Comphet is a cunt

I was oblivious to comphet until I caught sight of a headline but the article itself was behind a paywall, so I googled comphet.

‘ Compulsory heterosexuality, often shortened to comphet, is the theory that heterosexuality is assumed and enforced upon people by a patriarchal, allonormative, and heteronormative society. The term was popularized by Adrienne Rich in her 1980 essay titled “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”. ’

There you go, you’re only straight because you’re forced to be, in reality you’re gay as fuck.

The lengths LBGT advocates will go to convince us and themselves they are not deviant (from the norm) is astounding, more astonishing is how this utterly toxic and destructive bullshit filters into mainstream cultural belief.

I’m not providing a link because I don’t have one but a little bit of searching will enlighten any of us .

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit link below by Jeezum Priest.


62 thoughts on “Comphet is a cunt

  1. Next, they’ll be saying that gay men who are “married” to each other and want to adopt children aren’t pædophiles.
    It’s just a 𝘤𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 that they always adopt boys.
    Nothing to investigate further, don’t worry about it.
    I dread to think of what goes on behind closed doors at those sorts of houses.
    Social services would, as ever, be about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

    • I bet Wes Streeting and his male fiance would adopt a girl, so they could dress up with her, play with her dollies and do womens things in the kitchen.. Wessy would be able to show the liytle brat just the right shade of lipstick to use with which pancake.

  2. Phew!!! That explains the urges I have to Insert a cricket bat up Rodney’s arsehole and force it home with a lump hammer.

    I’m a closet pòof not a psychopath.

    • Morning BZ/all.
      I have similar compulsion to force things into Amber Heard’s bottom.
      She’d be the cream of the crop for guest status in my love dungeon.
      Not before time, too. I need an imminent replacement for Daniella Westbrook, who’s deteriorating rapidly and isn’t long for this world.

  3. What a load of piffle.

    Who on here had to be dragged, kicking and screaming to Cunt ? Shouting ‘ Leave me alone you rotters ! I’m naturally as Gay As Fuck ‘

    No one, just as I thought.

    Who will rid us of these turbulent Lesbo’s and pooves ?

  4. It all just goes to show any mad cunt can always dream up an excuse for all manner of mental derangement and sexual misconduct.

    Anyway I have to go now,some dreadful Far Right sort has put a video of 2 German ladies pissing on each other inside my laptop and its going to take quite some time to root it out.

    Good morning.

  5. This deeply ducky theory is bollocks.

    Once a young man gets his nose open to the scent of pussy he’s like a fox circling a chicken coop.

    Ok there are men who sit down to piss and weep in butchers shops.

    Give em a Barbie doll an a swift boot up the arse,
    And clear the way.

    I’m heterosexual as fuck
    Don’t get the wrong idea about me pal just because I’m wearing frilly Knickerbockers.

  6. Coming soon from Sir Rodney, the nation’s favourite Dalek:

    Compben – compulsory benderism
    Compenrat – compulsory energy rationing
    Compeuth – compulsory euthanasia for the over-70s


  7. I have always known that I was special.

    In my younger days when I was chasing around large titted brunettes I was unconsciously denying my urge to shove my cock in a gentleman’s hairy arsehole.

    Even now, when I get myself trousers made to measure, I suppress my desire to have them made in leather with the back side cut out for easy access.

    • I must admit I shagged my hand a fair bit as a youth,
      And shot hot sticky batter all over the show.

      This is same sex interaction.

      But I won’t be getting my thrupennies pierced, putting on glitter eyeshadow and disco dancing at pride.

      No I jolly well won’t.

    • There’s a whole lot of crap talked about sex, always has been. People trying to tell other people what they should do and what they shouldn’t. There’s only one thing that makes sense, you do what you feel like doing. I didn’t sit down one day and say ‘I’ve decided I’m going to like girls’. It doesn’t work that way. The decision is made for us. Maybe we’re all bisexual. Think of all the men, so-called hard nuts who spit feathers if someone mentions the word ‘queer’. Some of them go to prison and they end up shagging each other because there’s no women.

      I don’t judge a man by where he wants to put his dick. Our sexuality is our business and no-one else’s. I’d only give a toss if I was watching two fit lesbians.

  8. Boys..Let’s play conkers,or shall we play us v the jerries rat-a-tat,tat.
    Girls..let’s make some tea for our dollies, or maybe that skipping game…..
    Nooooooo I want to know why at 6 I have to listen to supposed adults talking gobbledegook..mummy,mummy my head hurts, don’t worry I’ll comfort you the old way not the one that nasty freak is trying to comphet you with..🤮

  9. Ah well, that explains Mucky Ange’s condition.

    She’s been forced into it by a patriarchal, allonormative and heteronornmative society.

    Either that or she’s always on heat.

  10. That’s the word ‘theory’ cheapened now, as well. A theory is far more than some fucking notion that entered some cunts head.

    So when the link started with the words ‘a theory’ and then carried forward I was already tuned out.

    ‘A notion’, or even moreso ‘some bullshit dreamt up’ would have been far more apt.

    As for the nonsense, itself.

    That’s just silly.

  11. Comphet sounds like something you take to help with constipation. Take twice a day and enjoy effortless shits.
    As for compulsory heterosexuality, no one ever told me I had to shag birds and not blokes, it just came naturally.

    I see the government are going to crackdown on AI generated child abuse, I guess it’s easier to arrest a computer than thousands of P Stanleys.
    Next week a crackdown on virtual channel crossings.

  12. MInd you, look at Jess Phillips (“Mr” Phillips is never seen), Kweer Charmer (his wife can’t wait to fuck off from him) Justin Welby, with that nancified clerical voice, Tony “Whoops, duckie” Blair, Jo Brand (like “Mr. Phillips”. “Mr. Brand” is never seen) – you have to admit that there is nowt so quare as folk.

    These per*verts are nearly always left wingers and it does seem the Labour party is the party for quares and Muslims – strange bedfellows, as are all the names I mentioned in this post.

    • Morning W.C.B…it’s all well and good being a hetero, but I’ve seen a few cloppers in the past that’d turn Rocco Siffredi into a sausage-nosher.
      Man or bird, if you’re going to use your genitals with someone else, there ought to be a minimum level of acceptable hirsute tidiness.
      And blubber levels. 🤮

  13. A crackpot theory that can only be dreamt up by some basin hairstyled fanny nosher.

    I have never heard so much errant bollocks in my life. Men and women are usually attracted to each other for the purpose of procreation and sustaining the human species. It is only nature’s abberations that give us sausage 🏇 and 🐟 supper lovers.

    Fuck off.

    • Beat me to that point, Paul

      it ain’t “assumed and enforced upon people by a patriarchal, allonormative, and heteronormative society”.

      It’s for the purposes of procreation, the suprisingly thick degenerate fucks.

    • Kids who do a degree (a proper one) aren’t always a lost cause.
      My eldest is in his final year at uni and laughs in the faces of the lefties. He’s made of sterner stuff than their pathetic attempys to turn him. Especially after I pointed out that if uni turns him into an activist shitbag, I’ll disown him and cut off his inheritance.

    • ^ … to *attempt* to …. justify bumderfoolery, that is …

      The only cunts they’re fooling is themselves. If they were all as ‘proud’ as the claims go, then there wouldn’t need to be all this neverending attempted justification… which is more or less what the 2nd from last paragraph in the nom says, but worth repeating.

      Methinks the lady(boys) doth protest too much! 😄

  14. Hells bells this shit gets worse everyday how long before compulsory bumming between the ages of 10 and 25, will all male heterosexuals have to wear female clothing three days a week to atone for their far right outlook?? A fucking rot is devouring the heart of what’s left of this country. Dread to think what utter bollocks will be headline news next week. Getting harder to be what I am, a heterosexual white male who is of the belief that women do not have dicks and bumfoolery of any shape or form is good to joke about but not indulge (unless in private with consenting partners) I really do not want to know just fuck off. Puberty blockers for confused teenagers or younger is chemical castration. Even if a man has his tackle removed he’s still a man, tits off fanny turned inside out still a women. XX XY can’t change that get over it. Most of the population couldn’t give a flying fuck what you are so why are you all stricken with a mad desire to insinuate yourselves into every corner of our social structure. Once you started trying to influence kids at school that was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back. Just give the whole scene a break, you’ve got exactly the same rights as anyone else in this country, why keep shouting?

  15. I’m an abstainer because of being too old and haven’t the urge anymore. I can knock out the odd wank now and again, when my arthritic hands can sustain it. I can hear you thinking, why don’t you pay someone to do it. But I’ve got better things to do with my money and my life if it comes to that.

  16. If heterosexuality is forced upon us, how come we’re here at all?
    Did ancient man need to be forced to undertake procreation, or did it come naturally. (No pun intended).
    Who forced them?
    I have a better theory. Heterosexuality is completely normal, and anything else is a product of a depraved and sick minded society.
    So I suggest Adrienne Rich is strapped to a trestle, and has a Shire horses cock rammed up her arse to illustrate an alternative point of view.

  17. Heterosexuality is the natural order of things. Foe reproductive purposes, if nothing else.

    I mean, we don’t have LGBTQ rabbits, tigers or elephants, do we?

    I have grown to loathe the LGBTQ ‘community’. I don’t give a fuck if they like dickie up the chuff, or if they want the old tadger lopped off. But I hate them for the following…

    1. Forcing their ‘way of life’ on ordinary decent people. From WH Smiths to HMV (who are getting cunted themselves soon), their shit is everywhere and in peoples faces. Llloyd’s Bank with gay men advertising loans. Trans freaks in Fred Perry gear. The high street (what’s left of it) is now one big LGBTQ advert. Tescos even has gay garden gnomes on sale. I fucking ask you?!

    2. The worst of all… Pushing it on little kids. Before they are even told about standard scientific sex education, eight and nine year old children are being told by teachers about sodomy and transgenders. With books like the revolting and sickening ‘Grandpa’s Pride’. When I was a kid at primary school, the local coppers would visit to warn us about strangers and the weirdos at the school gates. Now, the weirdos and deviants are inside and have well and truly got to the kids.

    3. Jumping the queue for child adoption over decent straight couples who desperately want a child and a family. Because this does happen. Fat Reg, Tom Daley and that sausage bandit off Coronation Street for a start. And they are just the famous cases.

    4. How they infest the television. The current Doctor Who is in that particular role simply because he is gay and/orblack and nothing more. And Ncunti and T.Davies revel in this poofery and openly laugh at old longstanding Doctor Who fans. One of those two phags actually said that the series was not for ‘white straight men’. Well, that sounds like some weird sexuality apartheid to me. Also, what about the dozen or so white straight men who made the character so loved and famous (although I have my doubts about that creepy cunt, Tennant)? It’s the arrogance and sense of superiority these cunts have that I can’t stand.

    And that Cadbury’s Creme Egg commercial was the most disgusting advert in the history of British broadcasting. Whoever made and/or allowed that should have been shot.

    And, let’s not start about how Marvel and DC have turned most of their legendary comic book characters into woolie woofters and other woke shite. One true instance: the Batman villainess, The Catwoman is now officlally titled ‘The Cat’ by DC. This is because she is not allowed to be called ‘woman’ any more. And this is because they don’t want to ‘exclude’ tranny freaks. As Christopher Cross once sang, ‘I know it’s crazy, but it’s true.’

    • Dunno Norm
      , I saw a dog bumming the shit out of another dog,
      And they both liked it I reckon.

      Both seemed to be grinning.

      Maybe gayness is more common place than we think in the animal kingdom?

      Dolphins seem a bit gay?

      And so do peacocks.
      The Jason Wynngarde of the bird world

    • Oh, and Robin (not the original definitive Dick Grayson one) is now ‘officially’ a poove, accodring to DC.

      Fuck knows who he is now. The second Robin (Jason Todd) was killed in spectacular style by The Joker in 1988. But whoever it is now has been ‘reinvented’ as ‘bisexual’. In other words, a htherto straight character now suddenly likes bottybashing. ‘Holy Buttplugs,Batman!’

  18. These cunts do and wear what they like.

    HMV (those cunts) have a T-Shirt in their main window. It has a glittery rainbow on it and it says ‘Sounds Gay I’m In’ on it. Now, I thought that place was a record shop… More on these fuckers very soon…

    But, if I wore a T-Shirt that had ‘I like women’ on it ‘I Love Tits’ or ‘Sounds Straight I’m In’ on it, I’d be the biggest villain since Hitler, and the ‘sexist’ and ‘hate crime’ sirens would be heard for miles.

  19. OT, but sort of relevant.

    Tuppence flicking character, Sonia is leaving BBC woke freakshow NeverEnders.
    Of course, Natalie Cassidy has done this before, and she whored her very soul to every crappy wimmins magazine and tabloid rag in Britain (see also Coleen Nolan, Katy Price, Pauline Quirke, Carol Vorderwhore).

    If she doesn’t want to do that again, she could make a few quid as as a Sylvester Stallone impersonator. She could do Rambo for birthday parties in pubs.

  20. “…concepts of mental disorder can be rapidly evolving social constructs that change as society changes.”

    Back in the day science told us there were only 2 genders and homosexuality was considered a mental disorder.

    Today liberals tell us there are 72* genders and homosexuals are normal.

    As a society we have lost our way.

    *Seventy two is a number often quoted by the Brave New One Worlders but not one that is always accepted by the rank and file as gender ideology is evolving and new genders are being discovered by the Neo-Marxist / Post Modern / Degenerate Left.

  21. I’m straight and I like minge and a massive pair of bangers, but do do feel the need to be broadcast it (even though I just have)? No. Nor do I have the urge to meet prospective partners in public shitters or park bushes.

  22. Well said H, back in the day often had to crap in the park bushes cos the local public bogs were full of arse pirates, one kept a very good look out and a discarded fence post to hand

  23. I was at Uni in 2002 studying Psychology. This sort of crap was on the fringes of academia. Along with queer theory, CRT etc. I never thought it would become mainstream.

    • It’s not really mainstream, per se though.

      It might feel like it is because the minority(still, and by a long shot)arseholes whose lives are dedicated to spreading this nonsense, to fill their otherwise empty vacuous existences (empty through through lack of any type of individual likable personalities or characteristics) .. have nothing else to eat up their time (jobs, generally being a big one on that score!) and so these fringe ideas get a disproportional amount of coverage and exposure online and thus on msm.

      You sometimes have to have a poke around behind the curtain to get a true sense of things on these topics… a good example being that video I linked yesterday where a guest wiped the floor with the BBC anchor on the whole DEI / Air Traffic Control topic. The YT ‘dislike-revealer’ tool showed 5044 people were in agreement to only 22 being unhappy with the way that interview went.

      So msm are declaring they have polls showing a low approval rating for Donald Trumps policies right now, .. but a 5044 to 22 vote on that topic means msm are talking out their holes.

      • 5274 to 33, now.

        An amazing 50% surge
        there for the right-on idiot brigade in just 24 hours, I’ll concede. 😆

  24. I don’t know if Comphet is the cunty thing keeping me from finding true gay happiness or whatever the fuck this new age definition or term but just might be because my mother was never accepting of any girl who didn’t fit her perfect mental case vision of one lol

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