Woody Allen


Mr Woody Cunting Allen – a heinous one-man multicunt on a seemingly unstoppable six-decade crusade to aggressively promote the cunt agenda.

He’s like some sort of Cuntinator – he absolutely Will Not Stop making repetitive, pretentious, tiresome, by-the-fucking-numbers, utterly pointless movies, in which he invariably cops off with A-list flange half his age.

Incredibly, various august bodies – of Cunts – have awarded him four Oscars, nine Baftas, and a shedload of Mickey Mouse Euro awards. Every last one of them for Contributions to Cuntage.

It should not escape notice that this feted, celebrated, spoilt, over-indulged, wildly successful multi-millionaire trades on a public persona of angst and insecurity. You absolute hypocunt, Allen.

When not churning out cinematic drivel, Mr Allen is to be found sunk to the plums in his Korean kind-of-stepdaughter in a highly suspect set-up that paddles in the shallow end of incest and noncing.

In summation: “Woody Allen is a Cunt” ought to be projected nightly on the surface of the moon with a giant fucking laser.

Nominated by: Norma D Landings

Comparison site ads

Bet she's thinking "What a cunt!"

Bet she’s thinking “What a cunt!”

All adverts for anything web related are top drawer wank, comparison cunts are extreme cunts.

“Bob saved fifteen quid on his car insurance and now he feels epic”! If Bob’s life so empty that something so trivial can get him wet then he needs to fucking top himself.

Fat turds dancing, bald poof in heels twerking, who the fuck thought these shitbags would make you want to use their twatty products? What a load of cunt.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

Dave Gorman


Dave Gorman – what an unfunny pillock.

I’d happily go to prison for a month if I could punch this average, no, less-than-average comedian in his average bearded mug for no other reason than I did it for all the people in tv land (as I’m sure his negative bearded shite has infected other shores) who have to switch over when he appears on tv spouting his trivial, mind-numbing drivel disguised as comedy entertainment.

Noninated by: Donkey Kongs Balls