Greg Davies (2)

I feel a bit of a cunt myself for not cunting this cunt sooner. I thought these hallowed pages would have been littered with a multitude of most excellent cuntings for this cunt, but all I can find is one from August 2016.

So with the above in mind I would most definitley like to cunt the unfunny cunt known as Greg Davies.

For fuck sake, which cunt told this cunt he was funny?………………ok, he wasn’t bad in The Inbetweeners, but that was scripted. But all this long streak of cunt seems to do, is try his best to look like Rik Mayall……………..who was an incredibly funny cunt.

No old long cunt Davies regularly appears on these game show type things, always under the guise of a tarten shirt wearing cunt, who, lets be honest, plays one character, that being a school teacher, which I wish to fuck he had remained doing.

I know he ticks all The BBC boxes as this new wave woke bollocks, but the underlying ethos of a comedian is they should be funny.

Greg Davies is to comedy what the hydrogen bomb is to landscape gardening. He reminds me of genital warts…………… think you’ve finally seen to back of the cunt……………but up he pops again.

So basically he’s a cunt

Nominated by DryItchyCunt.

Red tape

A moustachioed cunting for red tape and life risking withholding of one of potentially life saving assistance.


An air ambulance can’t fly because someone forgot to renew the licence to carry controlled drugs. I would have thought that a simple work around would have been possible given that these things tend to carry doctors who are quite capable and qualified to carry said controlled drugs, hell they are even allowed to administer them to patients, just don’t ask where they got them.

Admittedly a bit of a fail on the charity air ambulances part, I can only assume the chief was too busy waxing her upper lip but is it really so difficult to get an air ambulance signed off to carry life saving drugs?

Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.

Dale Vince (2)


is a cunt.

A solar-powered cunting please for keffiyeh-wearing eco-spiv Dale Vince.

The Ecotricity owner demonstrates all the rank hypocrisy you’d expect of a Marxist multi-millionaire who’s raked in over £100 million of our hard-earned in subsidies for his bird mincers. A vegan who wears a leather jacket, not averse to flying by private jet (according to his ex-wife) and bunging Labour a cool £5.4 million while demanding that Elon Musk be banned from donating to Reform.

All so predictable, of course. As is the fact that Ed Miligoon, playing Bluebottle to PM Rodney’s Neddie Seagoon, has seen fit to ride roughshod over the people of Lincolnshire and grant permission for Vince ultimately to cover up to 30,000 acres of prime agricultural land in Chinese plastic crap. Add to that the massive batteries needed containing cobalt mined by child slaves in Congo. All very environmentally friendly, my arse.

Now let’s think about this. Half-a-Haircut Man donates millions to Labour, who then grant permission to wreck the Lincolnshire countryside, which will net him millions. If I wasn’t so trusting of the ‘Government’ I think I’d be overcome by the foul stench of bribery and corruption.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

A cunting for another nail in the coffin

The Labour cunts are desperate to pull back the Muslim vote and the Brain of Britain Angie no knickers is championing defining Islamophobia in law.

Get this wrong and blasphemy against Islam will be enshrined in UK law and the argument is why do we need this as discrimination against any protected characteristic is already illegal (Black, Muslim, Bumming)

Anyone can criticise religion, it isn’t protected and why should it be, if it was protected then non believers of any religion would be guilty of blasphemy (yes a bit of a stretch but it if some Imam says Islam is the true religion anyone who disagrees is breaking the law)

Conclusion, we are well on the way to being TRUELY fucked

middle eastern eye

Nominated by Sick of it.

Adverts that really, really get on your tits


This one from Domino(ooo)s


It’s from 2022, recycled ( committed to being Green, then), to promote their current 50% off ad campaign.

The Domino’s ads in general get on my tits, but also ads for incontinence pants/pads. I’m 70, I don’t piss myself when I cough, sneeze or laugh, I don’t need a product for ‘just in case’, so fuck off.
I’ve already cunted the better, brighter, more efficient at lower temperatures laundry products, so I won’t go there again, except to say I’ve noticed a lack of fit, young birds rolling about under my duvet.

Over to you.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.