Miranda Kaufmann is one almighty Marxist cunt.
Now before I state what follows, I wish to make it clear I’m not feeling aggrieved about being a parent of a fee-paying school student. I’m not a massively wealthy person, so the £9k a term my ex-wife and I split to send our daughter to a London school that she is lucky to be able to go to and escape the dismal alternatives in her state school catchment, is money I have to graft for every fucking penny and deny myself holidays for. Fine, no problem, my daughter’s education is my luxury.
But when you pay for the privelege of your child’s education (and remove one more child from the state education system that you still also pay for but which resulting space you allow to be enjoyed by another child less lucky than yours), you may, like me, hope you can liberate your child from the manacles of leftist identarian poison and grant them the opportunity of some reasonably objective standards of education; or get some fucking value for money in other words.
Think again. My daughter’s Yr 8 history syllabus this past term? Black Tudors. I repeat. Black Tudors. This is her introduction to Tudor history. A module based entirely on the effluent spouted by this black obsessed bitch, as embodied in a book by the same title as this syllabus. Turns out that in the canon of English Tudor history, the war of the Roses, the reformation and establishment of a new political opposition to Catholic hegemony, the fight against France to expand British colonial influence and shore up our nation’s international primacy, no, the biggest fucking thing that 12 year olds should be learning about is the 3 black people in Tudor times who did things like playing a trumpet and podgering Anne Boleyn when Henry VIII was too shagged out from a stag hunt.
Worse than that, in the true spirit of Marxist revisionism, it would seem that falling into this definition of Black “Tudors” is one Jacques Francis, a black scuba diver who helped salvage the Mary Rose – yep, you heard that right, for £9k a fucking term my daughter is being told that a dark complexioned frog man in the 1980s was – I’m sure unknown to him – a fucking Tudor, and an important one at that!
My daughter has pleaded with me not to go to the next parents evening and talk to the history tutor convening this afront to education (and yep, you got it, the teacher in question is originally from a much hotter part of the world than Chiswick) – but I’m grinding my fucking axe already and looking forward to some contributions from my fellow cunters when I announce my objections to this desecration of the role of educator and my contempt for the Kaufmann bitch pumping this bullshit.
miranda kauffmann website
History Reclaimed (as a counterpoint – Day Admin)
Nominated by: Balsamic Dave