Donald Trump [9]

Among the many accusations made against former president Donald Trump since he left office are that he fraudulently inflated the value of business assets to obtain favourable loans, he deflated the value of other assets to reduce taxes, he attempted to coerce officials to alter election results in his favour and incited the attack on the Capitol Building to prevent the transfer of power following his election defeat.

As if all that wasn’t enough, he is now accused of stealing sensitive documents from the national archives and hiding them at his home in Florida.

The former president has a perfectly credible explanation for this. First of all, he didn’t take any documents. And if he did, he gave them back, and if he didn’t give them back it was because they belonged to him, and if they didn’t belong to him it was alright because they were declassified, and if they weren’t declassified they were planted by the FBI.

As a former president who had the election stolen from him he should be given the benefit of the doubt. Anyone who won’t accept his explanation has to be an unamerican child-molesting devil-worshipping democrat.

True patriots who wish to help fund his legal team to fight the various false allegations made against him, and make America great again, can donate by cash, card or cheque. Thank you.

What actually happened was, multiple requests were made for the return of the missing documents. Some were handed over but despite further requests, Trump’s lawyers insisted that was all he had. After months of prevarication a judge signed a search warrant and the FBI retrieved the remaining documents from Trump’s home.

The fact that he took the documents, and shouldn’t have, is inescapable. The question is, why did he take them in the first place? Not even Donald Trump could seriously imagine that they had somehow become his own personal property. Apart from their monetary value, the obvious reason is leverage – ‘you see your way to dropping any criminal charges against me and I’ll see these things don’t fall into the wrong hands’.

Is there anyone who still thinks Trump puts his country first? One way of making America great again would be to have the Orange Man measured for an orange suit.

Nominated by: Allan

128 thoughts on “Donald Trump [9]

    • Sorry to post this bit at the top but I just have to say by all the reactions below it shows how we all see what’s going on in the USA without listening to the MSM BS.
      This is the feeling I get from across the USA. Trump may be a cunt but there are more sinister than him pulling the strings now.

    • wotks missing here, is killary and obama get carte blanche.

      killary’s murderisation of US citizens in the embassy (because they have documents she didnt like), she then shredded everything and destroyed computers as they had information she didnt like.

      obama endorsed ferguson riots and planned them every summer for don’s tenure and also murdered a young computer whizz at the age of 27. Crime I hear you ask? Oh making sure that from ‘public money’ from NSF research was made available to all and hacked a computer and made the papers and research available for all. The companies all dropped charges, the government organisations, but Obama intervened and enforced the sentence.

      What is glaringly obvious is the Democrats are communists taking away all american’s rights and peddling globohomo. Unfortunately, you too have been brainwashed by incessant bollox and propaganda on mainstream media.

      Still knowledge is power hopefully you’ll bounce back.

      • Little hope for you though, if any. No doubt you still maintain that this summer is the coldest on record, LOL.

  1. “the obvious reason is leverage – ‘you see your way to dropping any criminal charges against me and I’ll see these things don’t fall into the wrong hands’.”

    Bit of a leap of faith there. He may have done dodgy shite, he may not have. Fuck knows.

    I do wonder if the orange man bad crowd ever say the same about some of the dodgy dealings by the Clintons or sone of the strange shite going on around Biden’s son?

    Oh of course. Do they fuck!

    Orange man bad innit?

    I miss Donny Tango. The world was a safer and more prosperous place with him around.

    It’s a right fucking mess now with the kiddie sniffer running stuff.

    I hope the mad orange cunt makes a comeback and wins the next election.

    That is all and good morning.

    • Totally concur and agree with you. America will regret the loss of one of its greatest patriots of all time. The Ruskies and Commies can’t believe their luck.

  2. Lots of people worked from home during the pandemic.
    But Donnie does it?

    He’s stealing documents!

    This witch-hunt,
    It’s because of the colour of his skin.
    None of the white or the black president had such blatant hatred directed against them.

    But if your orange everything and everyone is against you.


    Wotsit coloured?
    You can’t get justice..

    • The MSM never cut Trump any slack over his SunnyD and sun bed addiction like they do with Hunter Bidens crack and hooker habit.

      Like you say Miserable, Orangeist!


  3. General Cuntster will hit the fuckin roof when he sees this nom.

    I’ve got to say, I think the Donald was a much better president than sleepy Joe, Clinton or Barry Barmpot.

    Is he crooked?
    Quite possibly.
    But you’d have your work cut out finding a politician who wasn’t.

    • Aye.

      I have no doubt Trumpy has done a few crooked things in his life. The cunt is a billionaire. They’re all like that.

      He didn’t even take a salary for being President. I think he did it because his ego is ridiculously massive. But in a way, that helps. I think he genuinely wanted to be ‘the greatest American President in history’ to massage his own ego.

      The cunt never had a chance though. The entire media would badmouth him at every opportunity. I didntyfsll for it, but many did. He’s not ‘establishment’ you see.

      Very unconventional. Said some stupid shit because they were his thoughts.

      I miss seeing his handlers panicking when he’d regularly go off on a tangent and say mad shite about cleaning people’s insides with bleach ‘somehow’.

      Very funny was Donny.

      But his opposition are more corrupt. That witch Pelosi is somehow worth hundreds of millions. Biden and his family are loaded. As for the Clintons? Fuck me. Have you seen the shite that’s gone on around them? Biden intervened and messed with the Chauvin verdict. Land of the free?

      Not under that cunt, it isn’t.

      They’re all cunts, Trumpy included, but Donny T didn’t sniff kids or have loads of people dying in strange circumstances around his (alleged) ‘deals’ as far as I can see.

      • Agree, very funny bloke.
        My favourite was at some Eco Summit or something and he met a raging Greta Thunberg.

        She was glaring, eyes bugging out of her head,

        “Nice kid, she should smile more”

      • “[Thunberg] seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” he wrote. So nice to see!”


      • Her fucking face was a picture when Trumpet turned up to some summit a bit late. The whole room and media was focused on her until he walked in. They all fucked her off and she didn’t fucking like that did she. Trumpy acted like she was just some dumb gobby teen in the background.

        Which she fucking was lol.

        Trump v Cuntberg was very funny.

        Trumpy pissed it, didn’t he?

    • Morning Miserable.

      General Custard already did hit the roof. He left a reply at the time the nom was submitted.

      Naturally I told him off for breaking rule 5. ?

      • Indeed Ruff, and you was right to point out the rules.

        I myself am a stickler for them.

  4. The Donald, a rich man with a lot of power, bound to be some doggy dealings, clever accountants and lawyers, but….

    The democrats hate him and you can be sure they would stop at nothing to prevent him for running again, they are terrified because he could win, this must never happen (according to them).

    Go Trump MAGA.

    • Dodgy sure,but only in the context of the company the real estate moguls tend to keep.He comes from that Russian,Jewish mafia environment in the earlier days,Ray Cohn&Co and doubtless has some freemasonic affiliations to lubricate the mechanisms of commerce;which is a whole different kettle of fish when drilling down on that nefarious organisation.

      Compared to the crimes of the swamp creatures who are distinctly and feverishly attacking him from every angle they can of late;the Donald is a choirboy in comparison,Deffo not a Bolshevik traitor al a the Dems and Rhinos.

  5. A crook in a den of thieves?

    Quite possibly.

    There is no denying however that he upended the cosy political world and barged through protocol and bureaucratic norms.

    That he was pursued in office and continues to be so reinforces my view that fundamentally his populist approach and continued appeal is seen as a real threat to the “establishment”.

    Originally he was laughed at when he declared he would run,laughed at when he warned Europe about their flabby military and dependence on Russian gas,laughed at when he got to grips with illegal immigrants…

    They aren’t laughing now as he stands a very good chance of winning in 2024.

    He’d get my vote,if only because he’s not a politician…in the traditional sense that they are lying useless cunts.

  6. It’s all Establishment bollocks to keep him out of the Whitehouse. They can’t stop him running unless they can get him nicked on some bent charge. They are terrified of the Tangoman. ( real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)

  7. I’m so glad that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the election fair and square.

    The world is so much safer and the West is so much more prosperous since Joe became the gaffer.

    Plus Joe Biden doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet either. Unlike that Donald Trump character.

    Good Morning.

  8. That old sag tit dish faced witch Pelosi was trying to have him indicted from the moment he set foot in the Oval office.

    Can’t upset the N.W.O now, can we.

    Be very wary of the left. They were Nazis 80 years ago and they haven’t changed since.

    • If Donnie Trump had taken those documents, he should’ve hidden them under Hunter Biden’s cocaine or whores.

      Nobody looks there.

    • Odin.
      If you haven’t already, check out a chap on YouTube called TIK History.
      He’s mostly military history but has done several excellent videos on the fact that both the Nazis and Mussolinis Fascists were actually left wing politically.
      He’s had death threats (which rather proves him right) and the comments sections are always a bloodbath ?

    • There’s an infamous photo of Biden hanging out with a certain senator Byrd on some rally in the 70’s.Byrd just happening to be a grand-wizard of the Ku Kux Klan at the time.Nothing to see lol.

      I’m convinced the dude we see is an actor and most of his appearances being holograms as a way to keep the lid on a possible apocalyptic confrontation between the lavishly armed maga crowd and the brainwashed llibtards which wouldn’t go too well for that group.The military has to step in,fog of war = smoking ruin of the US.I believe increasingly there’s an unfathomably bigger picture going on covertly,real biblical shit going down.

  9. I do hope he runs for office again and wins. To see the faces of the woke left would be a sight to behold. If it wasn’t for Covid he would still be President. The US economy was thriving. I think The Donald is great, perfect, no, but he speaks his mind, not afraid to upset people, puts his country first, wanted to build a wall and hates the BBC. What’s not to like?

  10. Trump may be a cunt, but the fact he enraged the little madam Greta Cuntberg would get him my vote if I was a Yankee Doodle.

    “”So ridiculous,” Trump tweeted. “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”

    And I’m pretty sure he’d stop all this net zero bollocks and at least make sure standards of living don’t decrease, until at least alternative energy sources are easily available and affordable for all.

    Oh, how they all laughed at him saying Europe needs to be careful being so dependent on Russian gas.

    Fucking not laughing now, are they?

  11. The real question here is why is trump being continually persecuted when no other president including Nixon has been so deeply scrutinised?

    I’m ok with politicians being closely scrutinised but it should be universal. Trumps supposed sins are magnified by the mass media at the same time it’s admitted the media suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal.

    Hilary’s email server? No problem?

    The Russian collusion story was created by Clinton and planted in the FBI by a Clinton campaign operative. Senior FBI managers were exchanging emails literally saying they would work to stop Clinton becoming president. There’s a long list of allegations against senior democrats that don’t see the light of day.

    Trump is likely to be the GOP candidate in 2024 and the midterms are coming. Doesn’t take much insight to understand why the smear campaign against him rages on.

    Want to see Trump investigates and if guilty locked up? Nothing wrong with that, to do so without context and without applying the same scrutiny to the rest of the political establishment is either naive or your condoning abuse of power as long as it suits you.

    • When anyone does investigate Democrats, the media accuse them of ‘trying to make conspiracy theories true’.

      Get to fuck.

      You’re right by the way. Investigate the Tangoman if he’s genuinely suspected of dodgy shite, but saying the Ruskie collusion was nonsense in the end (after years of trying to pin this on Trumpy) but not going after those who started the rumour, is wrong too.

      And if you think Democrat politicians are all squeaky clean, you’re a bit dim.

      I’d hazard they’re worse. Look at the shite in places like Detroit and Chicago. African style politics. Clintons? Obama? Biden clan?

      Nothing to see here.

    • I’m on board increasingly with the notion that Trump is still actually president of the USA rather than the bankrupt district of Columbia chez DC which akin to the Vatican and City of London have been operating for aeons as sovereign entities (The Cabal) and parasiting off their respective host nations thus.The ‘English act’ essentially written by King George on behalf of his his Vatican overlords following the ‘war of independence’ which was essentially a Rothschild/Jesuit take-over utilizing Hamilton,Benjamin and others,still stands today.

      I believe Trump signed the insurrection act prior to his exile and America is thus under military control using an actor in a an oval office studio setting to ‘keep the lid on things’ as the swamp,or more importantly the creatures buried beneath the swamp mud are incrementally routed out to be dealt with by military courts for grift and treason-Romney,Cheney,Schummer,McConnell et al as well as the leading players at Aipac and the Neocons,the driving force of the Ukranian situation (Nuland springs to mind),Canadian chapter (Freeland) and inevitably Schwab and Noah Harrel for the Davos crowd.

      The Khazarian mafia have all but hollowed out the US since their Federal-Reserve operation began- circa 1913- in cahoots with the IRS,digging it’s blood-funnels into the US population through Babylonian money-magiking (usury) and what we’re witnessing is an attempt by these demonics to steer the world into the tried and trusted warfare-re-set option with it’s herd thinning componentry very much to the fore.Things are looking crazy but it’s only truth rising to the surface as the Babylonian serpent cult in charge of our planet (using US military might,City of London fiscal/political chicanery and Vatican legal/’religious’ propagandizing) are finally receiving their comeuppance.They’ve already lost but they will try taking us down with them in the process as we are witnessing increasingly.

  12. I believe that the stupid fucking war in Ukraine would not have started with Trump in office.
    He would have made a deal with Putoon and Told Zelensky to sign it or your fucked.
    Speaks plain and simple.

  13. The reaction from the lamestream media, the vast majority of nodding dog “celebs” and “comedian types” towards Trump’s election victory was perhaps a sign he was on to something.

    The four years plus of hysteria and bile which followed his election victory in 2016 was so unprecedented that it was enough to make millions of long deceased American’s rise from their graves, vote Democrat and make sure he didn’t serve that second term.

    • I would rather have Big Don than that slippery sell her soul to the highest bidder witch from Chorlton and the Wheelies that we have as our new PM. Is it Lib Dem? Is it Labour? Is it Tory? Is it anti-monarchy? Or does it suddenly ‘love’ The late Queen? Truss is as slimy and ‘biddable’ as they come. The new Maggie, my arse. Maggie – for all her faults – always stuck to her beliefs and principles. Truss doesn’t have any…

      Also, good point, Herman. Funny how the American ‘comedy’ circuit has gone all quiet again. Cunts like Colbert and Saturday Shite Live had a pop at Trump every single week without fail. Their whole shows were based on him and around him. But now, just like with their precious untouchable Obamas, Uncle Joe hardly has any jokes told about him.

      • Liz Truss reeks and speaks of old school Lib Dem yogurt-knitting flip-floppery. We’ll see how this plays out. It will be comical, of course.

      • Lots will be said, but sweet fuck all will change.
        Imagine the famous teaser trailer for “Terminator 2” but with different skin suits being factory fitted to a long production line of Tony Blair endoskeletons…

      • That’s why Trump was inserted by patriotic factions of the NSA as many are concluding,knowing full well killary would have promptly done her Rothschild masters bidding by attacking North Korea and ultimately Russia.’The sworn enemy of old’.Never forgiven for turfing out the Khazars centuries ago to say nothing of kicking out the Rothschild banking operation more recently,and l suspect the satanist would have locked down the planet for years longer with the Covid mandates than Trump did thus accelerating the constructive economic/psy-op takedown that’s trying to manifest lately but on a more turbo-charged basis.
        ‘They never thought she would lose’ lol.

  14. Personally Trump is a dick of the highest order but all your arguments supporting what he did it are totally correct.
    NATO, WHO and the rest of them hate him for telling it like it is.
    Remember his speech telling the Germans about fuel dependency?
    Krauts aren’t laughing now are they!!!!!?
    Just look at any rally taking place with trump. Tens of thousands attending. Biden gets a few hundred and even some of them heckle. ?
    Trump used to face the press on a weekly basis. General Cunster would have better details and I would love to hear from him on that.
    I watch American news more than British shit and I know FOX news leans to the republicans but it’s not all partisan. They call out their own when the need arises. CNN and MSNBC certainly don’t. As with the others some of the big news networks didn’t even show Sleepy Joes rant against MAGA REPUBLICANS because they knew that no cunt is watching it and b: they knew it would be a clusterfuck!! They were right, he stumbled through that speech and looked like a demonic dictator.
    The next day he fucking forgot what he said. Cockwomble.
    Anyway like I said I’m not a fan of Big MAGA Don but I would have him at a drop of a hat than ANY career politician.
    Let’s go Brandon!!!

  15. Remember what Trumpy said about Johnson?

    “They call him Britain Trump.”

    Perceptive and eloquent as always.

    I’m guessing he hadn’t read what Boris previously said about Trump:

    “I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind. What he’s doing is playing the game of terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That is exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce. When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are no-go areas, I think he’s portraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States.” ?

    “They call him America Boris” would probably be a more fitting tribute today.

    • Well there are definitely parts of London I wouldn’t go to.

      Tower Hamlets? Brent?

      Get to fuck. Might as well visit downtown Kingston, Jamaica or Islamabad.

      I think Trump made those comments before Boris went woke due to his new piece of cunt.

      Boris was one of the worst PM’s we’ve ever had. Fucking useless, lying cunt.

      Trump was a good president if you can manage to get over the MSM bile and look at what he actually did. More prosperity and the world was definitely a safer place, that’s for fucking certain.

      Even Putin and the mad cunt in NK were behaving themselves more than ever before.

      Trump 24!

      • Any part of Londonistan is a no go area these days, Suck Dick Khunt has seen to that.

        Luton, Bradford, Oldham, Rochdale, parts of Birmingham rapidly headed the same way.

        President Trump said it like it is and was correct, many times.

        That’s why the lefties and media hate him.

      • Too true Leo.

        And the already overrun New York now has busloads of Mexicans coming in.

        Well, Big Don did try and keep ’em out. He did warn them….

    • He had those cunts on the ropes and then they rigged the fight in the most brazen, cack-handed manner ever seen in politics.

  16. If only we had a political party, MI5/6 and media organisation in this country willing to pursue, harangue, persecute and dig dirt on former UK Prime Ministers… Blair?


    • If ,or when, Trump is officially sworn in again l want the UK to be a European extension of the US…(make it official lol) so the establishment cancerous reptiles within can be duly liquidated to extinction.Hell l wouldn’t object to suzarainty to Putin’s Russia (they’ve long since dissavowed Marxist/Talmudic/Communism) at this point compared to the shit show that passes for governance in these islands.

  17. He had our border secured by the end of his term.
    He had us energy independent.
    The economy was booming.
    If only…
    That ventriloquist dummy we have now fucked all of that up on day one.
    If Trump runs again he will be the better choice.
    Not perfect for sure.

  18. As expected, a quite sombre and subdued mood in the Kidney Unit yesterday. Everyone showing their respects to Her Late Majesty.

    All except the Parking Stan Lee type. who insists on not using headphones (what is it with these people?!) and who had that fucking horrible Bollywood music on at full whack. Those screeching strings and that horrible high pitched ‘singing’. No respect whatsoever. One day that phone will be shoved up their arse. Jeldi!?

    • People who don’t use headphones in public should be melted down. It only recently that the narcissists of society have stopped using buds on the bus, etc. Cunts playing video games with the volume blaring. Get to fuck. Someone will snap one day, hope it isn’t me, I’m not dying on that hill.

  19. Trump is an utter cunt. Lying narcisistic probably crooked cunt. But he follows a long line of cunts, different in their cuntitude but still cunts. He seems to have the same personality traits as Me Me Me Markle.
    Are the current showers of shit better? Nope. Would America be better off with Trump? Probably.

    • As a lodestar for the American people to galvanize themselves with, Trump is an essential force in America. It’s now immaterial what his personality defects are – it’s what Trump represents in to the people of that once great, land of liberty. ANYTHING that destroys evil is good, even threatens it, makes it tremble, is good. And that isn’t Trump – it’s the 330 million people turning on their cretinous captors that the people in power fear the most. Trump is like a talisman, like sunlight to the vampires.

  20. This cunting is probably the most misguided cunting on ISAC ever. Trump’s the bad guy in America, is he? Not the truly evil cunts in power there now? Trump always said that he was what stood in the way of the evil elite trying to destroy/reset/remake America and electronically enslave the people.

    Now, I have vacillated between Trump also being in the elite and him being a legit man of the people patriot. So much is the information/misinformation, red herrings, confusion out there. I now reckon Donald is the real deal. He can be a cunt at time, as I am, as we all are, but he’s not a purebred cunt, certainly not evil like many of the (almost?) demonic sacks of shit in the Democrat dungeon.

    What will happen in the coming months and years? Hmm. Anything could happen. It won’t be happy families singing Kum ba yah all around the world. But I am resolute that it will end well, good will conquer evil, but it’s going to be a 20-25 year multifaceted battle.


    • Well said Le Cunt. He actually loves his country as it was founded. That is so rare now days. He’s unpolished, not groomed to be a politician from birth, unfiltered, and actually knows how business works.
      He’s my kind of cunt.

    • With you Le Cunt on keeping the powder dry on DJT and the ‘Elite’ scenario.Too many elephants a lurking in various rooms tbh.His Chabad Lubavitch son in law Kushner-Kissinger ‘influenced’ ? Those photos of Lubavitchers gathered around him chez Oval office etc ?… so knowing his predeliction for Sun Tzu’s philosophy (Art of war) opus,’i’m hoping Don Trumpioni is simply being Sicilian about things and keeping his enemies closer ?

      All possibly in the wheelhouse of the great awakening going down these days across the spectrum.His uncle was a gifted scientist I’ve learnt recently,worked extensively with Nikola Tesla and so he would be aware of certain suppressed technologies such as free-electricity and magnetic-propulsion travel that NT was involved with (possibly had access to the Vatican library) prior to his laboratory being burned down and hundreds of patents confiscated.

  21. Sweden are going to vote for a new government, it looks like the right wing party could be in power and might be propped up by the extreme right smaller party.
    The people have enough of unsafe streets from the influx of mad cunts.
    Interesting to see what way it will go

    • Sounds great, but we though that about France with La Pen and that got scuttled. Patriots of countries are the number one enemy of the elites. Massive celebrations if the Moderate party wins! I have an uncle in Sweden – I could move there!

      • The elites don’t want nationalistic parties in power.

        To be a nationalist isn’t just “muh racism”
        It’s a love of the country, its ethnic people’s history/heritage, and deeply held respect and connection to the land.

        That philosophy unfortunately flies in the face of the progressive Green/Left coalition.
        Their progressive/green (anything but) agenda equates to destroying a nations collective identity and moral by stealth, with mass uncontrolled immigration of mainly ideologically opposed men from the 3rd World for example and by destroying swathes of the natural habitat.
        The same natural habitat that the green lunatics would happily tear up in order to build thousands of new homes/slave pods or cover in wind turbines in the name of being right on.

      • Sweden has more peaceful filth than even we have got.
        Not for nothing is Malmo known as the rape capital of europe…

      • All these dark fantasies that the elites have WILL NOT COME TO PASS. It’s going to end badly for these cretins.

  22. I’ve never known anybody get such a slagging from the media, all over the Western World. Fucking Hitler got a better press than the Tangoman. That’s got to tell you something. Snowflakes burst into tears at the very mention of his name.

    • George Bush was treated quite fairly by the libtard media. They fucking HATED him, but they bit their lips for the most part and this cunt oversaw the deaths of 1 million people, including sleeping babies. What did Trump do? Roar out some crass shit-talk? Nah, he upended the Obama-Clinton agenda to destroy America and so they had to crowbar a drooling degenerate into the White House to cack-handedly finish the job with a future of blackouts and supermarket riots over scarce food supplies.

      • With you Le Cunt on keeping the powder dry on DJT and the ‘Elite’ scenario.Too many elephants a lurking in various rooms tbh.His Chabad Lubavitch son in law Kushner-Kissinger ‘influenced’ ? Those photos of Lubavitchers gathered around him chez Oval office etc ?… so knowing his predeliction for Sun Tzu’s philosophy (Art of war) opus,’i’m hoping Don Trumpioni is simply being Sicilian about things and keeping his enemies closer ?

        All possibly in the wheelhouse of the great awakening going down these days across the spectrum.His uncle was a gifted scientist I’ve learnt recently,worked extensively with Nikola Tesla and so he would be aware of certain suppressed technologies such as free-electricity and magnetic-propulsion travel that NT was involved with (possibly had access to the Vatican library) prior to his laboratory being burned down and hundreds of patents confiscated.

      • There’s very credible evidence that his putrid father was seen during JFK’s murder in his then role as a C.I.A operative,possibly the point-man in control.He ‘couldn’t account’ for where he was at the time allegedly but there’s a convincing grainyish photo of him online, lurking around the library during the festivities.Skull&Bonesman,possibly with their assasination wing (Mystik Krewe of Komus).

    • Seeing celebrity sluts like Miley Cyrus, Madogga, Kunty Perry and Cher all crying and whining that they would all piss off to Canada if Big Don got in the White House. Of course, none of the lying slags did it….?

      And the widespread hate for Big Don only mirrors that ridiculous and overlong ‘grief’ for that piece of scum, Chiggen Floyd George. A violent criminal and a woman abuser was mourned the world over for well over a year. That Wokegate twat and his fairies are still doing it. Fucking hell fire. Chiggen Floyd was mourned even more than our dear departed Queen. What the fuck is that all about? The man wasn’t worth a shit…

    • I’m pretty sure that most black people in America don’t give a flying fuck about her. She’ll never be a black icon. Her chance for that was being front and centre of the Royal Family but she spectacularly sabotaged that. And dig this – she and Harry YET ANOTHER BOOK that was ready to go to press that is said to contain attacks on the family, but then the Queen died, but I think these brass-necked bellends will still drop that tome of tirades on their father, brother. Just fuck off already. If they didn’t have kids, they would have been Robert Maxwelled by now. And we may see that.

  23. A corrupt Mental or a corrupt Zombie….the best that “The Greatest Nation on Earth” could come up with….makes even Cameron,Johnson and Blair look acceptable.

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