There’s a clip circulating on Soshul Meeja where some Yank bird, claiming to be a teacher, starts crying about the fact that plasters ( band-aids they call them in Yankland ) are white. They’re obviously not but let’s not have a row about shades of whiteyness because they are all bad, end of story.
She holds up a couple of plasters and says “ every time I put these on a brown child I am literally adding insult to injury.”
Fucking hell, I bet she thought that was a very clever thing to say not realising that she had just made a complete cunt of herself. ? Are you sure you are a teacher darling? I reckon the black kid who has just been stung by a cunting wasp doesn’t give a flying fuck about the “insult” of the off white plaster. Talk about finding raaaay-sism where it doesn’t exist……they should sign this bitch up to the Labour Party.
Sorry Admin, links are way above my technical ability. You’ll have to do it yourself or bin the fucker.
(Well, you caught me in a forgiving mood, Freddie. I found a link to the story. – NA)
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
She’s even more stupid than you’d think…plasters for “touch-of-the-tar-brush” types have been around for a while now:
Jesus fucking Christ!! Skin tone plasters?? I had no idea such things existed and if anybody had told me I would have assumed they were winding me up and told them to fuck off.
Thanks for the link Admin. What kind of name is Mikie Park Gillmore? I swear the world has gone fucking mental elf!
Plasters have always been flesh coloured, ever since they were invented in 1920. At the time, 95% of the population was white so it made sense to make them white flesh coloured.
Had they been invented by blicks in a majority black country they would no doubt have been coloured dark brown or summat.
Either way, nowt racist about them, simply practical.
“Plasters have always been flesh coloured”.
Dat’s so racist!
Your flesh or mine bruv?
Afternoon Ruff.
Just use the blue ones that are used in food production.
Or are they racist too?
Only against smurfs
Dark Keys can use electrical tape.
She looks like the type of woman that if she did something wrong, and you had to punch her in the face, her head would fly off.
I bet she drinks from the furry cup too.
I bet she’s great fun on a night out.
A laugh a minute.
I suppose putting on white nappies, white clothes for dark-skinned children is probably equally as traumataising and racist for this self-attention seeking, nothing-to-say cunt!
It will be brown coloured tampons and bog roll next because clearly wiping your arse with white bog roll is culturally insensitive and of course racist.
No doubt Andrex will be selling us the virtues of brown bog roll with a brown coloured puppy dog, just to appease twats like her!
I have no words. What an idiot. Deleted her TikTok account, probably after getting thousands of ” who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking fool? ” responses to this nonsense.
Fuck I guess that makes our cheese racist over here too at least the Chinks will feel at home.
Cock cheese is racist by its very nature as I betcha it’s the same colour cross all da races. Food for thought. Mornin’.
My 3 year old niece is always saying she’s ‘hurt’ so she can have a Peppa Pig plaster.
This teacher/her school can buy kids’ plasters like this or, yes, plasters with dark keys’ skin colour. You can buy them, you daft moo.
But better to just grab the pack you probably bought yourself and scream ‘raaaaycisss’ on social media, right?
Fuck off. Live in their areas and I reckon the colour of plasters won’t be something you’ll whinge about for much longer.
I never realised plasters are waaaayyycist.What next?I despair
Plasters? Iodine and fresh air. Fuck off.
She looks just like Sue Perkins therefore she must be a cunt.
Her face is very punchable…
Maybe we could find a big koon plaster and stick it over her mouth?
She looks like the alien on American Dad.
And ‘white’ plasters are a shade of light brown in many cases.
Makes me look like I’ve got a bit of dark key skin. Maybe I should organise a fucking protest? Every other cunt seems to be doing it over fuck all.
I think the majority of plasters now are a lightish brown colour in the hope that nobody will complain if they go for the middle ground. If the companies have to make 10 different shades it increases production costs. Which increases the sale price.
Well done you daft tart. Why not demand that the manufacturers give away free books on slavery (dark key slavery, honky slavery doesn’t count) with every pack?
Fuck off.
I share her outrage….I was inspecting my toilet-bowl for damage the other morning after a particularly evil Guinness shit when it struck me just how fucking racist it is that shit is brown ( or in my case,coal-tar black). In order to face up to my inherent racism I now eat 3 sticks of chalk with every meal…this means that I can now look my turd in the eye and be reminded that “white equals shite”.
Now,how do I get on Tick-Tock to share my wokeness?
Whatever happened to white dog shit?
Did dogs recognise their racism and decide to shit only brown turds?
Here you are, Dick. Fill your boots.
I look forward to seeing your drunken ramblings after a raid on the old trout who runs the ‘other pub.’
Talking of chalk, I once got taken to task by A Dark Key for referring to a ‘blackboard’) which is what it always is/was!) when I should’ve used the word ‘chalkboard’.
Needless to say it was done in a highly-aggressive, demanding manner which made it certain I would deliberately call it a blackboard thereafter.
Then the cunt in charge replaced it with a felt pen and…… a whiteboard!! Needless to say no objections from Ms Späde then, yet alone by me. To quote the legendary Spock – “Illogical“
If you work in the food industry and cut yourself then you will find that plasters are coloured blue.
I think that is incredibly insulting to Smurfs.
It ‘s not just the plasters. Bandages too. And dont get me started on white supremacist plaster of paris.
Withdraw the lot just like the ‘outraged’ (ie BLM, Guardian etc) are demanding the racist report is withdrawn. Victims innit.
If dark-keys don’t like the colour of plasters then they should have invented the fucking things themselves.
But the real stupidity is yet another white person taking offence on behalf of ‘people of colour’. Her genes must not be passed on so her cunt needs to be filled in with quick-drying cement.
I wouldn’t worry. With her looks she’ll struggle to attract a turkey baster never mind a man.
I have a couple of mixed-race friends who don’t regard themselves as black, even though in the current social climate they could.
But they also think all these white people feeling “guilty” on behalf of black culture, is embarrassing as it is patronising!
One friend also said “where were these cunts before BLM and George Floyd? Why weren’t they on social media moaning about white privilege/guilt 3 or 4 years ago? “
Wheres Wally? Is right!
Plasters are racist.
So is Germolene®
If a dark key hurts themself the best thing is some Kiwi boot polish, and a liquorice tourniquet.
If hysterical kneel on their neck for 9 minutes it calms them right down…
I’ve just brushed my teeth with some racist toothpaste. God knows I feel guilty, but it’s either that or let my teeth rot. It’s a genuine dental hygiene dilemma…
It would be even more insulting if hospitals had the equivalent of a Dulux colour chart for their plaster casts and bandages to accommodate the various shades of brown that people can be.
Imagine the howls of indignation and claims for compensation if they got the colour slightly wrong.
Im colour-blind and don’t see any difference in people.
I only know people are dark keys because they smell.
That’s odourist!
…and the loudest “howl of indignation” would be from me…just imagine if I fractured my cock in a riding accident and they plastered it to look like a Dark-Key’s Dibbler?….I like to regularly send photos of my appendage to Gemma Arterton…imagine her outrage and disgust if she were to open her post to be confronted by a photo of a black-bayonet!…poor lass would probably spew-up and faint (In my world Gemma is a committed racist just like me) before being arrested for calling the Police and reporting that it was a BLACK dick that had caused the upset.
Good Morning,TAC
Good Morning,All.
Same problem with moisturizing cream.
You seem to have found the right shade.
What a wobby, gelatinous great tool. This speccy arsehole teaches children, so it doesn’t take much working out to see how the woke virus has spread into a pandemic.
Why are these ditzy types attracted to teaching children? Is it that they feel they must pass on their undoubted wisdom to the young generation?
Great nom, Freddie. This Mikie is a confirmed cunt.
Spunk is also racist!
But then again in this age of cultural appropriation shouldn’t our non-white brethren have their own darker shade of spunk?
They don’t do black plasters because there is no point putting a plaster on gunshot or stab wounds, which are usually the case with these guys. They have thought of the effnic however and made plasters the same colour as Kentuky fried chiggun
Do the efniks know what plasters are? I thought they just smeared a banana leaf with chiggun grease and applied it to the stab wound.
Oh just fuck off you mong.
She looks like a right kidd1e-fiddler.Bet her breath stinks.
And her yeasty minge.
So would she rather let a dark key child bleed than put a plaster on? Plasters are not white anyway – just a pink colour that in no way resembles white skin. What a lunatic. These idiots don’t know what to moan about next.
What about bandages, pure white ?
And let’s sing the song.
I’m dreaming of a white advert.
Just like the ones we used to know.