Joe Wilkinson


Joe Wilkinson is about as funny as cancer on a cunt. The 1970s bearded wally with nothing to say needs the earth to open him up and the comedy (ha) would will be no fucking different.

The prick attempts to be surrreal but ends up looking like the idiot cousin of Bilbo Bagshot, yes a fuckwit. Joe get back to the back of the queue, you are a nobody. Cuuuuuunt.!

Nominated by: Donkey Kong’s Balls

William Shakespeare


Seeing as this (long time dead) cunt is in the news lately it seems rather apt that he receives a long overdue (400 years apparently) severe cunting.

Thanks to this fucking prick myself and countless others in my year at school were subjected to his fucking shit writings/plays/whatever etc. Those of you who disagree (probably very few) call me what you like but I wish I could go back in time to give this fucking gobshite a good swift kick in the bollocks and then a good kicking whilst he’s on the floor writhing in agony. He should have thanked his lucky stars that he got away with that in comparison to the sheer agony that me and my mates had to endure listening to his dross being rammed down our throats on a regular basis.

Because of this cunt any microbe of interest (if any) I may have had in the subject of English was destroyed in a heartbeat. Fuck you Shakespeare (posthumously), fuck you, you complete fucking cunt !!!

Nominated by: Captain Cunteye

Shakespeare; a man whose comedies aren’t funny and whose tragedies are comic. And don’t start me on the fucking sonnets..!

I did MacBeth for English Lit A level. I can still quote the fucking thing.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace
From day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time

Got that fucker right, eh Willy?!

Nominated by: Dioclese

John Whittingdale [2]


Tory MP and Culture Secretary, John Whittingdale, is a cunt.

Member of the Conservative Cornerstone Group (a group of traditional conservatives with the motto “Faith, Flag and Family”), the man who regularly votes against efforts to liberalise laws relating to sexual behaviour and prostitution, and the man who famously lectured Max Mosley on sexual morality following the latter’s entrapment by the News of the World.

Yes – that John Whittingdale is also THIS John Whittingdale – a man with a penchant for prostitutes and dominatrixes who he invites to the House of Commons, takes abroad as his “plus one” on DCMS jollies (and then fails to disclose the hospitality in the Register of Members Interests), and knows the rightwing press won’t expose him because he can help them emasculate both the BBC and the Leveson reforms.

Not only that but his half-brother is a convicted nonce too.

The hypocrisy of this bloated cunt (and indeed all of those editors who bleat about how Leveson would “stifle the free press”!) is quite stupendous. That any Cabinet member can be authoritatively regarded as “as asset of the Daily Mail” should be immediate grounds for resignation – especially when there’s a hint of blackmail about the whole sordid business: “we’ll keep your secrets if you do our bidding”.

Nominated by: Fed West

Islam [3]


Any fucker who believes in an all seeing, all knowing diety is a cunt.

Whatever your religion, you’re a deluded cunt and you need professional help.

Currently sitting at number one in the deluded thick cunt chart are the Muslims (not arf)
Any cunt who wants to wear a bin bag and a welders mask or spend Friday afternoon rubbing their face into a hairy carpet clearly needs a reboot.

Any cunt accepting the waffle of a so called prophet who gives the thumbs up to fucking nine year olds needs to be investigated by the police and social services.

Based on that fact any cunt who thinks an act of martyrdom will grant them access to seventy two virgins should expect seventy two 8 year olds.

We know not all Muslims are terrorists but whenever atrocities such as 7/7, Paris and Brussels happen, the Muslim Imam wheeled out by the media always avoids answering the direct question as to whether or not he condemns these events.

Until every Muslim in Britian displays a “not in my name” banner in there front room window I’m giving these cunts a wide berth.

Nominated by: JR Cuntley

Barack Obama [2]


Barack Obama. I’m sure he’s been cunted before, but like his chief fellatalist, Cameron, he can’t be cunted enough. This time, it’s for sticking his nose into British affairs, and telling us to vote to keep being ass-fucked by those unelected fuckwits in Brussels. I’ve never liked Obama. I’ve never bought into the Messianic bullshit that has surrounded him for the past ten or so years.

Obama has always been a visibly arrogant and condescending prick. You can see the contempt in his eyes when he’s dealing with anyone who’s not a black American. Although he was correct, back in 2010, when he had the nerve to call Cameron a lightweight. This wouldn’t have been so bad were it not for the fact that Obama is, himself, a political lightweight. His tenure as POTUS has been weak, especially where foreign policy is concerned.

What I really despise about Obama though, is that he hates the British people, yet he hasn’t had the guts to admit it publicly. He’s shown it in snide, sly little ways, like returning a bust of Winston Churchill and referring to the French as America’s greatest ally. He should simply have admitted it at the start of his presidency and got it into the open.

So from today, until Sunday, the traitors in the Remain camp will be wanking each other off at what they think is a coup. Obama, the ‘leader of the free world’ is in town to tell the British people that we must vote to stay in a corrupt, undemocratic, Britain hating organisation. There’s just one problem that they’ve overlooked. The British people have a history of disobedience when someone presumes to give us orders. We don’t like being told what to do, especially by foreigners. That’s a big part of the reason we’re having a referendum.

This is going to backfire on the remainians. And on Sunday, Obama will fly out of the UK with the words ‘FUCK OFF’ ringing in his ears.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw