Seems that today’s TikTok savvy yoof are using “unalive” in their conversations rather than “dead”, primarily to get round the algorithmic censors on social media sites that block certain words that might be deemed hurtful, distressing or even in extreme cases posts that deal with violent/sexual imagery.
Familiar words such as “death”, “dead”, “suicide”, “rape”, “die” are now deemed offensive by some sites, and the algorithms that these sites use are for ever being finely tuned to block such words from being published.
Therefore, kids and twentysomethings have had to adapt by using alternatives such as “unalive” (“death”) or “mascara” (to describe rape or sexual assault).
We really are living in a touchy-feely world when social media sites have decided to block not just the more obvious offensive words, but are now going even further just in case it might unhinge someone if the real word is published.
Therefore, if ever post “I wish I was dead” on a social media site, it could very well be blocked. Instead just say “I wish I was unalive” and you’ll be fine!
abc news
Nominated by Technocunt with a seconding by Cuff Chugger below.
I would like to second this nomination, and also add to it. Not so much the blocking of certain words (although that does happen im my example as well) but not only word ‘censorship’ but online comments censorship….ie the removal of the ability to comment about certain news stories. My local online newspaper allow ‘readers’ to comment. Its not a free for all…you do have to register to comment. However over recent years and months the increase in categroies of stories that then deem you are not allowed to leave comments on has constantly increased.
Generally, these categories include news reports which mention;
Immigrants ( i am in the SE, so there are a plethora of stories relating the constant stream of illegals entering our shores)
Gyppo travellers
Crimes committed by anyone, other that a white person.
Anything relating to the alphabet lot
These are just a few categories, but they are increasing.
The paper is happy to open comments on stories relating to feckless white council dwellers, petty non stories about elderly people losing a cat or being scammed and people who find half a maggot in an apple from tescos….these are all fair game for piss taking disparaging comments…as long as the subjects are white of course.
All this censorship and cancellation of others opinions to silence the majority still further is getting beyond a joke.
And don’t get me started on the bbc and their comments criteria!!
Link beow provided by Barry zuckercunt.