I feel a bit of a cunt myself for not cunting this cunt sooner. I thought these hallowed pages would have been littered with a multitude of most excellent cuntings for this cunt, but all I can find is one from August 2016.
So with the above in mind I would most definitley like to cunt the unfunny cunt known as Greg Davies.
For fuck sake, which cunt told this cunt he was funny?………………ok, he wasn’t bad in The Inbetweeners, but that was scripted. But all this long streak of cunt seems to do, is try his best to look like Rik Mayall……………..who was an incredibly funny cunt.
No old long cunt Davies regularly appears on these game show type things, always under the guise of a tarten shirt wearing cunt, who, lets be honest, plays one character, that being a school teacher, which I wish to fuck he had remained doing.
I know he ticks all The BBC boxes as this new wave woke bollocks, but the underlying ethos of a comedian is they should be funny.
Greg Davies is to comedy what the hydrogen bomb is to landscape gardening. He reminds me of genital warts……………..you think you’ve finally seen to back of the cunt……………but up he pops again.
So basically he’s a cunt
Nominated by DryItchyCunt.