The Flying Cuntski


Dioclese has stated many times that our harmless bit orf fun can prove to be profoundly educational and I trust that this indeed is one such occasion.

The Ekranoplan was one orf those Cold War Russki nightmares that belongs in a James Bond filum but none the less existed. Recall hearing about it whilst doing a spot orf liaison work in East Berlin. Apparently flew about ten feet above the water and carried enough missiles to sink a battleship. Never really took orf (if you’ll excuse the pun) because it was neither fish nor foul – not really an aircraft and not exactly a ship. Got into conversation with some spectacularly sozzled Russkies who were somehow attached to the project. They were piss scared of ever going up in the thing and I can see why. Russki military technology has always posed more orf a threat to the poor commie cunts that have to operate it than to the intended victims.

Lots more about it here on a website that Fred West would appreciate!

Noninated by: Sir Limply Stoke