Mick Hucknall [2]


Mick Hucknall provided me with LOL’s this weekend as I was perusing the ‘celeb’ photos on some shit news blog.

What the fuck has that stupid cunt done to his face? how I laughed, the twat looks like a bizarre cross between Mickey Rooney, that poor cunt from that film with Cher about Lionitis or whatever it was, Deirdre Barlow, Chucky and a Cabbage Patch doll.

Fucking hilarious. Hucknall you cunt, you should do modeling work for Donald ‘duck’ Trump, your face looks like a Hyaena’s arsehole you fucking ginger prick.

I bet no woman in their right mind would let you slip ’em a crippler you daft fucking moron. LOLLLLLLL

Nominated by: Hurling Dervish



I think it’s time Hollywood was cunted. It seems that Hollywood scriptwriters have become lazy and lost their imaginations. I’ve come to this conclusion due to the lack of original movies, and because of the number of remakes/reboots that have been made lately. And also because of the remakes that are on the way.

Robocop, Total Recall, Clash of the Titans, Evil Dead, Fright Night, Conan. These are just some of the unoriginal movies that have come out of tinseltown over the past six years or so. And apart from all being remakes, the other thing they have in common, is that they were all shite. Total Recall never had a chance, because it had Colin Farrell in it. And Robocop was an emasculated pile of dog shit. The writers went for a 15 rating, and ended up with a movie that deserved a PG rating.

Now we have Ghostbusters on the way. It should have been a movie to get excited about. But then we found out that the producers were cockless PC freaks who have made the four lead characters entirely female. I can just imagine that meeting. Bottles of organic, fair trade spring water on the table, with organic, fair trade tofu and Mung beans. OK guys, I have a radical idea. Let’s fuck things up and make the lead characters women. I’ve seen the trailer for it, and it looks shite. Of course Harold Ramis had a big hand in the original movie, and he was a comedy genius. Unfortunately, he’s no longer with us. Unfortunately, today’s writers have all the talent of a roll of toilet paper.

I also happen to know that they’ve remade Kindergarten Cop, another Schwarzenegger movie, with Dolph Lundgren, and a remake of Predator is on the way. What next? Commando? These cunts should be beaten with sticks until they can come up with something original, or at the very least, improve on the movies they’re currently pissing on.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Louis Kidd


Louis Kidd deserves a gargantuan,colossal, cunting of biblical proportions!!

This little cunt is responsible for setting up a company and making 40 million nuisance calls!! I repeat 40 fucking million if this does not make him a cunt I do not know what does.

Nominated by: Toryboy

Cryptic messaging


Cryptic messengers are cunts.

These spunkbubbles who will post totally untrue ‘speculation’ and total bullshit in the form of cryptic messages on social media just to get noticed or be popular are cunts of the highest order.

Yesterday some look at me cunt on Twitter and some record shop in town posted these cryptic messages about an announcement concerning The Stone Roses. Some fans waited all day as they swallowed this bullshit, but I didn’t. I simply asked Mani, and he said it was bollocks and anything these pricks had posted was nothing to do with the band. He stated that fuck all would happen today (yesterday).

These cunts always talk (or post) bullshit If they’ve got (or had) some genuine info to share then they would just share it. But they do all this teasing crap just to get followers and publicity and also because they actually know nothing.

Set of cunts!

Nominated by: Norman

The Flying Arse


No 36 in Sir Limply’s Series orf Tosser Tech to cut oit and keep

When first clapt eyes orn the dirigible (what we called the cunt things in me day), otherwise known as the Airlander 10, torn between taking it up the arse or booking an all you can drink holiday orn it to Malia or both. Such things were quite the hot ticket in the thirties and saw both flying barbecues, the British R101 and the Kraut Hindenburg Berlin bound. Needless to say both the bastards were full orf hydrogen gas and did not disappoint. Catering was orf a high standard and here is the Hindenburg serving its last mixed grill with some typical panicking yank commentary:

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke