Complaining About Inheritance Squandering

But Mum, you’re squandering MY inheritance!

Her Family News.

Now, am I alone in thinking that the money in my accounts is mine, to spend as and when I think fit?

I have just been watching Heartbeat, and one character ( about 40) was berating his father for this, so I had a little Google, and I can tell you that the link is one of very many.

How have we raised a generation that would rather see their parents penny pinch, instead of being warm, well fed and comfortable, so they can benefit from their parents good sense?

A few months ago, I was complaining about hair loss, now I’m wondering about my sanity.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

The Immigration Tribunal

I am incensed by the report that the Immigration Tribunal allowed a convicted Albanian criminal to remain in the UK on the grounds that it would be “unduly harsh” on his 10 year old son who does not like the chicken nuggets served over there. This was enough for the Tribunal to allow his appeal on the right to a family life provisions of the Human Rights Act.

The scum in question, Klevis Disha, 39, came to the UK illegally in February 2001 as a 15-year-old unaccompanied child. He used a false name and falsely claimed to have been born in Yugoslavia. He married another Albanian illegal immigrant here in the UK, had a family, including chicken nugget boy, and was then given UK citizenship. He then went on to rob £250,000 and was jailed for it.

The chicken nugget refusal is being appealed. No doubt it will be upheld by the Immigration appeals tribunal and the family permitted to remain, thereby further enhancing our brightly coloured, glorious multicultural society.

No need to worry. Diversity is our strength.

Standard. (Link by Night Admin. The original GB News link didn’t work – NA)

Nominated by : MMCM

The Return of the Combover

What’s with powerful world leaders and the combover?
When did being honestly bald become bad?

Benjamin Netanyahoo, has one.
Like a Jewish stately Bobby Charlton.

Donald has one, but it’s a intricate one.
You can’t tell where it starts from or ends?
Think he combs it up from his arse and back then across his scalp to get that candyfloss look?
Sort of a beehive hairdo.

I’ve noticed them creeping back more and more,
I hoped it had stopped after Arthur Scargill,
His was done by a small team of roof thatchers, and was good for 40years.

Just be bald.
No shame in it.

Heterosexual actor Will Smiths missus is bald.
She’s not arsed!
And she’s a bird!
Looks like a advert for Cadbury creme eggs
Does she care?
Does she fuck.

Come on lads, stop with the combover it fools nobody.

Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt

The Scrutiny of RFK Jr.

RFK Jnr scrutiny process is a pile of cunt

The meeja are pissing themselves that someone who actually takes an interest in people’s health and well-being might be appointed as US Secretary for Health & Human Services.

One Republican senator got tetchy so went to see The Donald. Presumably the POTUS put the vacillating cunt straight as he went right back and voted for the President’s pick. Maybe The Donald explained that the cunt would be thrown in the wood chipper if he didn’t sort himself out.

Meanwhile, the usual Meeja suspects are worried that RFK Jnr might holks the covids jab brewers to account, he might might be anti vakzine, he might expose seed oils as dangerous, he might just reform the shit state of the nation’s health provision, he put a mystery mixer in his in flight tippled, he is related to other Kennedys…

All of the above makes him a nightmare pick. The Donald could only have done worse by re-animating that German bloke who injected dye into children’s eyes.

A link, where to start? There are so many to choose from, but let’s go with the one that picks up on RFK’s outrageous utterance that suggests black peoples’ immune systems might be different from white peoples’ immune systems. Fuck yeah, what a rayssisty cunt!

The Grauniad.

Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

‘EastEnders’, (8) Happy 40th Birthday


Well Lawd lav ah dack, it’s fackin’ mental an’ no mistyke guv’nor. The Beeb’s lumbering old donkey of a soap has notched up forty years on the box; forty years of ‘we need ta tawk’ misery and woe.

And so how has Auntie chosen to ‘celebrate’ the anniversary? Why in time-honoured ‘BellEnders’ fashion of course, with yet more on-screen anguish, death and destruction being ladled out for the discerning viewer to appreciate.

There’s no more satisfying watch than a gritty, realistic, true-to-life drama. I expect that like me, you’ve all been glued to the screen. Definitely a case of ‘cancel all other engagements’ if I ever saw one, or yer bang aht uv orhdur mah san.


Nominated by Ron Knee.