“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting. Today I have the *cough* honour to speak to the UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy, to discuss the government’s position following the inauguration of President Trump”
“Yessir. How do boss. Well now ah wants ta tell ya all dat Mr Trump ain’t just Mr Trump no more, he’s Da Donald. He gracious an’ generous man. Ah’ll find common ground with him, an’ build ah partnuhship with him in our nashnull internet. Th’ world am glad he returnin’ ta da Big White House bro”
“Er, hang on… Just a few short years ago (presumably when you thought Mr Trump was finished) you called him ‘a tyrant’, and ‘a woman-hating, neo-Nazi sociopath’, among other things”
“Yeh uh well dat all ol’ hat bro, water over de bridge. An ah was misappropriated at da time innit. Only las’ year ah had a dinner with him, an’ he give me extra chiggun! Ah was so happy, ah did the ol’ soft shoe shuffle and gave ’em a song; ‘dem bones, dem bones dem drah bones’…”
“Extraordinary. That must have done wonders to ease any latent tensions. Now I understand that our dear PM is also keen to go to Washington soon to repair relations after being snubbed by Mr Trump and not invited to the inauguration”
“Dat right; the boss wanna talk about de speciality relationship an er…well dat kind of speciality relationship stuff, an ‘deals ta buy an’ sell stuff, an’ de war in Uganda thing ya know what ah mean?”
“Well that’s absolutely fascinating… I think you mean the war in Ukraine by the way”
“Yeah dat one as well. But dat’s you all done man, gotta go back ta de House ta get ma expenses claim in an’ some chiggun peanut stew innit. Dis Secretaryin’ thing doin’ ma head in, know what ah’m sayin an’ stuff?”
“Well not really, but thank you anyway. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”
Nominated by : Ron Knee
I heard his latest announcement:-
“Blummo bllllugh umbuggro allamlippo soddorumbo ooh ooh ooh voodoorumbo matumba lippus nnnnghhhhh yummabago”
What an eloquent ape to represent us on the world’s stage!
Lammy is like so many of them these days…. A Professional Black…
See also Lenny Henry. Ncunti Gayblack, Marcus Rashford, that bitch who said the monarchy was too white, and many more. They are ‘famous’ simply for being black (and a poof in Ncunti’s case).
Hey he went to Harvard Law School you know?
One of the world’s thickest cunts and I reckon his admission broke the world record for the amount of affirmative action that was required in order to get him in .
Imagine being in his class having actually won your place properly . It would be like having dialogue with a different species , such would be their intellectual superiority to him
Rodney’s chimpanzee had major surgery to improve brain function a few years back when his cerebellum was replaced with a cabbage.
Unfortunately the cabbage rejected him.
Cunt man of Alcatraz wins Deadpool
Congratulations 👍
Brian Murphy R.I.P
Brian played George Roper in Man About the House and George and Mildred.
Hes sadly fed his last budgie.
Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce were great together.
Apart from Blackadder 2,i’d say the best comedy series of em all.The interplay with jeff and anne fourmile the neighbours was off the scale hilarious and what a babe was AF before she embraced a more home counties dowdy look.
I laughed at your black piss take language, Ron. But did you know that the beeb will teach you pidgin English for free ? As you realise, they’d do anything to please the nog-nigs. Go on bended knees and use the licence fee to help the lazy cunts.
if you ever wanted to see what a silverback looks like in a suit, just look at the nom picture