Elle Darby – Snowflake Influencer

(No early-morning horns allowed please! Ignore the header pic, just focus on the nom below, you awful old men – Day Admin)

Who? You might ask. Well let me fill you in.

Three years ago this airhead tried to blag a free stay at a Dublin hotel by describing herself as a “social media influencer” and promising to promote the place on her YouTube channel.

Simply put, she’s just a deluded fuckwit who makes shitty videos, for other deluded fuckwits, about how gorgeous she is, when the truth is she looks like anyone in those hords of plastic slappers who hang around in overpriced bars and nightclubs, taking it up the arse from lower league footballers and z-list celebrities in the gents’ toilets.

The hotel owner told her, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off, and showed her up for the freeloading parasite she clearly is. Then, as appears to be the norm these days for young women with a sense of entitlement who don’t get what they want, she subsequently posted another video, turning on the waterworks and complaining about bullying from people who found her arrogance downright offensive.

This week, she’s found herself in the news again, but not for the reason she could have hoped for. Her fellow millennial snowflakes have been unsubscribing in their droves after unearthing racist tweets from her.

As the old saying goes : it’s better to let people think you’re stupid than say something and prove them right!! Or should it be “live by the sword, die by the sword”? Anyway, maybe now she’ll have to look for a real job.

Daily Mail News Link 1

Daily Mail News Link 2

Nominated by: Cunt Me In

Supported by: Cuntfinder General

I think any cunters who have never seen the original Gerald Pauschmann video on her (he is a brother cunter), will thoroughly enjoy this:

YouTube Link

82 thoughts on “Elle Darby – Snowflake Influencer

  1. What a complete and utter attention needy mong. Those racist tweets made me fucking laugh though so fair play.
    “The bus stinks of Indians” was my personal favourite. Cheered me up on a cold January morning. ?

  2. Who knows? If her channel goes “tits up” then she may have to get a job. Jordan stunt slut. ?? Cunt

  3. Perhaps Admin can employ her as a secretary at Admin Towers-it could boost their recruitment drive??
    (Nice idea, but we’d get nothing done! – Day Admin)

    A promise of free stays at Fiddler Towers, RTC’s country pile and the assurance that she will have a “huge” following, from the IsAC “Horn Section”, should suffice to get the dizzy butch on board?

  4. I would ruin her senseless, I bet she could suck the white colour out of a snooker ball, morning all

  5. The nom pic is somewhat flattering. Underneath all that finery and cosmetic enhancement, it’s a bit of a minger isn’t it?

    • Its got the kind of lips that belong on a fishing hook and a heavy duty rod. Once out of water give it a swift crack to the skull and chuck it back in for Pike food. No practical use to the Human race thats for certain. Even Beckham can string sentences together better than her.

  6. She’s got great curves and her tweets are hilarious. She doesn’t sound like a snowflake but the opposite with a “ fuck your attitude” whilst she games social media. I like her.

  7. Well I’d better start going through my “..isaCunt” posts to check that I’ve never written anything that might give the nasty Bullies a chance to attack me.

    • All done…just as I thought…tasteful and classy throughout…rather like their author.

      (You set a fine example to the underlings here, Dick. (cough, splutter, cough) – Day Admin)


  8. The Charleville sounds like an oasis of sanity away from the woken SS. I shall be going there when I visit Ireland to escape another Oz summer when we’re let out on remand.

  9. Is there a factory somewhere (China?) that turns out these identikit slippers?

    Fake tan ✅
    Bleached hair ✅
    Trout pout ✅
    Plastic tits ✅
    Vacant expression ✅
    YouTube, ‘Reality’ TV, ‘influencer’ = unemployed ✅

    Probably give her a seeing to. If she asked nicely.

    Hot and humid as fuck again today.

  10. She looks like a Barbie doll gone wrong. Surely even the horn section can’t be aroused by that.

  11. Indeed, what an utterly vacuous, self-adoring, brain-dead, airhead slapper. She looks as if she’s been sprayed with furniture polish.
    The sort one reads about in the news:
    “Social influencer dies in head-on collision with gravel truck, while losing control of pink fluffy car during mobile phone call.”
    Vapid tart.

    • aspiring influencer, that means too thick to even do that, like aspiring rapper means can’t do fuck all and aspires to talk fast

  12. I’d like to know who the fuck is it that “unearths” all these old tweets? I don’t really understand IT – who would do it? Twitter?

    • It’s called “offence archaeology” my lord.

      Cunts with nothing better to do scrolling back on some other cunt’s feed. That cricket cunt got fucked over by eight year old tweets.

      • The slimy little cunt who showed that hurty words are systemic racism and Yorkshire Cricket should be destroyed, but anti-semitism doesnt count as it’s cultural?

      • The thing about offence archelogy, is that it only works one way usually. If the woke have someone in their sights they’ll do the digging and hope to expose/cancel the cunt.

        However, when some “normal” person does similar digging against a woke-type and some shit is found, the woke go all defensive spouting all the “isms” along with “trolling” and “hate” etc.

        That bint football commentator, Alex Scott, is one such example of having a rather racial history back in the day, but typically it didn’t get reported much on MSM

      • Yorkshire Cricket headlined all major news channels for 8 days ….longer than the fucking twin towers getting hit. Leave Yorkshire alone CUNTS! Im gonna tweet that I don’t like ethnics nor cooons. CUNTS

      • It is a bit mental to publish nasty comments on the internet under your real name, though, is it? You wouldn’t self-publish and distribute a million copies of a 800-page book called, “N***ers Are Inferior and Stink of Shit” would you? Doing that on Twitter is even more mental as it reaches HUNDREDS of millions of people, mainstream media hysteria ensues. If someone bothers you, then have some balls and have a go a them, don’t generalise that one cunt into a group of people and get nasty at millions of Poles, Indians, old people, etc.

        The internet is used and abused like any drug – yeah, it’s a drug, maybe the biggest drug these days – and the ones abusing it are the ones that will lead us to a China-style internet, ie. super-censored, crap and makes you slitty-eyed!

        There’s a way to stay true to yourself online but also avoid the pitfalls of being timed-out, demonised, banned, etc. But a lot of twats are too thick to learn the verbal arts and end up shitting in their own nests. You can never complain when you hoist yourself by your own petard, can you? Play a record, for fuck’s sake…


  13. Looks like the type you would see raising their voice (with the obligatory upwards inflection) and squabbling with an equally synthetic-looking friend or family member at the leggings rail in Primark.

    Fuck off.

  14. There is a persistent mental illness in pockets of the West Country which long before the term “snowflake” became common currency I used to call “fuckwititis”. One of the clearest indicators that someone suffered from this ailment was when they developed a physical illness and referred to the crystals rather than a doctor. For decades it was confined to Stroud, Bath and Totnes but recently seems to be spreading farther afield having become more virulent, for instance some people in Bristol have now been observed running around wailing like banshees and throwing statues in the dock. I feel that if we do not get a grip this could be more harmful than Covid19.

    • Crystals?
      Crystal meth, Bath crystals (Elizabeth Arden, of course…), Maldon sea salt??
      I avoid Titty, apart from picking up the Airport Flyer (sic – Thunderbird 2) outside Temple Mead Station.

  15. Its only in this day and age that these airhead fuck monkeys can make a living doing shit like this, on top of that i can see her now demanding stupid things from businesses as if see,s fucking Maria Carey, yep giving it the famous [do you know who i am?] yep just a leach on the ball sack of life, if it wasnt for the brain dead wankers that keep her channel growing she would be selling her arse and like as not a crack whore.
    Just a Katey Price wanna be, who needs a fucking reality check….

  16. One would have thought that after all these years they’d have found a way of making blow-up sex dolls look more realistic.

    • Ukraine must have a lot of oil and gas cos it’s got fuck all else worth stealing. It’s famous for slaggy, pox ridden prostitutes willing to marry anyone overseas who isn’t black. And orphanages full of millions of deformed Mongol kids tied to beds or dragging their starved spastic carcasses around the floor looking for a crust…Putin is getting a bum deal if he goes ahead. his public health bill will far outstrip gas sales.

      • Ukraine’s not that bad, you’re thinking more of Romania. And what’s not to like about gorgeous women who open their legs for you and hate blacks? I’d say that’s a win-win.

      • Oh, and Ukraine has the sort of gas and oil reserves that the UK could only dream about. Just they’re too fucking rubbish and corrupt to go about extracting them. Don’t blame them too much though, they spent 70+ years under the thumb of an even more corrupt foreign power. And it looks as if they may well soon be again.

      • Sorry cuntymort, I thought you were talking about the Ukrainians. They wouldn’t surrender easily. The snowflakes here would be complaining about the peanuts on the plane/ship/camel/shank’s pony.

  17. It’s a bitter sweet one, silly fucking tart getting a kicking from the snowflakes who are dumb enough to follow her, the Dublin hotel was brilliant but the fact she is a bit racist means she ain’t all bad ?

    Now she has more time on her hands maybe she will start posting here, just dirty pictures for CC.

  18. Entitled, airheaded bimbo.
    Who exactly is ‘influenced’ by this waste of space?

    Morning all.

  19. I’d literally like to stuff my pork sword literally up her council gritter, so it literally pokes out her literally pea sized brain. Then I’d T bag those duck lips, whilst literally shitting in her bloodshot eyes. Marvellous. What a cunt.

  20. The reason I’m not on soshull medja or an “influencer” is because I’m realistic enough to know that no one really gives a shit about what I have to say. Besides, I need my racist, sextist, homophobic views to stay private.

    • A whole bunch of cunts want your vote come election time though, the hypocritical arsewipes.

  21. Firslty, I don’t understand why these stupid bints have to inject their lips with botox to plumpen them up. At school we had a term for this “Larry Lips” – you get my drift…

    Secondly, I hope this tart gets her just desserts and ends up working in Poundland – although not doubt she’ll end up on some tellybox programme, you know the type, the ones which start at 11.30pm and always features some mincing cunt sidekick presenter like head too big for his body Rylan (another absolute fuckwit who’s recently been cunted on here) or some cuntfuck from Gogglecunt.

    That said I’d still take her on all fours, but it would have to be in some shitty weatherspoons, in the toilets with her hands and knees on the piss flooded floors.

  22. Have you clocked the queen of all the surgically enhanced cunts latest self promotion, ” doing up Jordan’s shithole house ” wtf, do these telly cunts in charge think anyone is in the slightest bit interested in seeing this whorebag and her offspring of many fathers….WHAT A PILE OF SHITE…

    • Fuck me, YES I saw this advertised yesterday.

      I thought this whorebag was skint, but it seems like she’s doing up her mansion.

      I also think it is ethically and morally wrong for someone who has been prosecuted of crim actvity (in this case flipping cars and drug abuse) to be allowed to be on TV. Sends out the wrong message.

      Fucking slag bag – the clip I saw was slag of the year asking her dribbling son what he thought of one of the troom makeovers. He jumped up and down clapping his hands, fuck me – what is going on!

      • I told y’all she ain’t fucking broke. Just because she filed for bankruptcy only means she’s screwing those she owes. It’s a tactic used for financial “protection” to keep your shit and fuck your creditors.
        This influencer cunt is an up and coming Jordan herself.

      • It’ll be like that programme where tradesmen donate their time and materials to adapt houses for handicapped kids. Could call the series paintjobs for blowjobs. I expect she will marry the bricklayer and/or his mate.

  23. This old waycism milarky is getting out of hand, there isn’t a sooty male, female or silverback that wouldn’t be humping the crap out of that spunk bucket given half a mo…the soots will fuck anything alive or dead in desperation to spread their rancid seed. The word “waycissssssts” does’t mean a thing to them unless they find themselves on a stop and search with a six-pack of tesco knives in their back pocket.
    If she wants one zillion likes and an influencer fan club then she needs to marry a sooty and do a markle with a sooty band playing at the wedding. ..that’s how the katshtians got famous, all married blacks in name only and knocked out mixed breeds cubs using segregate mothers and markle just copied them…winning formula

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