Dead Pool [256]

Congratulations to Paul Maskinback who predicted the actress Anne Heche or in the words of Paul “occasional bean flicker and crispy qctress would be next to conk out aged 53 a week after a drug fuelled 90 mph car crash left her brain dead with serious burns and lung injuries.She was known for her roles in films such as I know what you did last Summer and Cedar rapids as well as being the ex of Ellen Degeneres.This is Pauls second win in less than a week.


This is a controversial hit as her heart is still beating however she has been established as brain dead and is on full mechanical ventilation whilst the Doctors establish whether any of her organs are viable for donation.Normally I would not count this and didnt when I first read the news and retracted Dead Pool 256 but upon further reading under Californian Law this counts as legally dead unlike here in the UK and many other jurisdictions.So the win is given to Paul.In future cases like this it will depend on the legal status of someone being alive as underpinned by their jurisdiction at the time of them being on life support.

On to Dead Pool 256

The rules

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next .No duplicates.First come first serve .You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses nominations from the previous pool.

2)No nominating the worlds oldest man or woman

3) It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping nominations mid pool.

59 thoughts on “Dead Pool [256]

  1. Salman Rushdie
    Frank Field
    Pervez Musharraf
    Simon Cowell ( Wildlife SOS)
    Carolyn Bryant Donham

  2. Clint Eastwood

    Rolf Harris
Billy Connolly

    Jimmy Carter

    Mikhail Gorbachev

  3. Nigel Starmer-Smith (RU international & commentator)
    Ken Brown (former West Ham / England footballer & Norwich manager)
    Gary Rossington (last surviving original member of Lynyrd Skynyrd)
    Alf Dubs (Czech born former Labour MP)
    Bernard Ingham (Mrs Thatcher’s press secretary)

  4. In there, Paul…

    Heche was like a prototype Amber Heard. Known swinger and a bit of a looney. Any bloke with half a brain would avoid it like the plague…

    Jean Luc Godard
    Patsy King
    Tony Barber
    Wilf McGuinness
    Klaus Voormann

    • Going to see Paul Jones, Mike D’Abo, Tom McGuinness and the rest of the lads do all the Manfreds classics soon.

      Klaus and Manfred won’t be taking part though.. I reckon old Klaus will get in the upcoming reissue of ‘Revolver’ before he conks out though.

  5. Henry Kissinger
    Bobby Charlton
    Barbara Walters
    David fucking Gold (die you West Ham cunt)
    Lord Hezzelslime ( die you dirty backstabbing traitor fucking wanker)

  6. Congrats Paul.

    After the accident, Heche was in a coma. Her family had her removed from life support because she was brain dead. They could have done that years ago…without the accident.

    Capt/Major James Hewitt
    Roman Polanski
    Heather Locklear
    Sophia Loren

  7. Cliff ‘shirt lifting, colostomy bag wearing cunt of all cunts’ Richard
    Sue ‘ I offered it on a plate to the stinky fucker and he knocked me back, the cunt‘ Barker
    Adam ‘shit actor’ Woodyatt
    Sue ‘director’ Tully
    Todd ‘obscurity’ Carty

  8. This daft cow was too much for Lindsey Buckingham and he’s as mad as a bag of hares.

    Fucking good guitarrist though.

  9. The Dalai Lama
    Rupert Murdoch
    Alex Ferguson
    Eve Marie Saint
    Gary Glitter

    Well struck, Masky.

  10. Kamal
    Mohammed Mahatir
    Maria Venuti
    James Hong
    Uncle Jack Charles

    Go for the hat trick Paul.

  11. David Hockney
    Alan Greenspan
    Barry Fry
    Annette Crosbie
    Eddie Stobart.

    Nice work Paul.

  12. Geoff Boycott
    Billy fucking Bragg
    Henry Blofeld
    Sandi Tossvikg
    Steve Wright in the Afternoon

    Hat-trick ball, Paul good skittles?

  13. Group Captain John Hemingway DFC
    John Cruikshank VC
    Glynis Johns
    Mohamed Al-Fayed
    Sandy Gall

    Well done Paul

  14. I assume Sean was on duty at her hospital.

    Yoko fucking Ono
    Danglebert Pimpledick
    Eric Burdon
    Alan Price
    Georgie Fame

  15. I suppose it’s better than living with Ellen Degenerate.

    My picks;

    James Earl Jones
    William Daniels (voice of KITT)
    Douglas Hurd
    Peter Higgs (of the Boson)
    Brian Blessed

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