Twitter. A cesspool of political echo chambers, endless debates over gender identity, disinformation and cancel culture. Its the personification of why our society is the most stupid its been in the history of the human race. Then there is Black Twitter, not a separate company but a subculture within talking about black issues (more on that later) and celebrating black culture.
Here is the good professor explaining.
UVA Today News Link
“A network of culturally connected communicators” eh? Try a network of anti-white racists, anti-police activists, Antifa thugs and cultural Marxists. I very much doubt they are swapping recipes of Mammy’s famous jerk chicken or debating the benefits of cornrows over afros.
Just a few of the hashtags trending in recent years include, #TheyGunnedMeDown, #IfIDieInPoliceCustody, #HandsUpDontShoot and of course #BlackLivesMatter. Anyone else seeing a trend here? Of course all these headlines are accompanied by a grainy video of yet another unarmed black man shot by the police whilst going about his business. Once they go viral its impossible to stop.
As the great Winston Churchill once said “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”.
It is almost inconceivable to believe that Black Twitter did not play a major role in the mostly peaceful BLM riots with billions in property damage, thousands injured and dozens killed. Contrast this with Donald Trump who was kicked off Twitter and impeached for supposed incitement of a mob who stormed the U.S Capitol on Jan 6th.
Of course there is no Jewish Twitter or Arab Twitter and if there was they would certainly not have the clout and cultural influence of Black Twitter. Time to call them for what they are – domestic terrorists and stop hiding behind this ‘celebrating black culture’ bullshit.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
Should be called More likely to be Criminals Twitter. 8 times I belive in London.
But but it’s for socio-economic reasons.
These cunts can’t help stealing, even from themselves (see article)
They’re be black stabbings today, tonight and tomorrow and that’s ok as long as the perpetrator is black
Sign all those fucking contributors up to a compulsory Brockian Ultra Cricket league, along with all blacks, peacefuls, trannies, militant gays and feminists, the left wing then wall off several large stadia with said cunts inside and let them go:
Black Twitter sounds like cultural appropriation.
Who wrote the code for this?
It wasn’t one of “them” (although the mental image of typewriters, Shakespeare and primates does spring to mind).
Plus it’s a stupid name. They should’ve called it Blitter. Or Nitter.
or say it like it is, monkey shitter
They have their own version of Twitter?
They will be wanting their own dedicated drinking fountains and section on buses next.
Wonder if carpet riders are welcome on Twigger?
Black Twitter? -Bitter.
Like white Twitter, woke, Mard and dull but a higher chance of getting stabbed.
I can’t stand Moon Crickets.
Good evening, MNC.
I’m always amazed at how the MSM use Twatter as the be all and end all of public opinion.
I see the phrase Twitter Rant and my piss boils. I mean who the fuck cares?
As for black Twitter, this just sounds like an opportunity to race bait.
i actually remember being shocked, open gob, when the queen opened a twitter account…i don’t like that sort of thing its not decent, she had a side to her as my old gran would say
Does Gary Linekunt know about this? The black cunt will be all over it like a rash.
He’ll have his own.
Gary Twitter
Has sort of a familiar ring to it.
Unfortunately, a child’s ring…
you never hear of the glitter band thesedays, i remember seeing them at the central hall chatham back in the 70s wearing my new royal blue platform boots waving my glitter scarf, guess the glitters all fucked off a bit sharpish, gary who?
Those hashtags?
It wouldn’t be a issue if they surrendered peacefully.
Or maybe behave?
Stop being a criminal?
I know that’s asking a lot,
Probably don’t understand due to my white privilege,
But worth a thought?
Matters not to me.
I’m happy your getting shot.
Why can’t blicks be like that nice lady off traditional Tom and Jerry?
“Thomas, you is a baaaad cunt engine”
mrs fat ankles
I heard a Yankee phrase that I find apt.
‘Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.’
Doodle rozzers are jumpy because every other cunt has a gun. They want to go home to their families at the end of their shifts. If I was ever pulled over by one I would do exactly as they say.
For some reason, loads of these cunts seem to think ‘put your hands on the dashboard, Sir’ means ‘Get out of the car and try to get the gun off the cop.’
Or ‘run away’. Or even ‘Now ram the police car with your car.’
They’re either deaf or stupid fucking cunts who deserve to end up 6 feet under.
Fuck them. Celebrate one less dumb criminal cunt on the planet.
The lad who works for me, spent time in the 90s living in LA.
He told me about some bar he went in,
Full of off duty LAPD.
He said most of them were steroid heads,
Aggressive as fuck.
And that’s them relaxing!!
Suppose if every day your facing armed loonies you get stressed out.
I’d do exactly as they said if pulled over.
I prefer my head firmly on my shoulders not sprayed all over my windscreen…
they’re stupid, 400 years in USA and still can’t speak the language or spell their own names, mo bro klassik, mo sistar sheril, mo bro steevon….rats have more intelligence
i can’t breath is the funniest
Government: ‘These people we bring into our great country, want to integrate, embrace the British way of life and become ‘one of us’ in time’
They want their own community, want to be treated differently and want laws to be changed to reflect that, they want the indigenous population to integrate with them and for that population to also embrace their values. They want to be represented disproportionally within many walks of life- for example media, advertising etc. They now want a different twitter.
Tell me, how is any of the above integrating with the indigenous population who welcome them with open arms then?
i think the plan is to replace us, not integrate with us, the new world order wants a low IQ European population of brownrats who’ll slave for 50p an hour, eat bugs and rice and never question the narrative, just smart enough to follow orders too thick to ask why…copying china to full communism
Sadly true ?
Blek Twatter
Every bit as loathsome and shit as “normal” Twitter no doubt.
There’s the “equality” they want, or at least pretend to…
There’ll be a Trans Twatter and a The Gays Twatter and MAPs Twatter sooner or later, because they’ll all want a bit of attention and not feel left out.
only ‘White British’ twitter will be banned though
Not that I’d know about such things, but it’s interesting watching South African TV on IPTV (so I hear anyway ahem).
Supersport (Safa sports channels) adverts just now. Not one honky all break. Even had a brass band marching through a supermarket on one. Not one honky.
Interesting, innit?
Were the brass band stealing things as they went, CB?
No, but I think the tune they were playing must’ve been called ‘No honkies allowed’ by the looks of it.
Probably you just caught an old PG Tips advert, they wore little band costumes & played instruments, or maybe an old robertson jam advert i had the whole gollies band chalk figure set and the footy team, had them for years till i got an air rifle and took bobby Moore’s head off
Wish I could conjure up some black magic and get shut of the cunts, to bring things back to normal.
“Black” magic is insulting to the witch doctor-believing types, SS.
It’s to be called “Wiccan Hostilic Positive Affirmation Channeling”.
if God existed he’d fix ebola aids sickcell & monkeypox, nowhere near strong enough
If Twatter shut down tomorrow it would make Zero difference to anyone and anything, maybe some of the weak minded would top themselves but for the vast majority fuck all.
Black Twitter
#That cotton ain’t gonna pick itself
i expect a few chicks with female penis peni? dicks, would miss the weekly kim lessons on injecting cooking oil into their arses to look like baboons
Penes, as in crisis and crises.
You’re welcome.
Black twitter.. I bet that’s a calm and rational site. Not a harsh word spoken..
I bet there is more shit thrown there than the monkey House at London zoo.
This university have banned whites from attending some meetings. The blacks have spent years trying to stop apartheid and now it’s being reintroduced. You couldn’t make it up.
How the fck can it take a month to explain drug dealing, gang rape and armed robbery?
Suits me fine! Saves me feeling guilty about not attending any indoctrination sessions that I wasn’t going to go to anyway.
They are thick as pigshit. Honestly.
i’m all for it, huge Malcom x fan, first time i heard him screaming that blacks and whites must have separate continents i was like…woooohoo preach boy preach
Well, as you all know, I`ve been culturally `transverse` for some time now and I`ve never heard of this alternative platform. But then, I`ve never twat before.
I don’t know anyone who uses that platform, Sam.
I’d be very disappointed to find out they did.
It’s an insidious poison, look at the Vardy/Rooney stories.
It wants to be shut down, really.
It serves no real public good or purpose.
I wonder as Black History month is upon us whether they’ll be celebrating the mass slaughter in Rwanda?
Or perhaps the way Robert Mugabe legalised mass appropriation of white farms in Zimbabwe and took a relatively stable and productive country and helped create mass starvation and bankruptcy of a country in little
More than 10 years.
Or maybe the way in which exactly the same is happening today in South Africa but little is ever said about it. Especially not by the BBC.
Which is interesting because as a teenager in the 80’s I distinctly remember how the BBC couldn’t get enough of reporting on Apartheid, in fact I can remember seeing Blacks ‘necklacing’ Blacks (beating the shit out of them, forcing tyres over their bodies then setting them alight)
Lovely and not at all savage.
SA once the continents greatest economy, run by Whitey full steam ahead to ruination.
Or how about the senseless murder of 11 year Damilola Taylor, remember him, murdered by 2 ‘brudders’ only a year older than him at the time.
Don’t hear about that anymore, shame if only he was called Steven Lawrence.
Of course there’s always style Nottinghill Stabathon, a festival of cultural celebration, food and mass stabbings.
Well I’m certainly looking forward to it now.
Oh no, it’ll be all about white men and slavery.
And how oppressed they were in SA. And Rwanda, and how whitey did nothing to help them, at all, ever.
And how we failed to give, free, enough bananas & white bread, so a brother had to become a violent criminal.
It’ll be nothing like that, at all.
just curious what these sootys are going to do when black history month runs out of material after the 2nd month, mind you that will conclude their year, 3 months in a year right? Maths is waycisttttt
Not to mention how fond the Schwartzers in Africa are of using Machetes to chop the limbs of children off
some amazing vids on the gore sites of africunt witch doctors chopping up kids alive, off with their feet first so they don’t run up a tree….savages, real monkeys don’t even act like these roids…and the villagers eating legs..another planet
on the plus side i saw an old vid showing that stray dogs were eating well in Rwanda, nice to see the wildlife enjoying themselves
never has a boy done so much for his mother, blasted from mud hut to gheto lottery to millionaire Baroness shipping the relatives in by the plane load to help fill our empty council houses…and i bet she doesn’t give a shit about that bustop, the selfish cunt
Oh, BTW.
Fuck off, Fidler, you shit stirrer.
Better get a bigger paddle.
“Fuck Off” and accusations of shit-stirring,eh ?….perhaps when are feeling better you can explain what the fuck you mean.
Try and stay calm.J.P….you’ll make yourself ill.
How come we have a Black History month and a Homosexual month? Why not a Midget Month? Is it only the shrill ones who shout the loudest who achieve the “month”?
We’ll be celebrating Midget May after the luscious Ellie Symonds wins Strictly, Cap’n.
I’ve found her dance routines to be a somehat complicated and challenging wank, mind.
I had to look her up, Tommy. Funny-looking little blighter. I reckon she’d be short-tempered.
She’s a bit of a chubby one, isn’t she. Let’s call her ‘Low Fat’.
I’d support an “outraged at all this outrageous shit month”
But where’s our month?
We should have a bank holiday in our honour, JP:
All Cunts Day.
Black Twitter… I wonder if Kwasi Kwarteng is allowed to post on it…
Is there a ‘Superficially Black Twitter’?
Just in case anyone gives a shit.
I had a minor heart attack.
Fuck minor, whenever is a heart attack minor?
Anyway, I’m OK.
Back home.
Nurse comes to see me.
Affected my speech.
(Was this due to Miserable finally opening his wallet for a round of drinks? Anyway, hope you’re feeling better and take it easy, mate – The Admin Team)
Sorry to hear that JP. Hope you are recovering well.
Get well soon, JP…try to eat at least half a clove of chopped raw garlic every day if you can manage it…best thing for your heart.
Oh, and dark chocolate too, the bitter 90% cocoa stuff. Lots of flavonoids to reduce insulin resistance and lower blood pressure.
True that Thomas. Dark chocolate (over 70%) and coconut water (100% stuff- acquired taste but healthy as fuck…and expensive) got my blood pressure back to normal levels.
Although if you’re on medication to lower blood pressure don’t drink coconut water. It can make your blood pressure too low in some cases I hear.
True ????, CB?
Come now my fine fellow, we’re on a thread about the amusing communication problems of sootıes, so I’ll thank you to say it properly:
True ???. With perhaps a cheeky “an’ ting” added on for good measure.
Didn’t know about the coconut water, interesting stuff.
JP would also do well to keep his cocaine consumption to less than 3 grams a day.
Dis and ting bruv
‘Coconut water can even help lower blood pressure.
Preliminary research indicates that coconut water may lower blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. However, if you are on blood pressure medication, it may be best to avoid coconut water as it could lower it too much. It’s best to discuss this with your doctor.’,could%20lower%20it%20too%20much.
Worked for me anyway. It’s the potassium and sheet.
Hope you are feeling better JP.
Ps….I don’t know what Fiddler has done this time but he is on a role this year after seeing off Vernon Fox with a verbal swordstick to the guts.
All welcome to give as good as they get and return of course.
Sorry to hear that JP. Glad you’re still with us.
I missed the Fiddler vs VF fracas. What thread was it on?
It was a belter! Fiddler goes in with both barrels, reloads and goes in for more! Comedy gold!
It started on this nom
And finished here.
I think Dick was fairly restrained with VF, merely asking him to provide some evidence to back up his more outlandish claims.
It was Cuntfinder General to whom Dick gave both barrels. ?
Dick is the epitome of restraint! I’m at a loss to see what Jeezum’s on about here, though? Dick’s not posted on the thread.
The JP bit was on the Mermaids Transgender Charity thread, about two-thirds down.
Had a look and fail to see what the problem is? Fuck-all wrong with Dick’s posts? See the amount of shit I got over Covid! I’m part of a conspiracy, don’t you know?
@DCI….from what I can make out, he’s complaining about me mildly pulling him up for whinging on about religion….I genuinely hope that he is not trying to say that I am in some way responsible for his heart attack…which seems to be the case judging by his comments which I’ve just seen in an earlier nom. today….particularly as he seems to have been posting a good 6 hours after I last addressed him .
Trying to lay some guilt-trip on me is pointless….”empathy” is not something that troubles me in the slightest….although I really do hope that I have misconstrued his comments and await his reply.
Nothing you said was out of order, Dick. And definitely nothing that would cause a heart attack!
“Jeezum Priest
on October 8, 2022 at 6:41 pm said:
Weren’t me scratched cunt on your motor, though I did call you one, as I was being stretchered into the ambulance.
So once again, with feeling, cunt!
You’re a right cunt.”…..
perhaps I’m reading too much into the above post,eh?….I certainly hope so.
PS….I won’t attempt to deny that he’s got a point about me being a unapologetic Cunt of the first order and rather proud of it.
Morning Dick?
Clearest case of attempted murder I ever saw.
Are you a hitman for the Labour party?
So much for the Fox’s political ambitions, if he’s that thin skinned.
Can’t even withstand a mild Fiddlering…???
I also thought Cuntfinder General was made of sterner stuff, what with him always blathering on about being an “Alpha Male” type.
(Incidentally, the “Alpha Male” is the chap whose missus you sneak in and shag while he’s out fighting, posturing, playing some silly ball game or polishing his Harley ?).
Cuntfinder General was the Jay Cartwright* of ISAC.
* Inbetweeners.
I hope you make a full and speedy recovery, JP. Cardiac treatment technology has come on in leaps and bounds recently, so chin up and keep on cunting, Sir!
I can vouch for what Paul says Jeezum. I was blue-lighted in on 8/6/16, just turned 65th birthday. Half a dozen stents installed. Back at work a few weeks later. Retired at 69, no recurrences, no pain, no problems at all. Remember to take your meds. A large scale trial a few years ago found benefit from taking them last thing when you go to bed, but take your doctor’s advice over mine. All the best.
Keep that aspirin and GTN handy, JP!
Wishing you a speedy recovery Jeezum.
One of my gang sort you out? May even have been me!
You’ll never know?
Swift recovery,
No touching yourself downstairs.
Or eating suggestive fruit.
Hope you’ll be well looked after and recover to full steam. We cunters need to stick together.
Welcome to the club JP. I had the same back in May. On loads of meds now, had a stent fitted and recent stress echo test which revealed a bit of damage to the heart muscle. Cardio nurse is a milf though so every cloud. All the best with your recovery ok.
Black what? I thought Twitter would be way too uncool for black folk? How un gangsta can you get?
Is you gonna live stream the stabbing Bruh?
No! I is tweeting it innit…….
gotta love the live stream vids on the gore sites, all lips like tractor tyres giving it the gangster shit, two seconds later pop pop pop a head like an empty cereal bowl and a dollop of pink meat with two eyeballs dripping from the roof lining, cracks me up everytime
I seek the advice from fellow cunters. In what language doe our black bretheren communicate? I cannot make hide nor hare of the gobble de gook “
Always happy to help a fellow cunter, FH…here’s a very brief instructional video in how to speak the african dialect:
Amazingly, it’s slightly more than the presumed mishmash of clicks and whistles…sheeeeit, nėgro!
Same as the stupid Domino’s ad.Twats.
These door-keys need locking up. It’s enough to make a nun swear, a monk speak and the timid murder.
Here’s my Twitter: “ fuck off you smelly ape-like jiggarybooboos”
On a more serious note, please read my comment under the nom for that revolting tranny Mermaid organisation.
It’s a while ago and I wasn’t around to post the comment earlier but I think that all sane counters should read about this school.
It was in Saturday’s Telegraph .
Children are asking why their skin is black. They’re told its to protect them from the strong rays of the sun. They also ask why is their hair like fuse wire and watch springs. The answer is to protect them from coconuts falling from the trees. They became confused with puzzlement to why are they living in Rochdale.
watched one on YT high on drugs picking and scratching itself nonstop until it had peeled its self..just proved the muck does come off if you scrub hard enough
Don’t use Shitter and couldn’t give a tinker’s cunt for Monkey Shitter, these howler monkeys are never going to stfu until we ramp up the monkeypox mixed with some good ol ebolaa and a big dollop of sicklecell & aids all labelled as banana milkshake…and don’t give it to them or they won’t drink it, remember they are arse lice, put the milkshakes under lock and key price them at £100 a go and they’ll soon come jogging in and steal them all 🙂
if black lives matter so much, why are they all so hell bent on killing each other?