The Rape Gangs Scandal


It’s the national scandal that Sir ‘TwoTier Keir’ and his merry band would give anything to go away and wither on the vine. Yes, keep hoping, you cunts.

It’s now public knowledge that so-called ‘grooming gangs’ (mostly men of Pakistani origin) have been systematically abusing young white girls, some as young as eleven, for donkey’s years. Calls have been growing ever louder for a full scale public inquiry to establish the true scale of the problem, with the number of victims potentially running into thousands, even tens of thousands. Such an inquiry would also establish the extent of complicity of councillors, police, social workers and the CPS in allowing such activity to continue, and even attempting to cover it up.

Daily Fail

I don’t actually think that it takes much imagination to figure out why there have been so many attempts to brush this whole issue under the carpet. Nobody wanted to be accused of racism or Islamophobia. But this doesn’t wash anymore. Now our spineless government has just ‘whipped’ its MPs to vote against an inquiry, claiming amongst other things that we’ve just had one (the Jay Report, which was of course NOT a specific investigation into the rape gangs outrage). To make matters even worse, our weasel of a PM has also tried to dodge the issue by saying that it would give succour to ‘the far right’ (yes, them again), a line picked up by Wes Streeting MP. My response to this is ‘bollocks’. Labour wants this buried for simple political expediency; the government has shat its nappy at the thought of alienating the Muslim vote.

It makes you want to vomit. But at least there are encouraging signs that the dam will continue to burst around the government, with the Labour MPs for Rotherham and Rochdale now calling for an inquiry;

the sun

Keir Starmer and his government should hang their heads in shame, but I suspect that they wouldn’t know shame if a shipload of it fell through the roof of the House of Commons. I call them out as cynical, amoral cunts who place top priority on their responsibility to themselves and their own positions, and who spit in the eyes of the electorate

Nominated by Ron Knee.



Guaranteed to lose at least a stone in 24 hrs. C.A.

I would like to cunt a product called Movi-prep, for my fellow cunters who haven’t had the pleasure of this yet I will enlighten you.
Movi-prep is the chemical feast that you are given to clean you out before a colonoscapie.
So it begins with two sets of sachets that you mix into a whole litre of water and then drink, so it’s lemon flavoured slimy shit that makes you want to gag, but if you don’t keep it down, it won’t do it’s job and you can’t have your procedure done.
10 mins into holding this down, the stomach rumbling, gurgling, burping, farting starts, followed a quick carefull skip to the loo, so soon does your arse touch the seat, FUCKING WOOSH, the game begins, the whole world drops out of your arse, stuff I ate in 1985 arrived, you are literally wrung out like a fucking chamois leather, it’s like emptying an old radiator, the slightest move sparks it all off again, on the bog for 3 hours, then you stay close to the loo in the featal position just incase another shit attack is imminent, you can’t sleep just in case.
Day 2, 5 am another litre of Movi-prep, 20 minutes later rinse and repeat, it’s just liquid under pressure at this point, I’m losing the will to live, by now I’m just a costume of a man that can be hung on the back of a door.
The colonoscapie, that in all fairness was a doddle, compared to the fucking prep, once that’s done it’s time to eat, except now you have the fear that your arse may explode at any point, I’m scared to death of a sneeze or steps, or even getting in or out of the car….
Happy Xmass guys, preparation is everything….

Nominated by Fuglyucker.



Well there’s good news of sorts, and there’s er, uncertain news.

After years of war and genocide, the blood-soaked reign of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has ended, with his regime suddenly collapsing like the proverbial pack of cards. The erstwhile ‘Butcher of Damascus’ has, it appears, folded his tent and fled to the sheltering bosom of his long-term backer ‘Mad Bad Vlad’ Putin, no doubt taking along a shed load of swag with him.

I suppose that the downfall of any cunt like Assad is good news in itself, but this is tempered by the fact that so far at least, he’s managed to dodge being strung up from a lamp post.

And this brings me to the uncertainty part. Assad’s fall is bound to create a power vacuum the size of a black hole in an area already beset by war, terrorism and chaos. The vultures are no doubt ready to circle. What will be the next move on the part of a humiliated Putin? The Yanks apparently have ‘special forces’ on the ground in the country, and fearing another ISIS relaunch, have started lobbing missiles at the ‘rebels’ who’ve taken over. I’m no expert on the subject, but I’d bet that it won’t be long before factionalism and in-fighting start to occur where the ‘liberation’ forces are concerned. At the same time, Turkey, Iran and Israel will no doubt be readying themselves to join the party. Meanwhile, as more trouble develops, we can look forward to more hoards packing up and heading our way.

The Middle East. What a festering sack of shit


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Esther Rantzen (2)

I usually cunt with alacrity, but I hope you will believe me when I say I have thought long and hard about this nomination, but I feel after several long newspaper articles and interviews, I have to cunt this poor woman, for making such a career out of her dreadful illness.

Like most people I have lost friends and relatives to this unspeakable illness, and I know the distress it can cause, but ever since that ghastly bull dyke Kim Leadbitter announced her wretched “right to die” bill in Parliament (and may I remind fellow cunters Dykie Kim shouldn’t really be in Parliament, as labour broke the rules in allowing her to stand as an MP when she had been in ze party for less than six months – another occasion when “Mr. Rules” Kweer broke the rules to suit himself).

Ms Rantzen has been going on and on about the right to die. She has the money, if she so wishes, to perform this frightful act herself by going to Dignitas, but she chooses not to. I can’t help feeling, with all due respect, that it is one word for “the public” and many sentences for herself.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

‘Before You Die’


Yesterday the wife came back from a trawl around the charity shops with a gift for me that I much appreciate. It’s a copy of a weighty reference tome on films, of which I’m a lifelong devotee. The author’s purpose is to draw together a list of what he regards as un miss able films, and the book’s title is ‘1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die’.

People always seem to be drawing up these lists. You’ll find them them in the meeja, in magazines, and on line; ‘100 Books You Must Read Before You Die’, ’50 Places You Must Visit Before You Die’, ‘101 Foods You Must Eat Before You Die’, ‘1001 Albums you Must Listen To…’, ’50 Sporting Occasions You Must…’ and so on.

Fair Enough. But one thing irritates the life out of me. Why not just call the book ‘1001 Films You Must See’? What’s with the pointless melodrama of the ‘Before You Die’ bit? It stands to reason that I’ll see the film, or read the book, or eat the dish, or visit the place or whatever BEFORE I die. There’s a blindingly obvious reason why I won’t be doing it AFTER I die. I’ll be fucking DEAD.

Stupid cunts.


Nominated by Ron Knee.