The Google search engine


I think there is some kind of gremlin in the above.

I just typed in “Ugly Fat cunt wins Miss Alabama”, and it came back with “It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search”, and no links offered.

Meanwhile…. *this* happened a few days ago.

the sun

Hmmmm…. ?

Nominated by CuntemAll.

74 thoughts on “The Google search engine

  1. I typed in ‘Kylian Mbappe is a window licking cunt who should stick to football’. Nothing. Google is obviously not fit for purpose. .

    Good morning, everyone.

  2. Microsoft bing or whatever it’s called.
    Type in Asda, and the first thing that comes up is Sainsbury’s.

  3. Miss Three Chins 2024.
    Sponsored by Maccy Ds, who have splashed out on a tacky, cut-glass ashtray for a ‘crown’ and a bunch of plastic flowers.
    First Prize – a lifetime’s supply of Bargain Buckets.

    Will she outlive Morgan Spurlock?

  4. Silly woke censorious corporate Overlords.

    Why did I look at the link?

    The fucking size of it,dear me.

    It’ll be running Disney by Christmas.

    • Take it off to slaughter, it could feed Africa for Christmas.
      And, by God, “they will know it’s Christmas.” Imagine the runs after chowing down on that lot…

  5. The only thing the big fat cunt can be praised for, is managing to stand on the one leg she has left, due to the other being amputated along the way to obesity.

  6. Should use ‘lard ass wins miss Alabama’, top hit was the mirror online, not very PC ?

    The bikini pics will be x rated ?

    • XXXXL rated more like ….

      Might have to have a few flies airbrushed out, as the arms look a mite too short for own-arse wiping.

      Oh to have been a host.

      “So. Can you actually wipe your own arse whenever you drop a dump that I imagine could be mistaken on a weighing scales for a Clydesdales’ daily crapping output?”

  7. Google has been changed to bring up Reddit threads near the top of searches, so Google really is prioritising the word of ‘some bloke on the internet’ over reputable, credible sources, while the media have a meltdown over ‘fake news’

    It’s a fucking joke.

  8. It probably is a beauty queen there most of the men have 3 teeth play the banjo and fuck their sisters

  9. If you searched for beautiful plus sized model wins Miss Alabama title you’d have found what you were looking for.

    You could say that your misogynistic words and your unrealistic beauty standards were at fault or you could say our use of language is being controlled.

    Up is down, down is up.

    • That was my point. Google knew *exactly* what I meant, .. it just chose to act dumb on the matter.

      It’s doing it more and more. Recently ‘breeding like flies’ completely whitewashed as a saying. Dying like flies, or breeding like rabbits, but no breeding like flies.

      I see that ‘no great results’ screen quite often .. when typing deliberately ‘offensive’ phrasing into search in the hope it may transfer to some strangers autofill …

      “Ms Maryland cock status” for example (Ms Maryland 2024 is a dude).

      Or “Estimated year first tranny on the moon”

      That kind of thing.

  10. At least she hasn’t got a penis like Miss Netherlands.

    ‘ Rikkie says she dreamed of winning pageants like this as a child.
    “The journey started as a super insecure little boy,” she tells Newsbeat.
    “And now I’m standing here as a strong and empowering and confident woman. I’m really proud of that.’

    I’m looking forward to Miss Alabama’s back story.

    I was a lonely big little girl, none of my family would shag me.’

    Yee hah

  11. “Ugly Fat cunt wins Miss Alabama”,type that in under labour and you will be rerouted to your local police station website.

    Where you will have a choice of 6 months in prison or 6 minutes of dawn butler sitting on your face.

    • I’d like to be sentenced to six months of Dawn Butler sitting on my face, whilst saying (muffled), “I’ll ‘ave you, Butler!”

  12. I suggest that the ample lady in the nomination photograph be bought over hear to sit on the face of Dame Peter Mandelson, who is rumoured to be returning to British politics – and stuff her outsize knickers ( with a generous gusset) in his mouth as well.

  13. Just tried “Harry Kane is a mouth-breathing bellend”. Nothing. Maybe Google doesn’t cover football?

    • I think you might be right Twenty.
      I’ve just tried ‘My Granny would have scored Kane’s goal against Denmark’.
      No, sod all.

  14. If you google woke up her own arse nauseous lefty cunt, does Susanna Reid or Naga Muchetty appear?

  15. Say what you want about Google, but I will praise it, for when I typed Lucy Beaumont is a cunt..

    And it listed this wonderful site..
    And yes she is..

    • I discovered this site after googling “Nicola Sturgeon is a cunt”.

      Happy days.

      • “Emma Watson is a cunt.”

        Then I knew I was amongst friends and fellow philosophers.
        Anyone for rhubarb tart? Descartes?

    • Take it off to slaughter, it could feed Africa for Christmas.
      And, by God, “they will know it’s Christmas.” Imagine the runs after chowing down on that lot…

  16. Hamshanks are famous for appearing taller when lying on their sides and looking at a plateful of food through the opposite end of binoculars.

  17. Search “Black couple, Asian, Indian couple” etc then search “White couple” and spot the difference.

    • Get him his ‘Luckiest boy in the USA’ medal.

      Where were these teachers when I was a kid?

      All of ours looked like concentration camp guards.

    • Indeed Dave, social media didn’t exist when I was at school which didn’t really matter since most of the female teachers looked like Ann Widdecombe.

      • Yep, a Widdecombe a Lizzo (but white) and a couple of Hannah Gadsby types. All seemed to like the Girls more than males…..hmmm

      • Comprehensive chools reward compliance more than any sort of desire to learn or nuture talent. They are just training centres to get kids used to working in offices and factories. This meant the bright lads who were also disruptive (out of boredom) were treated as failures. The girls and lads who knew their place and kept their heads down did so the rest of their lives.

        Luckily exams weren’t marked by the daft – mostly female – teachers so the naturally bright would still reap the rewards when it mattered most.

    • Lucky little fucker!, Christ when I was at school all the female teachers were either old and fat, old and emaciated or massively butch, dyke Girls P.E teachers but they were ALL bloody ugly and I’m no oil painting but still. They were all horrible and seemed to hate all males, probs because they weren’t getting any lol.

    • The boy ‘didn’t feel comfortable’? Lying cunt. If I was balls deep in a sexy teacher there’s no fucking way I ‘wouldn’t feel comfortable ‘ and even less chance of telling anybody about it.

    • I defo would. She REALLY rocks that orange catsuit, shame it isn’t latex, with tit and crotch zips. Wouldn’t mind a Chenevix-Trench session with her…

  18. Now now now dear fellow cunters on this lovely Saturday: Could each and everyone of you please stop pleasuring yourself while looking at the photos of that Alabama beauty….The fat sow has got feelings, too, you know…

    Bunch of per–verts, the lot of you…..

  19. Members of the local blind society were used as judges in the name of inclusion. A Hayter osprey grass cutter came second third was a Ford explorer pickup. Sure she has a nice personality but the experience would be like riding a moped, good fun but you don’t want your mates to know

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