Government “Plans”

I would really like it if the current “government” stopped boiling my piss by putting a moratorium on the word “plan” and “plans”. Here is ther latest example from weak as piss Pixieballs Cooper:

AOL News.

Ydes – a “plan” for giving £10m for local investigations into CSA by mainly Pakistani British men of young vulnerable girls. We all know that these local enquiries will be quietly buried, so as not to embarrass Cooper’s boss, who was DPP during many of the excesses, 2009-2014.

But – plans – £”labour has a plan was trotted out for virtually everything by Kweer and his pansies for a year or two before the election. NHS? – Labour has a plan. Illegal immigration? – Labour has a plan. Social care? – Labour has a plan.

You get my drift?

We all know now (if we didn’t know then, and many of us did) that Labour had – and has – fuck all.

Who would expect mincing be-lipsticked Wes Streeting to have any sort of plan about anything other than bum sex. Kicking social care into the long grass was his only “plan”. The same with little Yvette (did she buy those nice blue glasses herself or did Gaylord Alli buy them for her?) – I Want Some Blue Glasses For A Red Lady – any “local report/enquiry” will be sat on – probably under the massive arse of Dame Emily.

It has got to the point now that the word plan is like a red rag to a bull. I am beginning to feel – for all her bluster – that Kemi won’t be much better. She has been announcing “plans”., and you think what the fuck for. None of that Westminster shower stick to their word – or their “plans”

Nominated by W C Boggs.

79 thoughts on “Government “Plans”

  1. They’re only making plans for Nigel.
    They only want what’s best for him”…

    Ominous eh?

    I don’t trust these cunts around scissors nevermind making plans that effect our lives.

    When a politician has a plan there’s always a body count.

    It’s never good.
    They can stick their plans up their well oiled arses.

  2. New plan from jaffa cake munching lammy give Tunisia 5 million pounds to educate possible migrants..

    Tunisian government give 1000 pounds to 5000 criminals and assorted scumbags and point the way to Britain..

    Net result lammy gets fatter and stupider, taxpayers get poorer.

    • It astounds me, Barry. The fact that we, the Great British Public, sit around and continue being utterly, utterly fucked up the arse and do nothing about it.

      Democracy Manifest?

      • One of the few ways we could do to be a bit more like the French, A bit of civil organisation, getting out there and making feelings unignorable.

      • I think personally is that we the people need to ask ourselves and government ‘Do we live in a democracy or no’ if yes do as we say, if not we should gather on parliament and grab them by the throat and turf them, and charge them all with treason whether it sticks or not it will kill their political career stone dead ,as an old man now i fucking despise the whole fucking lot of them and i’ve seen some right regular fucking gobshites come and go, Enough is enough!!

      • What we need is a large shipment of firearms from the septic bretheren who wouldn’t exactly miss a couple of million surplus stocks.

    • Beat me to it Baz.
      The Mastermind that is Mammy Lammy believes teaching people English will stop them from entering the UK illegally.
      What next? A course on seaworthy boat building?

  3. Smoke and mirrors.All delusions of grandeur.They’re making “plans” instructed by The WEF.Vote Nigel.Vote Reform.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👍👍👍

  4. The only ‘plan’ the labour cunts have is how to screw even more money out of us in the spring mini budget.
    I wonder how many requests from councils to bump up council tax in excess of 5% will be rejected, answer none.

    Energy prices set to rise again in April, water bills set to rise substantially in April, Council tax to go through the roof in April.
    Not to worry because the minimum wage will go up but with the increase in employer NI business will just cut jobs or reduce hours.

    The North Sea oil and gas industry pay shit loads of tax, what is labours plan, make it impossible for them to invest so the tax revenue will go down

    Idiots with a plan will be idiotic.

    We are fucked

  5. News of Rodney meeting a voice coach during lockdown. I always thought Stephen hawking’s voice generator was buried with him.

      • He always sounds pained, as if he has just shit himself, and feels it dripping down the leg of his bloomers.

      • He always looks and sounds constipated to me.
        It’s as if he’s got a tortoise head popping out but he daren’t force it in case it tears his haemorrhoids to shreds.

  6. So the other night we were astonished at Suck Dick’s (Labour) nonchalant attitude to grooming gangs “I don’t understand what she means.”
    Now we have £10m to be put up for a series of enquiries. (Labour again) so they have heard of them, but London’s mayor hasn’t.
    I wonder where they intend to locate these enquiries? Correct, where there have been so many cases, and the common denominator with these places? Again correct.
    If you could just make out the £10m cheque payable to Triton that will be fine.
    I say chaps, over the years all this “diversity experiment stuff” seems to be getting quite expensive.

    • That, Geordie, is outstanding.

      Mate, if you spent 15 years doing whatever, and it hasn’t made a jot of difference, then it is time to call it a day.

      Either a thing works because it makes sense, or it doesn’t make sense so it doesn’t work.

      Talk about flogging a dead horse!
      Here’s a tissue, love.

      • Best save a tissue for Norman unless it changes in the next 10 minutes, United are 1-0 down at home to Palace only added time to go, ooops make that 2-0 😂

    • Oh dear, he will have to get a proper job instead of some made up bullshit 😂😂😂

      I like the way he claims making ‘your’ lives better, I think he means the useless cunts who are hired to hit the DEI target, and his life of course.

      Love it

    • Absolute comedy gold, Geordie.
      Proving to everyone, including himself, that his `consultancy` was a complete bucket of diarrhoea.

      • And his passion runs so deep he had to glance at a cheat sheet a couple of times there in the middle. Also what’s with all the movements and shifting forward and back and tonal rises etc.?

        A sore anus, maybe?

        (He looks a bit AIDS-y)

    • What an embarrassing mess.

      Soy overdose.

      I find myself regularly thinking what is the point of thesd people, and how can we get rid of them?

    • The perfect description of a soy boy in full retarded meltdown the unfortunate thing is there are plenty more were this sop came from… he’ll be ok clocking on at a real job at 6 a.m. surely 🥴…err won’t he 🤣

  7. The only government plan that would be acceptable would be mass deportation 🧳 anything else is a sham/scam/wam bam thank you taxpaying mugs fuckfest of gargantuan proportions!
    ✈️🛳️🚀 All aboard

  8. Plans are for petty bureaucrats and technicians, Government should be setting strategic aims. This is what Trump is doing with MAGA. His lieutenants then produce plans on how to get there.

    Our so-called Ministers, of whatever party, cannot think big enough, so they come up with ‘plans’. Then they wonder why they fail. The orthodoxy is never questioned eg NHS is good, fossil fuels are bad, druggies and other criminals must not be judged….

    Fuck it, it is all so fucking obvious, I am beyond giving a shit!

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  9. Mike tyson famously said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

    So form a orderly line behind me at 10 downing Street.

  10. Did Rodders plan the two impending shitstorms?

    Firstly the Complaints Handler is planning a third runway at Heathrow and Mental Ed is planning to stop the serfs flying. Rats in a sack time very soon.

    Secondly the tax rises and welfare cuts coming in the Spring. Ever heard of the Laffer Curve, Rach? No, thought not. If you were really an Economist you would have done. At least some backbenchers will be in open revolt over the welfare cuts.

    Have you got a plan for weathering that storm then Rodney? Oh yes, of course, just parrot this –
    Tory welfare cuts = Austerity
    Labour welfare cuts = Fixing the Foundations

    Give it another year and Rachel will have the IMF on speed dial.

  11. Their ‘Safer Streets’ plan is a crock of shite too.

    When you read between the lines the 13,000 additional police officers are made up of PCSO’s and special constables.

    Unfit, scruffy, diversity hires and spiteful vindictive pricks. Just like the real police then.

    • I don’t hit the O/T tangent very often, vunters, but I’ve prewatched this 3.5 minutes am about to link.

      It’s a Sunday evening after all … if anyone would like to watch some bbc anchor have DEI shit rubbed in his face 3 times one after the other as he tries to advocate for it(re:the Potomac air crash a few days ago) .. this guest makes a pure cunt of the anchor’s attempts.

      Nice to see happen from time to time.

      • vunters?, .. jesus christ!
        . also apologies WCB, .. sometimes my setup switches to ‘reply to’ as I’m posting.

      • (the vid eo above is currently running a ratio of 5044 likes, 22 dislikes).

        That’s 5044 to 22. Not a typo.

    • The original cunt of them all clearly feels emboldened and the hate baton has been given to Starmer so we simply forget his original groundwork for current events playing out.Not in a thousand years.

    • I was hoping he would of received a knighthood for his great public service, but unfortunatley knighthoods are only for Quislings these days!

      RIP Mr Martin

    • His Oirish ‘countetpart’ died 2 months ago, at 81 y.o.

      One Padraig Nally who in 2004 put some lead in a 42 y.o.piece of shit (with 80 .. EIGHTY .. burglary convictions) who came to Nally’s farm that night to rob.

      It was one of the last trips the knacker cunt ever undertook. (His next two being one to the morgue, then one to the cemetary).

      Of course, similar to Tony Martins story, Johnny Law and the knacks conspired to make his life hell thereafter …

      Same old same old.

  12. Complete arse piss,all of it

    The cunts spent 14 years spouting total guff,got elected by default and have no clue about running a bath never-ending a country.

    Democracy is a sham,our political parties are a Fifth Column and the apparatus of government is riddled with pakīs,Leftists and foreign agents.

    There is a plan,it doesn’t involve voting any more it involves turning our country into a giant welfare state coupled with Muslim majority rule.

    It’s simply treason dressed up as “problems we are planning to grip”..

    Lies of Vermin.


  13. OT. Shite at Old Trafford again. Another virtuoso display from the Black Banana.

    However, I am not arsed today. As it looks like we finally have Rashford and his black uppity shiftless arse out of fhe door.

    Only thing is, he’s supposed to be going to the Villa.
    Sorry in advance, Ron.

    • Marcus Rashford would make an ideal Labour Cabinet Minister. Promises a lot but delivers the square root of fuck all whilst given a huge paycheck and freebies.

      • And Rashford is a great spender of taxpayers money on pointless virtue signalling shit.

    • Let’s get a dance prepared for when totem pole head leaves for the Villa. Tell Ron not to worry. He’ll only be going to the local none league club Ashton Villa.

    • I’d pay to see it – I can just see the glasses askew and the rictus grin with the false teeth half way out of his mouth and the awful stink of shit as he crapped himself during the procedure. Take Mandy, Blair and Miliband with him.

    • ‘Fixing the Foundations’ boils my piss. Who comes up with this fucking shit? The foundations now look like the The Leaning Tower of Pisa after 8 months of this inept, cretinous bunch.

  14. I think the only way forward for this country is to put the entire Labour front bench in front of a team of carefully selected cunters as judges for a five minute show trial and then march the lot outside to be machine gunned ceausescu style.

  15. Gaybour have been in charge since last July.
    What exactly has that simpering pixie-headed bitch achieved since then ?
    I can’t get the thought of her rubbing her malodorous fishy pissflaps in her media -whore fat cunt of a husband’s face out of my head.🤮🤮

  16. As for Wes, how can the rosy-cheeked chubby cunt with a purdy mouth have the cheek to tell us his plans knowing that just an hour ago he was on all fours pulling his bum hole wide open whilst inviting a smelly homeless alky to ram their cheesy cock up it?

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