. My local online newspaper allow ‘readers’ to comment. Its not a free for all…you do have to register to comment. However over recent years and months the increase in categroies of stories that then deem you are not allowed to leave comments on has constantly increased.

Generally, these categories include news reports which mention;

Immigrants ( i am in the SE, so there are a plethora of stories relating the constant stream of illegals entering our shores)

Gyppo travellers

Crimes committed by anyone, other that a white person.

Anything relating to the alphabet lot

These are just a few categories, but they are increasing.

The paper is happy to open comments on stories relating to feckless white council dwellers, petty non stories about elderly people losing a cat or being scammed and people who find half a maggot in an apple from tescos….these are all fair game for piss taking disparaging comments…as long as the subjects are white of course.

All this censorship and cancellation of others opinions to silence the majority still further is getting beyond a joke.

And don’t get me started on the bbc and their comments criteria!!

Link beow provided by Barry zuckercunt.


The Police Watchdog

A cunting for the police watchdog for even considering investigation of the 2 police officers who were in the area when 2 Ely scumbags, riding an illegal electric bike at speed into the front of a bus.
Maybe I have this wrong but even if plod were chasing this pair of weasels, isn’t that their job, to try and rid us of pieces of hyena shit like this, furthermore the fact that they decided to foxtrot Oscar at speed at managed to hit a huge orange bus is somehow the fault of the police.

Then the residents of Ely decide to riot and wreck the place, now these dumb fuckers have to live there so leave the place damaged in my opinion, fuck them all.

The scrotes brought it on themselves, maybe it would have been better if the parents hadn’t bought them the top of the range drug dealers leccy bike of choice, maybe they would still be committing petty crimes to this day if they were on foot.

But in all fairness how can the police be blamed for this and investigating the coppers is total madness and what is it going to mean for future policing…

south wales argus

Nominated by Fuglyucker.