Oh dear, poor old Johnny has apparently been diagnosed with the fake condition known as ADHD. ( translation….being a rude, up your own arse cunt)
This couldn’t be a fading sleb jumping on the wokie mental elf bandwagon to get gigs on breakfast tv and be all concerned , self pitying and serious could it?
Of course not. Johnny is a funny geezer isn’t he? Err………
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
and supported by: Miles Plastic
Seconded Freddie
That’s funny Sue Perkins is in the news now for having been given the same diagnosis. What a coincidence.
We know this because another ‘star’ Tom Gray the guitarist from ‘Gomez’ said on Twitter that he thought he had it. So SP responded with her news and wished him well ‘on his journey’.
Strange but I have been feeling resltess, fidgety all day. I must have it.
What does it stand for?
‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’. Ffs…
Aren’t kids supposed to have it? What an excuse for bad behaviour.
Fuck me Sue says she’s got it. ( She is a bugbear of mine.) That explains the fucking annoying manner of her ‘humour’. She’s so ‘zany.’
I’m surprised JV has gone down this road though. Kinda like him
That’s it-maybe they’ll get a tv series on it.
It’s all fucking bullshit. They’ve got a label for everyone and a fucking drug to treat them with. When I was in school you paid attention or you got the blackboard eraser thrown at your fucking head and BOOM, suddenly you were back in the room, concentrating! Kids today are just tired, useless, lazy cunts!
That kid in that header pic certainly needs the blackboard rubber across the back of his head. “Knock some sense into him!” The teacher would however be sacked today. But no fear, like so many other examples even the rubbers have gone soft.
Absolutely m’lud.
In maaaah day, you got the blackboard scrubber between the eyes, or a swinging clip to the lug if you didn’t pay attention.
Never did me any harm (except for the blindness in one eye and total deafness in one ear, of course).
Like many ailments such as autism, anorexia, bulimia, mental health and so on, ADHD does have many genuine sufferers who need the best medical attention to help them through their difficult times.
however, as always, you’ll get a lot of desperate cunts trying it on in order to get sympathy, recognition/attention and some z-list celebs are known for it.
For every one genuine case of ADHD you’ll get perhaps 10 or 20 scammers demanding immediate attention if only to publish the fact on their social media page crying out for sympathy.
I don’t know much about Vegas but I know Perkins is good at jumping on trending bandwagons. If she really has ADHD then she has my sympathy in some small respect. But if she’s faking it then I hope she rots in hell.
It’s what used to be known as ‘ thick’ or ‘naughty’.
ADHD can be cured quite quickly with the homeopathic remedy of a backhander administered to the cranium.
I like Johnny Vegas.
I do find him funny.
Not so much Sue Perkins.
She’s a tomboy .
And her breath smells of sardines.
He was good in IDEAL.
I roared with laughter at this.
She been sucking your cock MNC?
Johnny Vegas?
Naw, he’s frigid now he’s a big star.
Johnny Vegas was great in the “Sex Lives of the Potato Men”.
The Army medics used to use a term… Osteoinertia.
Quite simply, bone idleness.
Always thought Vegas was very close to being a downs syndrome sufferer. ….
A classic case of JVAD there. Johnny Vegas Arsehole Disorder.
You missed PTSD Techno. During the Great War, when men were men, irrespective of age it was real, in the form of Shellshock, & we all know what happened to many soldiers back then that sercumed to it. Today I have heard more recent examples being called out as “Lack of moral fibre,” but I guess that everyone has their threshold.
Indeed. Apparently 1 in 10 people suffer from some sort of ADD. It’s manageable with medication. I’ve lived with it all my life without meds.
Struggled at school with some subjects but managed to pull through due to good ole’ fashioned corporal punishment.
It’s just different wiring in the brain. Not impossible to over…
…. fuck i got sidetracked again!
Johnny Vegas, attention deficit?
He could do with a deficit of food, the fat cunt.
Morning all.
Tummy-tuck, or stomach-clap in his case.
We’ve all got something. Just accept it.
Are there any slap-in centres around ?
I was labelled a lazy, disruptive cunt at school, by some of the teachers, that would often be a distractive influence on my classmates. What would have been my diagnosis in four letters?
Like mental health, the ‘on the spectrum’ bollocks is an entire industry manufactured to excuse people for taking personal responsibility for their own actions.
Most ‘sufferers’ are just cunts who weren’t kicked up the arse hard enough and told to behave when they were younger.
I’ve got the Screaming Abdabs and the Heebie Jeebies, but I don’t complain.
As the OP states…’gets a tv series out of it’
I can imagine this not being too far from the truth.
A ‘topical’ subject presented by an unfunny lesbian and an overweight unfunny northerner. Polar opposites usually makes for ideal tv programme partners….according to tv folk nowadays.
Look at that alex jones bird….had trouble having kids now has her own show about midwifery.
Stacey solomon, that common ginger bird….going out with kevin off strictly…all have issues then gifted a series on the subject.
All a bumch of cunts.
I fucking hate this obsession with peoples ‘issues’ the msm always looking for the emotional draw of a story…usually over dubbed with tinkly piano music to make the viewer feel sad.
Interviewers on all msm cant wait to ask questions about the subjects journey, struggles, and mental health. They’re like flies round shit….to someone with ‘issues’ it’s tv gold to them. And to think this is what jeremy kyle was doing years before and was chased off tv via trial by media….the same media now exploiting the same angles
There’s a scene in the film uncle buck where john candy confronts this nephews head teacher in school. His retort to her would put people who say their kids have adhd in their place. Sums it up nicely what we on here are thinking I’m sure
Once it became fashionable everybody wants it ?
Now pay attention you cunt.
They are eating too many sweets. Bring back rationing.
The preening lovie cunts need a proper illness like a bit of cancer or berri berri to concentrate their puffed up bubble brains on, why do they get hard to prove problems of the swede rather than a nice provable tumour, absolute shower.
For most wimmin, ADHD is a badge of honour for their kids, who in most cases have no father figure to ‘nip in the bud’ unacceptable child behaviour through discipline.
The ADHD label is then used in most cases to excuse the child’s deplorable behaviour against other kids and adults alike.
These kids then graduate into the vile chav like scum we see terrorising all of our major cities with petty crime, drugs and ASBO like activity, and as a result society falls.
Ultimately the leftist idealogy of putting labels on children with severe behavioural problems is creating a generation of victims who think they can do what ever they want and get away with it………….
You also get extra bennies for the horrible little cunt. Unfortunately the slebs who only discovered it when they needed some extra publicity missed out on that.
Johnny Vegas has a legit mental health condition, one of the deadliest there has ever been: he was raised CATHOLIC. My heart goes out him. It clearly fucked up his wee noggin. Go do magic mushrooms, Johnny.
Johnny in that Australia yonks ago, being mental..
Lovely bloke. 🙂
A stand up comedian who craves attention.
Who would have thought it?
I know! Isn’t that ALL of them? Booze probably covered up his problems for 30 years. He’s quite clearly and nice and honest bloke who wouldn’t dream of playing the spastic for sympathy. He never moved out of his native St. Helens and helps out in the community, he’s a top bloke. Joking aside, he is proud of his Catholic upbringing and says it make him a good bloke. If you’re going to go Christian, go all-in devout Catholic, the smoke, the Holy water, the silence. Just avoid getting a wrinkly old penis in your mouth.
I can tell you with complete authority, Mr Vegas liked to “Toot” Columbian marching powder like it was sherbert dip?
A stand up comedian who does cocaine?
Who would have thought it?
Saint Helens? They are Scousers….
That reminds me of the Mother who believed her child had Autism until the Doctor said “No he’s just Slow”
The Child was Black
Just when you need it the Racist card comes out
And that wee black boy went on to do this…
Superb! 😀
Lenny Henry has it you know.
Another Darkkey Halfwit Dunce.
And cunt.
Oh dear I’ve gone into moderation,I think I must have a disorder.
As a very old fart, I just cannot remember these “conditions” in my early schooldays.
I do recall the occasional cunt in the class, the spoiled little twat who had shoes. There were also the softheads or “slows”. But for the life of me I cannot recall all these modern things that keep popping up. “Scurvy Dan, the Ice Cream Man had TB. Crunchy Kate ( his sister) had VD ( allegedly )
I blame unrestricted uncontrolled immigration for all this new shite.
Dirty fucked up foreigners!
Mums threatening GP’s with physical violence, to make them diagnose little Tyson with it-so the Ritalin prescribed can be sold to local pilheads.
What a wonderful state of affairs☹️
Sad Old Geek Alert
Sorry for taking the thread off-topic again, but this might be important.
Seems that there’s been some ongoing “technical” issues with two Microsoft services – Teams and Outlook.
Hundreds of thousands of users worldwide are affected in terms of not being able to use these apps. (the link below is a day or two out of date when it quotes just “thousands”)
Microwank are “investigating” the problems. However, they also want to sack over 10,000 of their staff, including developers, testers and customer support. This will inevitably mean more problems that will take even longer to resolve!
Anyway, if you’re affected, sit tight!
Will I still be able to access my beloved paraplegic trans-dwarf porn? RubberGimp1997 is uploading his 30-man gang-bang on Friday, so what’s the forecast?
Forgot to add this
Will I still be able to access my beloved paraplegic trans-dworf porn? RubberGimp1997 is uploading his 30-man gang-bang on Friday, so what’s the forecast?
Old Bill has realized there’s more money in vaccine.
Yet another example of ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the desktop version of MS Office. It was fast, graphics were sharp and crystal clear and you didn’t need to be on a network to use it.
Office 365 is not as good. It just isn’t. It’s slow to load. It looks fuzzy and you have to have a network connection to use the fucking thing. So basically a massive step backwards all in the name of IT’s shiny new thing – ‘the cloud’.
Take it from someone who works with ‘the cloud’ everyday – it’s all hot air and piss. Don’t believe me? Well, one of the main selling points of cloud computing is saving money. Instead of equipping, running and staffing your own data centre, just lease someone else’s compute resources which you access it over the internet. If the cost savings were truly overwhelmingly wonderful, how come we now have ‘consulting’ companies springing up almost weekly whose business is to analyse other companies’ cloud spending and help them reduce it? Hmmm.
I personally know of several companies whose cloud spending has got so out of control it’s had a very negative and damaging effect on their business. I’ve also heard of companies who, having tried the cloud journey, are leaving and going back to running their own data centres. Good.
Oh yes, wrapping up this rant, is another main selling point of ‘the cloud’. High availability. In other words, if something breaks in the cloud, you’d never know because there’s near instantaneous resumption of service due to automatic failover to other running systems. If that were universally true, how come Microsoft are having issues with their cloud based services? Hmmm.
As I said, it’s all hot air and piss.
I have Office 98 on my XP laptop. It does exactly what it says on the tin, and it is the one MS product that still thrashes the open source alternatives. Especially Excel’s stats pack.
I use Linux for everything else.
I think you are all being hoddibly unfair, you bwutes. A diagnosis of ADHD now empowers the tragic victims of what was previously diagnosed as BS. Bored Shitless, if you like. Or…
Fuck me ragged! Tom Gray and Sue Merkins are one and the same.
That’s how you deal with it..
Sue perkins clarke kent, both supermen. His stand up was funnier than superkings, not his later stuff though.
The bird in the header pic looks well fit with a very fine rack!
How can that kid ignore that ffs?
Fuck me! I must have it, I didn’t even notice her!
Gayness is my diagnosis.
I’m surprised Prince Halfwit hasn’t come up with an ADHD diagnosis. He could blame his wicked family for suppressing it when he was a child. Of course if his beloved and saintly mother had lived she would have sorted it out.
Boo hoo hoo…..
Thinking that you are ordained by God (the Royals) is surely a strong, strong, STRONG sign of mental delusion? If not, how else would we categorise that state of mind?
He clearly has it, A Dumb Half-witted Dickhead.
It’s plainly obvious in Halfwhitt’s case; you can tell by the fact that he’s got a big knob sticking out from his forehead, the tosser.
“ADHD doesn’t exist” – A Top Psychologist Debunks the Myth
Published: 11/02/2021
There you have it.
Er… did you read the link all the way? The headline gives the wrong impression of its content.
The article concludes:
“ADHD is real and true, surely for those individuals who are suffering from it. They are often told that ADHD does not exist, that if they cannot concentrate is just their fault, that it is a matter of volition, and that they are just lazy.
I really hope that I have convinced the doubtful, that ADHD, when correctly defined, is much more than real.”
The article says that diagnosing ADHD needs to be very rigorous; not that it doesn’t exist.
Mind you, a sleb claiming its underperforming spawn has ADHD can still be regarded with deep suspicion.
I myself suffer from ODD ( Oppositional Defiance Disorder). That means I am allowed to tell everyone to “fuck off cunt”. It’s not my fault and there’s no cure. So stick it up your arse cunt.
I have OCD, Oblivious Cunt Disorder.
You’re in good company mog. I believe that Joe Biden has that.
Everything’s a fucking syndrome these days. I’ve had one of the biggest hidden problems for years. CBA, where nobody seems to talk about for fear of being laughed at or ridiculed, for which there’s no known cure and even doctors and politicians suffer from it. What’s it called did you say ? Oh yeah. Can’t Be Arsed.
There’s another hidden mental illness that’s been with us from nought plonk. DoG. A clue is that it effects most of the people you can’t abide and its called, Delusions of Grandeur.
If some young aspiring head doctor wants to make a name for himself he should invent some syndrome associated with wokism. That’s definitely a mental disorder. He could call it WANKER. (Woke And Not Known to Experience Reality)
Comment of the nom so far!
A very good acronym, Freddie.
?? Post of the Year
I don’t believe ADHD Is really a thing.
Just a excuse, so concessions are made for poor behaviour.
Bet if I went the doctors and was tested they’d say I’d got it?
But they’d be wrong.
I don’t need a excuse for my bad behaviour!
I’ve got the devil in me and I’m just letting him express himself.