World Travellers


World fucking travelers are a right set of cum gargling cunts and no mistake. You know the type, scruffy hippy cunts who think they are “becoming one with the indigenous peoples” by wearing threadbare ethnic clothes and learning a few words of wog and all the while refusing to spend a fucking penny as it would ruin the local economy and all the while their teva sandals and north face backpack cost more than a months salary for one of the poor cunts they are busy becoming one with. Then it’s all “They are just sooo laid back and chilled” or ” They are sooo gentle and spiritual” and “They like sooo really appreciate that we are reaching out to them” Fuck off you pretentious cunts, the poor wogs want as much of your fucking cash as they can get their dirty hands on and would likely much prefer for you to stay at home and simply post it to them.

Oh, and they just hate “tourists” a word which to them is the lowest of the low. “Oh look at what the tourists have done to this place! It used to be sooo laid back and just sooo chilled and now the tourists have arrived and ruined it all” Well no, Mr Cunty you are just as much of a tourist as everybody else. Do not think for one second that wearing ethnic clothes, learning to juggle, eating shit food and staying in a hole in the ground covered with a tarpaulin makes you a local any more than sticking a feather up your arse makes you a chicken.

And get 2 of the cunts together and the inevitable inverted snobbery pissing contest ensues to establish who has been to the most remote shit hole on the planet. “Well I used to like Papua New Guinea , but it has become just sooo commercial now” “Ya, I know what you are saying, man. I once stayed with the Mubuchy Whuchy peoples in Burkina Faso but now you get coach loads of tourists going” “Ya, far out. Like the time I lived in a termite mound in the DRC, it was like just sooo spiritual” SHUT UP YOU CUNTS, I’M TRYING TO WATCH THE FUCKING TELLY!!!

And don’t think that all these cunts are young bucks doing the now obligatory gap year shite who don’t know any better. Oh no, many of them are well old enough to fully grasp the cuntishness of their behavior. But they do have a propensity for wearing dreadlocks which in white people marks them out as a cunt before they even open their fucking mouths. Cunts!!!

Nominated by: Fat Rich