Siobhan Prigent


Lads and lads, I give you Siobhan Prigent:

The fat, angry land-whale shitcunt whose repulsive fucking visage was pasted all over the internet yesterday for the milkshaking and harassment of that lone, middle-aged Trump supporter – screaming ‘Nazi’ in his face and pushing him over – during POTUS’s visit yesterday.

Even better – this fucking abomination works at none other than the NHS!

Come one, come all and cunt this vile representation of everything rotten on the left. Give it something real vicious and imagine screaming it in this cunt’s wobbling fat face.

Cunts like this truly deserve everything that is coming to them.

A source:

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back



114 thoughts on “Siobhan Prigent

      • Likewise.
        Is she Nurse Ratched, or “just” a GP’s receptionist…?

      • Like most lefties a fucking coward, a lone old man against a mob, if it had been a chapter of hells angels would they be screaming nazi? Course not ! because theyd get a fuckin good kicking, which is both what they need and what they deserve.

  1. A truly well deserved Cunting. The left are good and quick at labeling anyone who doesn’t agree with them as ‘ far right ‘ ‘ fascist ‘ or ‘ nazi ‘, when in fact, it is they who bear more resemblance to those they purport to despise.
    Perhaps the chap on the receiving end was a bit naive, on his own amongst a baying mob, but that does not excuse their actions. In fact their, and this woman’s actions,are more in tune with the forces that were on this day 75 years ago,on the receiving end of the largest invasion in modern military history, by a generation with more to be proud of since any subsequent one.
    So well done dear, for shitting on the freedoms, paid for ( by someone else ), that we enjoy today.
    Get to fuck.

    • Jack…..Churchill said it himself ” in the future fascists will call themselves antifacists “

  2. Hitting the high notes of Trump Derangement Syndrome is bad enough in ‘Murica but acting like an hysterical banshee in Blighty? Come on love, have a glance at your life.

    An ugly bint flew over the Cuckoo’s nest.

  3. That face, contorted with blind and intransigent hatred, is the face of The Left. It should be printed up and posted everywhere to remind people what will happen if The Left ever get into power. Always remind yourself, the Latin for left is ‘sinister’ – and with good fucking reason.

  4. You see some obnoxious females on the telly……Mavis May, Katie Price, Laura Kuntsberg, Sourberries for fucks sake, but this out of control, ugly, demented fat blob of shit is right up there with the best of them. You really have to see her in action to believe that someone could have so much hate for a complete stranger who has done fuck all to them or their loved ones.
    However the most shocking thing to me was, when the bitch was being told to calm down by a fellow libtard, she said, “I don’t need any advice from another white man.”
    And there you have it……..the snowflake hierarchy of victimhood in a nutshell…….the white man, or at least the straight one, being rock bottom. No prizes for guessing who is at the top.
    As Empire says, this revolting specimen of dumb modern snowflakery deserves everything it gets. I hope she gets served up in the back of Abdul’s taxi the fucking stupid sack of shit.

    • There’s enough evidence that the sort of behaviour exhibited by Siobahn cuntfuck is stirred up and encouraged, indirectly, by the partisan tone and delivery of the newsfuckers and correspondents of whom you mention.

      The left genuinely appear to see assault, harassment and intimidation as legitimate means of opposing those who do not believe in their diatribe. Then these utterly fucking knifeable cunts have the nerve to accuse the right of hatred.

      I said on an early nomination that my own belief anout these fucking screaming, indignant cunts is borne of a generation who went unpunished as children, who were repeatedly appeased when they had infantile tantrums, who were taught at school that everyone deserves a trophy even when they lose – and here is the result. A legion of cunts who cannot tolerate challenge or difficulty in life and instead want the entire world to bend and suit them – fat fucking acceptance, abortion, diversity etc – it’s all want, want, want and with no capacity to see beyond their own shitty ideals.

      There are many on the right who I don’t agree with. But the difference between right and left is that the former aren’t riddling society with terminal, cancerous problems like mass immigration and political correctness which will now never by truly cured.

      • I strongly suspect arrogant old bags like this one, and the Jess Phillips and Anna Soubry cunts are sexually frustrated. I think they should be rounded up, divested of their knickers and locked into prison cells with (male) sex offenders who have not had to do with a woman for at least 5 years. 24 hours each for all of them.You could also include Eddie Izzard who regards himself as a rather beautiful woman, deluded old motherfucker.

        There would be an awful lot of bow-legged left wing wimmin going about their business afterwards.

      • According to the BBC, “moderate left” = Stalinists who want to kill Tories and their kids, “hard right” = Tommy Robinson exposing Muslim child abusers!

    • Wish the cunt lived near me I’ve got a black bin liner half full of festering dog shit and if she was in nearby residence a much more fun way of disposing the contents than scaring the poor dustman.
      What an awful munter. I hope this episode blights her fucking life for ever. About time the consequences of being an ill mannered fucktard were highlighted. Hells bells she must think she’s a peaceful or something if she thinks she can get away with such utterly wanky right on behaviour without comeback. Now you feature in all the papers apologising for your cuntishness is somewhat belated and let me advise a months sabbatical in the tribal area of shitistan to help you focus your thoughts re being a cunt.

  5. Trump can visit this country anytime he wants as far as I am concerned.

    Especially if he brings his smoking hot wife with him.

    I’ve always been a legs and heels man, and everytime the lovely Melania was spotted, I got the urge to channel my inner dog and hump those gorgeous pins.

    • Agree – I whacked out at least three, curtesy of the superb A-BBC /Sly coverage.

      • You should write to Al-Beebera and let them know that, RTC, I reckon they’d be well chuffed;)

      • “Imagine my surprise when this thick creamy frogspawn like substance began oozing from my wretched bellend for the first time in years… Thank you BBC!”

      • No, she’s an adult.
        The British Bashing Cunts only help peados to get their rocks off.

  6. Signed,
    well deserved cunting, oh and a fat ugly mincer if I ever did see 1, looks like a lezzer too.
    Feel sorry for the other rug muncher hopefully it will get a good sorting out

  7. What an awful excuse for a human being, the picture speaks a thousand words. I can’t imagine how she went off, when big Don mentioned the nhs (which I’m led to believe was only in relation to pharmaceuticals)
    Burn the fat fucking she-devil at the stake, dirty leftie cunt.

  8. Actually chaps, this is one instance where the machinations of online interaction and social media have been used for the common good.

    The fat cunt was originally just an anonymous cunt in the crowd.

    Bu then Twitter identified her. Facebook started the petition to remove her from her NHS consultancy role. Online reviews have tanked her company, Vlek Ltd. Instagram has ruined the cunt’s life with pictures and memes of her ad infinitum. YouTube commentators are spreading the word to their millions of viewers on both sides of the Atlantic about her as a prominent anti-Trump lunatic.

    At these times, I am willing to form an uneasy alliance with the internet; comforted with the knowledge that this cunt’s record is indelible and will forevermore be visible to family, prospective employers, and anyone else who has the misfortune to be in contact with it.

    Burn and sizzle, you hideous, heinous, fat and ugly shitcunt.

    • Excellent points.

      And if we didn’t have the internet we wouldn’t have ISAC.

      • The only reason for having the internet, as far as I am concerned.

        The 500GB of porn, well that’s just a hobby.

      • Forgot about the porn. Never mind, Government is due to ban it next month.

      • So you keep reminding us Creampuff! You got shares in X hamster or summit?
        Morning RTC

      • Porn is the thin end of the wedge Btc. They’ll be coming for ISAC next.

      • As I’ve said before, we’ll have to go ‘underground’ or use the dark web. Haven’t got a clue what the dark web is or how you get on it but personally I do most of my wanking in daylight.

      • We would, but it’d be a group of pens pals. Each nom would last about 2 years though.

    • Well she wanted her 15 minutes of fame via the media; and now she’s going to spend a whole lot longer scraping herself out of the deep barrel of shit she’s dived into!

      Your ridiculous name is out there, and you have become a target of hate and ridicule. And you will find there’s people out there that can shout far far louder than you ever can!

      Prepare to live in fear; oh and spare a thought for your family – should you have one. Because they too will be targeted for the same kind of abuse you so readily prevailed yourself against a peaceful demonstrator.

      Hopefully you will have a heart attack, and wouldn’t it be ironic, however unlikely, that the person that came to your aid with the bloke you called a Nazi!

      Die, bitch!

    • Glad to watch it all unfold via my minions on youtube, until they all get banned.

      I did spend some time on Twitter many years ago, getting involved. I think the current hate speech laws and censorious nature of Twitter and Facebook are reasons to leave it well alone.

      Good on those still doing the God-Emperor’s work.

      Praise be to Kek.

  9. What a vile putrid specimen !
    Should be charged with a hate crime (probably the only genuine example ever recorded) and sacked from her NHS post as consultant Neurosurgeon.
    She looks like the type who has extremely poor anogenital hygiene.
    Cunt off you bitch!

    • A Neurosurgeon? Not the sort of personality you really want holding a scalpel near a naked cerebral cortex.

      • I wasn’t far off with my assessment of her as Nurse Ratched – lobotomies and ECT all round…

      • I’d flat out refuse to let the mental bitch come anywhere near me with a sharp object, and insist she be made to leave the hospital. How the fuck can her employers let somebody so obviously unhinged, on video expressing unreasonable hatred for white men and conservatives, care for patients!?

  10. I have made two observations on that photo.
    Firstly she looks like a feminized Donald Trump (ooh conspiracy theory could Siobhan Prigent be Donald Trump in drag undertaking a false flag operation)

    Secondly (possibly due to the recent unexpected closure of Mrs B’s thighs) I am toying with the idea of giving her one (I have given up on the armpit fuck with the cleaner, I researched the project on xvideos and found it lacking)

    right best I leave now.

  11. This silly cow and others like her arent even worth cunting, chanting Nazi is just fucking meaningless, voting or supporting Trump means you are a Nazi?

    This stupid bitch should go and live in Saudi or Pakistan and then she would have something to fucking complain about.

    Galloway makes a reference to Spurs and the Israeli flag and is sacked, this cow on a video screaming at guy for supporting Trump…. I think that is far worse, she should be sacked by the NHS, if someone has different views to her and are under her care in hospital or wherever she works would they feel safe.

    This Cunt will get abuse, I hope, and everything she gets will be well deserved.

  12. As I said on another nom I’m pretty sure she’s self employed and contracted to the NHS which makes her part of the privatised sector….some social justice warrior that eh?

  13. What an ugly demented libtard cunt. Take a long look – if you can stand it- this is the face of the “ liberal” left. She looks like a demented lezzer. I bet she’s got an ugly, puffy fat minge, probably pierced and tattooed like some ugly trollop. Fuck of you bitch.

    The chap that took this abuse was sadly naive to think he could reason with these nut jobs and deserves a VC for standing there wearing a “make America great again” hat. I have to admire him for keeping calm.

    But just as reprehensible are the libtard members of the crowd that stood there sniggering and laughing. Cunts.

  14. She described herself on cuntbook as “ LBGTQIA# intersectional feminist # body positive # mental health awareness # trying to educate myself”. Says it all really.

    What a cunt. She needs to educate herself into awareness of the state of her own mental health – ie: fucking mad ugly cunt.

    • My idea of intersectional for this fuckwit would be to dump her in freshly poured concrete when they’re re-doing a motorway junction…

  15. Duly signed. A nasty, probably frustrated fat Lefty lesbian who cus she never gets it takes her venom and anger out on anybody on the right. Probably a feminist as well.

    The NHS has no justification in employing this vile piece of work and should be removed with immediate effect.

  16. An NHS employee? Have the HR bods started recruiting from those huge troughs of medical waste to save cash?

    • She looks like she’s been out together from the NHS spare body parts bin. They forgot to put a brain in.

    • you would need full mountain-climbing gear first: crampons, rope, cleats, helmet, torch, pickaxe etc. Because once you kick her in the cunt there’s a good chance you’ll get sucked in, never to be seen of again!

      • Not forgetting hazmat, breathing apparatus and, preferably, steel toecap waders with some extra sharp spurs. I’m sure her cunt is like a rancid old body bag.

        For cases like this, some sort of adapted mechanical digger with a well-designed attachment might be a good idea.

      • And before you start you’d have to get to the entrance. Fuck you’d need a compass and a team of boys with bush knives.

  17. What if, just what if the gentleman had struck this harpy? We could just imagine it. Plod arrests him and whips him down to the station, charges brought for assault. “You might have been provoked sir, but it’s not acceptable to strike a lady”
    Gentleman – “but it wasn’t a lady, it was the fing from hell”.
    Fing from hell decides not to press charges to show what a reasonable harpy she is and gentleman is released from his cell 14 hours later.

    That man showed incredible restraint.

    • More than can be said for the baying mob. A bunch of bullies that only attack in packs, just like the little cunts allowed to flourish in lefty britain banging on about their rights while intimidating others with violence and threats.

    • I’d be loathe to meet her on a bright sunny day, unless it was a brief glimpse of her heading south past the 18th floor.

    • I’d like to meet her in a dark alley and challenge her to repeat what should said to me without a bullying mob to back her up. Either way she’d find my fist so deep in her face even a neurosurgeon couldn’t save her.

  18. Typical Commie. All hammer and tongs in the crowd but playing the capitalist game providing *ahem* “consultancy” to the N, Sorry EU – HS.
    I’ve always had my suspicions about these “paid” protesters. Are they being paid in private contracts? Quite possibly, they all seem to be experts on the privatisation of the NHS in the past week. We seem to have a lot of middle class chlorinated chicken experts recently too? Presumably that won’t be coming to a Waitrose near you soon.

    I’ve got some consultancy advice for you Siobhan. Go fucking hang yourself. I’ll provide the noose. Cunt.

  19. What a cunt she is and an ugly one as well. I don’t know what the old cunt was doing letting these skinny, lefty types bully him.
    If she got in my face like that I’d have ‘accidentally’ poked her in her left, lefty eye.

    The cunt.

  20. Without wishing to be tendentious but merely to be fair, there are people out-of-control on both sides.

    Amy Beth Dallamura.was arrested for stabbing the Trump blimp at the Corbyn gathering to bash the American president.

    Yes, yes, well done for ridding us of that pathetic balloon and silly, Khan-consented protest. Nonetheless, a scissors-carrying, stabby woman doesn’t fill me with confidence.

    Incidentally, there were about 20,000 people there. About the size of a Bournemouth home crowd. Not exactly a huge rally.

    • But can stabbing the Trump blimp can be equated with screaming in a mans face and dowsing him with milk shake? I don’t think they can.

      You are right that there are out of control people on both sides.

      But they started it ?

      • We’re biased, MMCM because we love seeing that bloody balloon deflated but if you look at her as a fuming, scissors-wielding person, she’s probably worse.

        No doubt it’ll be repaired by anonymous puncture-repair kit funders.

      • What a shame ? I’d love to see that balloon go down in flames like the Hindenburg.

    • We’ve all got scissors at home, and she’s using them as a tool not to intimidate or threaten peoples safety. True enough it’s an act of vandalism but that baloon is an affront to a guest of this country. And I’m no Trump fanboy.

  21. She seems par for the course nowadays – Corbynistas, Trannies, Feminists, Remoaners, offence takers. They are all getting more and more hysterical and determined to shut down debate.

  22. Watching that video of the lovely Siobhan, I noticed similarities with Corbyn.
    Anyone noticed how Corbyn got all shouty and excited when addressing the anti Trump protesters.
    He needs to be arrested for radicalising poor Siobhan and her fellow Commie friends.
    The sooner he fucks off the better as since he’s been on the scene as Labour leader these cunts have all become bolder and louder.
    Should water canon the dirty unwashed tramps.

    • I thought grandad’s lungs were going to collapse. He can only shout out one word at a time before he has to suck in some more air.

  23. Utmost respect to ALL who served in both World wars. I mean all, a truly great effort to defeat truly evil cunts.
    I have black and white ancestors who fought and am proud and thankful to all who fought for the freedoms we take for granted.
    God bless them all.

  24. Vile little creature.

    What ‘it’ forgets is ‘her’ freedom of speech granted and earned in blood by many brave souls landing on the French beaches 75 years ago today.

    Maybe this little Harpie should be dragged around the many graves and cemeteries in and around Normandy and shown the cost and sacrifice for freedom.

    This squalid little cunt has totally abused this freedom that those brave men and women back in ’44 fought for.

    This hideous little Goblin needs to fuck off back to Mordor with her retinue of other freaky, lefty, peaceful loving, freedom hating perverts.

    Get to fuck.

  25. Here, Here, BAWC. And all these men and women fought and died for the freedom we have today, to verbally and physically attack an innocent man going about his legal right to make his points of view known. I hope her next shite is a hedgehog. And a pregnant one at that. CCCUUUNNNTTT.

  26. So……call Anna Soubry a Nazi, and you can expect a visit from the plod…… this-in full view of a police “officer” (obligatory Londonistan 4ft lezzer)- and fuck all happens.
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt

  27. That name sounds celtic welsh or irish perhaps, how do you even pronounce it? Siobhan more like Slobhan, lose a few pounds fatty you are starting to look like the cyclops from voyage of sinbad

    • Irish/Scots Gaelic. But the surname is definitely from Brittany, and means, get this, ‘pretty person’.

      • Irish and pronounced Shiv-awn meaning ‘God is gracious’. You don’t have to look far with these evil buggers to find religion is involved.

      • How appropriate that her surname is an anagram of RENT PIG.
        I’m pretty sure that it is also an ancient Proto-Indo-European word, roughly translated as “sweating fat shitbag”.

      • It’s a shame there wasn’t an “A” in there; we could’ve made RENTAPIG

      • …….it’s also a shame her name isn’t Rose Gsbeanflickr. It would’ve made Gross Beanflicker.

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