Corporate Exploitation

Employment is a form of exploitation. You are paid less than the value of the work you perform (except for footballers) with the difference going to the employer. Most people understand this basic economic principle and can live with it as long as the degree of exploitation is not egregious.

Enter Corporate America and probably Corporate Britain too.

My employer’s market is “under pressure” and they’re not doing as well as they would like. They say their employee costs are too high and they need to downsize the work force to the tune of many, many thousands spaced out over a year or more. As unfortunate as it is for those impacted, those of us still on the payroll are also affected. Losing colleagues means we have to pick up additional workload, take on increased responsibility and generally work longer and harder to make up for the fact there are fewer people doing work which still needs to be done. Your annual review comes along and guess what? No or very low pay increases because of market conditions, the economy, exchanges rates, volatility, blah blah blah.

Hang on a minute! They said their employee costs were too high and to address that they were letting thousands of employees go. So how come the employees left behind are also being financially discriminated against, despite their workloads increasing? Sounds like a classic case of wanting your cake and eating it.

It gets worse.

Performance related bonus time! Yeah, that’s not happening either. Bonus payouts decimated for the same reason. Hang on a minute. The value of the work you do does not correlate to the performance of the company. If it did then the argument would go something like this for the SAME job performance:

(Company doing well)
Your performance this year has been outstanding and you’ve really helped the company grow, capture new market share and significantly added to the operating efficiency. Big bonus awarded.

(Company not doing so well)
Your performance hasn’t really helped the company this year, we’ve seen little in the way of market gains and overall the economic outlook is poor. No bonus awarded.

These two scenarios are obviously nonsense given the SAME job performance in both cases. So despite your own job performance being recognised as “excellent” and “outstanding”, you don’t get the bonus you worked for and deserve because the company is choosing to base the payout on its own performance. Something which you have no direct control over. So the company has grossly misled you and seems to think there’s nothing wrong with that.

It gets worse.

You’re instructed to look for and execute cost savings and cost avoidances to help reduce the company’s costs and improve the bottom line. Many people pitch in and are so successful, literally millions of dollars are saved or are not needed to be spent. Hurrah! Top tier management then has an “all hands” meeting where they show the savings figures to the whole company on a PowerPoint side. They’re naturally delighted, thank everyone for their hard work and deliver the message to keep going.

Hang on a minute. The same company that terminated several of your friends and colleagues, screwed you out of a decent pay rise, didn’t pay out your absolutely deserved performance related bonus now wants you to help them save even more millions in return for a ‘thanks and keep it up’ message? Fucking seriously?

Three points:
1) A “thank you” from the CEO doesn’t help pay my mortgage.
2) The company reneged on the payment of performance related bonuses. I kept my side of the bargain. They didn’t keep theirs. Trust broken forever.
3) I have zero motivation to help the cunts save more money that they’re choosing not to share with the people who helped them save it.

So in essence, fuck off. Bare minimum effort from now on. Take on extra work? Nope. Assume greater responsibility? Nope. Stay late and work a weekend or two? Eat shit and die. Their exploitation has now reached egregious levels.

Time to find a new job. Cunts.

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

Ravi Jayaram

is a cunt, who should be pilloried in the way that Letby was and this is a small attempt to balance the ledger

Let’s be clear Lucy Letby in all likelihood is innocent, what cant be denied is that she did not receive anything resembling a fair trial. So out NHS and Justice system is well and truly fucked
There are too many cunts to mention vice cunt captain is probably Dewie Edwards a money grabbing non expert and Dr Stephen Brearley who along with the nominee had a huge axes to grind with Letby, not to mention each are directly responsible for killing a child each.
Ravi played the humble hero after Letby was found guilty and was the main instigator contacting the police with Brearley only after losing a grievance hearing made by Letby against them for which they had to apologise to Letby .
Apparently Ravis memory improved over time and he was able to confirm the exact time he had seen Letby allegedly “killing” which amounted to her doing nothing and the time he gave amazingly matched swipe access data (almost as thought he had colluded with police and had seen the data)
The only problem was the clowns at Cheshire police had fucked up and Letby had actually left the ward not entered, essentially meaning the prosecution evidence, which was proof of nothing anyway because it was clearly a fabrication by Jayacunt, is now 100% exculpatory evidence and matched Letby and other nurses statement and a clear indication that Jayacunt was lying.
This sub human trash was the instigator of the allegations against Letby who has had her life destroyed.
There is now not a single piece of evidence against Letby can’t be refuted or that doesn’t have an infinitely more plausible explanation.
This cunt is responsible for millions of wasted taxpayer money on enquiries into murders that probably never happened, , hiding what were obvious failings in the NHS, he probably killed a child under his care by inserting a breathing tube incorrectly ,and then tried covering it up by blaming a nurse he had lost a grievance hearing to days before making the allegation, this media whore was also lead singer in shit band ironically called The Deluded

This is one narcissistic cunt of all cunts, and I challenge anyone to say otherwise

nursing times

Nominated by Mastercunter, Link by Sam Beau.

Supermarkets During Ramadan

Supermarkets during Ramadan is a cunt, isn’t it.

Of all the fuckwittery that religion forces people to do, fasting while it’s daylight is one of the most humiliating. Yes, it’s that time of year when these muslamic hamasexuals starve themselves for a few weeks, occasionally punctuated by the odd stabfest in the usual areas.

British supermarkets have gone into mad competition for the islamic quid. There are posters, deals, audio announcements. even moon-&-star logos like the Turkish flag. Is it cultural suicide or just desperate marketing? How about a bit of retail humour:

👽 Eat ’til your burqua explodes! 👽
🌟 Get moHammered with this beer!🌟
🌙 Peckish? Mustafa Sandwich🌙
👻 Buy some cheese at our Infi-Deli👻

Presumably the supermarkets are kowtowing to their Halal demands:
Iqbal: “You. Shop assistant! Is dis meat Halal?”
Tesco staff: “Oh yes sir, definitely sir. It was freshly killed yesterday with the maximum amount of pain and cruelty.”

Finally, after their starvathon, these suicide-bombers and Pakistankies can all relax with their ramadum groceries from subjugated British supermarkets and enjoy their Day Of The Goat.



Nominated by : Captain Magnanimous

Keir Starmer [32]

Two tier again, suddenly kier has discovered a streak of martial desire.

British troops to police Ukraine border zone up to 20000 so general admiral Keir stated. Then the RAF will police the skys over said border and stop those troublesome ruskis from doing more naughty things. Fuckf me the amount of money the west hove poured into Ukraine plus all the equipment is likely greater than the money we have shelled out to Pakistan in aid and bribes (a lot). Obviously a money tree has been found.

When will these cunts realise our armed forces are so small that defending a small town would be problematic. Surely it’s time to follow the Swiss model, neutrality, the armed forces defend the U.K. not outer inner left side belonge. I suppose the cull of pensioners will go some way to funding kiers attempts at martial glory, interestingly the majority of our European “allies” have said bollocks to that scenario no way are we going to use what’s left of our armed forces. Kier appears to be entering a Saint George episode.

If his money, life wasting plan comes together will he be striding forward leading his tiny underequipped, underpaid, woke crippled force. Of course not. Bunch of arsewipes the lot of them.

BBC News. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Black biscuit

Dr. Who [7]

I’ve not watched ‘Dr Whoke’ for years, but the received wisdom is that the show could be circling the drain.

Viewing figures are in the toilet, with fans apparently cheesed off with its now incessant wokery, and the word is that latest Doc incarnation Ncunti Gatwank has his eye on projects in Hollywood (code for ‘doesn’t want to be left clutching the sonic screwdriver as the Tardis gets sucked into a black hole’).

The Beeb’s been forced to deny that the show faces the axe, and the production team will no doubt try to double down and claim that recent problems are due to there being not enough ‘progressive’ zeal being demonstrated. If Gatwank is indeed off, the long-suffering licence fee payer should prepare for a burka-wearing Dr with a limp, with an asylum-seeking companion who’s just arrived here in a dingy.

It won’t matter in the least to the production team if the show ends up with an audience of a hundred; they’ll still have a platform for their loony agenda, and it’ll be somebody else’s cash that’ll be paying for it. It’s as good a reason as any I’ve heard for defunding the BBC.


Nominated by : Ron Knee