Len McCluskey is a commmunist cunt
Nominated by kravDarth
So, Red Len wants to bring down a democratically elected government through illegal strike action. Apparently this makes him a great freedom fighter like Mandela and Gandhi.
Let’s assume I earn £1,000 a week. I strike for a 5% pay rise which adds up to £2,500 per annum. So in 2.5 weeks on strike, I wipe out the pay rise. So by striking for 5 weeks, I’m taking a 5% pay cut for the year and after two years I’m back where I started.
Meanwhile, McCuntsky is still being paid his £130,000 per annum salary out of my union dues. That’s on top of the £417,000 that came out of union funds last year to help him buy a London flat just south of London Bridge with a view of the London Eye.
A true man of the people is our Len. Can I suggest that if he really wants to be a second Mandela, then we should oblige him by locking him up for 30 years?
Nominated by Dioclese
McClusky is a corrupt cunt in place through a rigged election who is now victimising his ex opponent. Illegal strike action is par for the course for his ilk.
And as Dio says, when you are on £130k work or play it is no hardship to strike. There are also some questions about a dodgy loan. He wont for one minute give a fuck for the members hardship.
And this corrupt cunt is the driving force behind the Corbynistas.
Apparently it wasn’t a loan, it was shared equity scheme which according to Shite is ‘not uncommon’
Basically this means he pays no interest and as long as he carries on living there, it’s never repaid.
Uber Israel hating commie scum cunt.
Stick a burning tyre round his economically illiterate neck.
A friend of mine works in a bank. She fucking hates Unite but she says it’s like an unofficial closed shop. She was put under so much pressure that she had no option but to join.
Have been fighting cunts like McClusky all me born days natural. Once upon a time they were known as Union Barons. They hoover in all the perks that the rank and file can only dream about. Shake ’em and they start raining union paid mortgages, interest free loans, private school fees, “dislocation allowances”, free travel, entertainment allowances, all expenses paid conference trips to Cuba and the Seychelles (those might be curtailed a bit due to recent weather but the expenses won’t), private health plans, fleets orf cars, two months paid holidays, mega pension pots, free child care ect ect ect.
Pisser is the commie gimme gimme cunts have a rationale for all this which spreads across the union hierarchy. They are bravely setting an example for the common cunt orf best practice in the labour market. We thank them for their sacrifice.
All the unions are the same.
A few years ago I need some part time work and so got a job as a delivery driver at a well known supermarket which will remain nameless but isn’t Sainsburys, starts with a T and ends with an O.
Anyway, during the companies so called induction day five new starters and my good self were subjected to a mandatory ‘talk’ by the USDAW rep. Well, I say talk but he could hardly string two words together except to proudly tell us he had been a union rep for 25 years, what a great life he had, and the long and short of us joining USDAW meant that no matter how big a cunts we made of ourselves to our employers, the union would ‘Defend us to the hilt’.
Fucking marvellous. Just about sums up union mentality for you. Oh, and of course to be a member, we had to pay union dues every month…a good proportion of which goes direct to the Labour Party.
Five people still signed up to USDAW that day. Guess which cunt told the rep to Fuck Off?
To sum McCluskey up, he started work at Liverpool docks as a teenager but became a union rep aged 19. That’s it….working life over. It’s a ticket to doing fuck all for a living, just pissing about ‘ representing the members’, while dodging real work just like Scargill, Hatton and all those other workshy commies.
Like it’s been said before ” Socialist Worker?”. The two words contradict each other.
I have always found that the more these
cunts shout about the workers…….they
all have one thing in common….they’ve
never done any work…..they are always
at union meetings.
Union hero Jack Jones was a paid up
Soviet spy for years…..accepting money
for betraying his country.
I worked for Tesco for a while and I was amazed how much the union were in bed with Tesco management,
I’m in this union and I voted for Coyne.
Megalomaniac McCluskey soon managed to get rid of the main opposition.
Fucking unite has uncle Tom Cobley and all in it, so you can’t stand against anyone any more. This shit union is nothing more than a platform to raise money for McCluskey’s political ambitions, he’s one of the biggest cunts the UK has ever seen.
Hatched from the same jam jar as that now dead prick Bob Crowe.
A case of many being taken in by a few greedy cunts with ostensibly communist ambitions. For others of course. Good Lord, not for themselves.
Our Len enjoys the finer things in life far too much. He keeps members on side by being seen to be fighting for higher salaries for them too – perpetually.
Poor Bob, died from block tubes
Very off topic bit I’m at the beach, first day out Iin over a week, and there’s very few people here, but right in front of me there is two stunning topless tarts juggling skittles.
This is not a cunting, i just wanted to tell some cunt.
Ye don’t get that in Starbucks, eh Kravdarth? 🙂
If you did, I get the impression he wouldn’t be interested.
“and Britain will regret this”
When anycunt asks why you want to leave the EU, give them Junckers latest quote.
You’d think that since the brexit vote, any remoaner cunt would see how vile, vengeful and greedy the EU are.
The cunts don’t even try and hide it
The topless tarts are juggling balls now.
Pity they weren’t mine. 🙁
Christ, is that you on the beach behind us birdman? If not it’s one hell of a coincidence, cos my balls are being juggled as we speak.
Drunker also said he wants closer union, more member states, more in Euro and an extension of the open borders. Damn, look what we’re missing.
Juncker is a total fucking cunt. About the only thing Cameron got right was try to stop the cunt getting the job…
Hear hear.
Juncker is a fucking old spunker. He is now shitting himself that the exit is now becoming a real entity.
Utter spiteful cuntwipe!
Wonder what the o’snob will be spouting on his radio show tomorrow. I am interested to hear how he debates this. If even bothers to. He will probably be talking about himself and how hard it is to be so perfect in a world of racists.
Spot on, PM – It is nothing but spite, blackmail, threats and, let’s not forget the remoaniacs’ favourite word…
Junckunt hates the English with a vengeance.
I hope very much that something truly, agonisingly painful and fatal will hapen to this Heydrich-Voldemort spunkbubble
Obergruppenfuhrer von Junker
is merely trying to honour Uncle
Adolf’s wishes to punish the UK….
what a cunt….send him to the
Russian Front.
Senile old git.
Forget Juncker. Squeeze some cream on those tarts.
Another socialist, another grade A cunt.
The Royal Mail is a good example of the kind of world we’ll be in if this cunt had he’s way.
Buy anything off EBay and delivered by the Royal communist delivery service and they won’t bother to exert themselves to get the thing through the letter box, they won’t bother to try to leave it with a neighbour or hide it behind a flower pot. Instead they’ll leave you a card telling you to pick the thing up somewhere miles away in the middle of town and they’re only open in the mornings except Wednesday. Fucking cunts. When you get there the huge car park’s full of their own vehicles and signs dictating your ever move all but three spaces available but already taken. If you have the misfortune to have to pay an import charge then you have to march round to Tescos round the corner as (would you believe it) they have no change (Card facilities I’m not sure about) and the bloke who serves you turned out to be a masculine looking female in a blokes uniform and short back n sides. Commy Unionism at it best?
Cunts like McScousky are a relic of a bygone age. Need chucking in the skip with Corebin an Muckdonnell. While we’re at it throw some football dinosaurs in like Woy an Biiiiiiiggg Sam. Oh and luvvies too like Nicholas Parsnips and Havers and Len Good(for fuck all)man. Piss boilin cunts.
The union barons and their fucking rag the Guardian have done nothing since the 70’s but bring working people down, and the great unwashed are to thick to see it. If wages shoot up so does inflation and unemployment. Look what Arthur Scargill did for the miners … His bloody mindedness destroyed them , a lot of my family were minors from Wales and all they thought about was their big fat pensions, high salaries and fuck any cunt that had to subsidize this bloated unificent industry. All this working class hero shite ended after the Jarrow march. Since the 70’s its nothing but greed and power grabs by uneducated union cunts who are driven by nothing other than i want what you’ve got.
Well said Fenton.
100% Spot on.
6:56 pm said:
Used to fell trees with an old boy who worked in the British steel quarries at Corby. 1) He said all the union reps were the fekking useless cunts that no one wanted to work with cos they were bone idle or incompetent, and ran off to work for the union soon as they realised theyd been rumbled. 2) he also observed it’s the same sort of cunt that is now works for the Health & Safety gestapo… Shit at their job so find ways to tell the working man how to do it better… Parasite cunts.
Unions have a purpose when workers are subject to Victorian conditions but once they’ve raised standards they are either obsolete until genuine individual grievances need sorting but mostly keep finding ‘causes’ to keep themselves in gravy. They’re self-perpetuating cunts and we’re cunts for not calling them on it
Go self-employed and leave all this shit behind. Or perhaps be more assertive.
Undemocratic union bosses using bully boy tactics along tied to self promoting extremist political ambition not entirely without blame for the powerless state of workers today.
Anyone had Peter Hall in the deadpool?
I’m not bashing the unions, I’m bashing the cunts that run the unions. Knock the fat cats as much as you like, but at least they’re not hypocrites like McCluskey ripping off the membership to feather their own nest. Two wrongs don’t make a right…
Thing is Mike, these muppets didn’t have a real job to do.
They accomplished fuck all and ruined British industry in the process. They were just shouting their mouths off trying to justify their positions as ‘Union Rep’ or Union Leader’ etc. They didn’t give a flying one about anyone except themselves and their cronies.
No different to Gideon and the like.
The entitled cunts think that their job is to bully new employees into joining up and manning the workplace entrance prior to elective ballots and tell you who to vote for. Trying to keep their nests feathered at all times in between tea & hob nob sessions with upper management shitting on the workers where and as required and planning the next all expenses paid getaway.
All while someone else does their contracted role as well as their own job. As its been so long since they put in a shift, they don’t know what metric nuts n bolts are and have no tools to deal with this state of art technology.
Shite and the former Amicunts elections always seem as legit as Central African elections.
Never met anyone who votes for the one who looks like Postman Pat after dooking for chips in the deep fat fryer other than the stewards themselves.
Mark Serwakta of the PCS unoon is a fully paid up Hamas lover! Goes to Fakestan (palestine) and gets over involved.
I despise the Jew hating cunt.
Mark Swastika has recently had a heart transplant. Not a lot of people know that. Got the wrong organ though, should’ve been what passes for his brain.
Look no further than Satan’s very own cockcheese, Red Robbo, who used his negotiating skills to fuck over one of the only remaining British owned car manufacturers in the 1970s.
I can’t help but think these commie union leaders place their own Marxist political ambitions above those of their members.
I can only hope that Red Robbo is suffering eternal damnation in Hades, being repeatedly clubbed around the thick skull with a quartic steering wheel from an Austin Allegro.
Leyland didn’t help themselves however, by churning out obslete designs, finished in a variety of laughably foul colours. I offer as evidence the Austin Maxi which was rooted firmly in the early 60s but built into the 1980s and “uprated” by the hasty addition of a plastic grille.
Bigmouth Clarkson’s documentary “Who killed the British Car Industry” is well worth a look (It’s on Youtube) and places the blame evenly between bloody minded unions and obstinate head-in-the-sand management.
The case of the Triumph Stag is particularly saddening…
My first motor was a Morris Marina in puke green, it was a fucking god awful colour and was constantly breaking down
The Marina was pretty much the good old Morris Minor, stuffed into an ugly bodyshell and assembled with much less care.
The Minor even handled better despite being a post war design.
No wonder Ford and the Japs ate us alive…
I had one of the later Marinas, 1980 I think it was , a 1.3 4 door in bright yellow with a black vinyl roof.
Jacked it up one day to replace a puncture and the jack went through the bottom of the car.
What did I replace it with? An Austin Maestro 1.3 City X.
Some people never learn…..
My g-great uncle had a bike shop in Cambridge with Bill Morris. When asked whether he wanted to go in him to start a car company -later British Leyland- he replied “There’s no future in it Bill. I’m sticking with bicycles!”
How fortunes can turn on a single moment’s decision…!
Indeed Leyland suffered infighting between the management teams of the brands and a complete lack of cohesion and direction.
William Lyons was a cunt who played dirty tricks within Leyland to protect his own Jaguar brand. The Rover P9 would have been a serious rival to the E Type.
The P8/P10 would likely have taken on BMW and Mercedes in the 70s exec saloon race. Unfortunately the SD1 came too late in 1976 and the build quality was shocking.
Shame really as the SD1 with the V8 was a stonking bit of kit when you could get it to work properly.
Most survivors now converted into classic touring car racers.
T’was a fine looking machine an SDI. Not for long though.
My girlfriends uncle had one. Apart from rotting away at 18 months old, it just self destructed in every way possible
But it is a myth that NHS Doctors earn megabucks.
How much do you think the average NHS Consultant earns? I think many may be surprised to know it still its comfortably within 5 figures.
Many Nurses earn more than Junior Doctors. That is a fact.
My colleague earned £34K as a junior grade in the Intensive care unit. I earned more as a Charge Nurse
Just been reading that Britain can’t use money from it’s £13 billion aid budget to help those territories hit by hurricane Irma. Apparently under international laws they are too wealthy to qualify for assistance and the money will have to come from other budgets…..I fucking knew it,the taxpayer’ll have to pay to fix up a bunch of tax-dodging billionaires’ havens and it wont even come out of that sponging wogs pension fund,the Overseas Aid Budget.
Fuck them,Let them eat coconuts.
Britain has sent 50 police personnel to the BVI’s, just give them a 101 crime number and maybe when they have finished their diversity and equality workshop programme they might show up.
Fucking holiday in the Caibbean,and then off for a few weeks in Portugal,looking for the missing McCann child.
So, there are not enough cozzers in the UK to fight terrorism, keep the streets safe, stop muzzie rapists, deal with robberies etc… Yet they can send 50 of them to ‘supervise’ a load of feral looting coons?…. Cunts…
The McCanns seem to be totally immune from criticism,never mind prosecution. The Establishment seems to view them as complete innocents. It really is incredible that they can continue to play the “Victim” card,unchallenged.
We here at ISAC have an eclectic mix of dislikes but the sexually-repressed religion of outrage is always a target.
I’ve posted a documentary by a German journalist of Turkish descent over at my place. It’s 42 minutes long but well worth watching. It’s about the unhealthy and frankly weird obsession with female virginity among the Turkish diaspora in Germany.
If that’s too much, there’s a three minute clip of Billy Connelly ranting about how he’d prefer a couple of whores to 72 virgins.
That’s the top end of a NHS GO salary. A Consultant can earn just over the magic six, but these are the top of the tree players.
Typical Consultants with 10 years post qual experience will be on around £80k. A reasonable salary but not in City Banker territory. Couple that with shit NHS conditions and a working week double that of the national average (at least), the gloss starts to matt somewhat.
GP not GO. Spucking fellchecker.
It’s madness. A brainless cunt like McClusky can get paid more than a highly skilled professional.
In McCunty’s case, not so much “get paid” as “rob”
McClusky is this generations version of that cunt red robbo from the 70’s. Both highly paid union officials who don’t give a fuck about the welfare of the people they supposedly represent. I wonder if they’d be so keen to call the masses out on strike if they had to take a massive cut in pay during a strike. Very much doubt it. Typical Communist leader, let the masses fund their well paid priveledged lifestyle. Fucking hypocrites, trouble is most of those they supposedly represent don’t have the brains to see it.
Just read a comment above which pretty much says what I have said. Should have read them all before posting mine. What a cunt I am.
I don’t no if iv understood the posting rule correctly for nominating a new complete cunt and I find it difficult to believe nobody has nominated almighty virginal belch of a cunt before but I couldn’t find him so here goes I jus hope if this is the wrong place to post it someone can correct me so I can put it in the right place cos I can’t be arsed to write it to begin with in case It some how inadvertently pays homage to the prick but here goes… David cunting blaine is an absolute monumental cunt of historic proportions . It’s bad enough this cunt has been contaminating the tv’s and minds of of the gullible morons watching that shit (cos they think he’s a magician) for more years then I could ever be arsed to remember . Some time in the 90’s I reckon. But as if he wasn’t a shit enough excuse for a magician he also thinks he’s some kind of illusionist although I’d love to see the prick pull anything off without the production company behind him ( other then what I can imagine is his microscopic excuse for a penis that is although they probably help him with that too) and he regularly fakes his way through overly long totally over the top “death defying ” stunts only a brain dead count of the same school of cunthood as blaine himself would believe were real and un aided but on top of all this he looks like a complete bell end despite being a monumental cunt and has a voice like a paedo on smack and a creepy as fuck gaze to match that again would only really suite the face of a paedo cunt of Jim’l’fix it magnitude. I could go on all night with the list of cuntish characteristics of this king sized dump of a cunt but I can’t be arsed and falling asleep but if you want to see a few minutes of footage of this cunt that sums up what a cunt he is more then any words ever could go on YouTube and search for eamonn holmes interview with the cunt it says it all with virtually no words said or written In the clip of that interview.
To sum up what a fucking unbelievable cunt of all cunts .
It’s the right place, but as a former admin I’d advise not using ‘paedo’ as a description as it’s libel unless proven. Also if you want it published used proper capitals and punctuation otherwise you’re expecting the admin folks to edit and correct it for you and, frankly, why should they?
Having spent a torturous evening out with ‘friends’, I would like to deliver a cunting to middle-class ‘lad banter’. So drained and driven to distraction am I by this fucking phenomenon tonight, I can’t cunt with much strength – but fuck me, I’ve got to get this down before bed.
I’m sure there’s a more succinct name for the phenomenon (apart from ‘cunt’ that is), but no, I’m not talking about hipsters or out-and-out geezers. Seeing a friend back from living abroad for a few years, it was good to catch up. Sadly he keeps many cunts for company. All asking each other if they want a “cheeky pint”. Endless sage agreement terminating in “awww mate” in faux-mockney accents that only cunts from Berkshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire can manage. The sort of cunt who orders a Hungryhouse while exclusively watching the Dave channel, giving it the fucking pub philosopher pseudo-cuntishness, interspersed with artificial football knowledge derived almost exclusively from playing Championship fucking Manager.
One cunt in particular, wearing a hoodie – a cunt in his late 30s, for the love of cunt – with ‘Punkers’ emblazoned on it in the style of the Snickers logo would not stop saying “mate”, “mate”, “mate”… the fucking word is riniging in my ears right now like mildly-concerning tinnitus after a Megadeath set. Grinding my teeth and trying so hard to ignore the cunt, my only solace was the warm comfort in fantasising about burying a fire-axe deep into his subhuman skull; fondly imagining the spasms and involuntary eye-rolling as the cunt finally falls silent and slumps beside his last ‘cheeky pint’.
There is a faint possibility of course that I am the real cunt and just hate most people in the world. But #ladsbanter is a monumental cunt and no mistake.
Absolute Cunts. I’ve heard the very type,seem to imagine that they’re “geezers” from a Guy Ritchie film. You are failing in your duty if you don’t give them a cheeky punch in the face….No warnings.no second chances…just a fucking good smack in the dial.
No, you’re a fine and splendid cunter and your reaction seems perfectly normal TECB.
#ladsbanter, anything else # and those who encourage it should definately be cunted with extreme vigour..
Empire: “…for the love of cunt”
Not to worry TECB – most people in the world are cunts, which probably explains why you hate them.
Q: “What is Juncker’s first language?”
A: “Bollocks”
Hopefully, it won’t be long before Junckunt gets round to Baby’s LAST Words (drivel, drivel, fill up nappy with sloppy poo), Mutti Merkel will come and change him, and drop the senile old git head first on the floor.
Have they developed language in Luxembourg?
Am surprised that Espercunto isn’t obligatory in all nursery and 1ry schools…
The cretins who Make beer ads love that sort. According to them to be ‘one of the lads ‘ you have to permantly Have a pint glass in your hand. Oh and you have to lurrrrrrrve football .
Marco Pierre White springs to mind, poncey cunt who likes football, and the gobshite got to stuff Emilia Fox…
When I lived in Narge, Delia had some brilliant idea for getting “her team” The Canaries to run faster.
Prunes & custard, followed by mugs of espresso ??