Auntie Keir (31) wants you


Or rather he/she wants your children.

Donald Trump is determined to end the war in Ukraine. The Clown Car Parade of European “Leaders” can’t fucking stand it.

After years of sitting on their hands and whining about the Perils of Putin, they have been shut out by Trump as he gives them a Master Class in Realpolitik.

They are now determined to show how tough and relevant they are. None more so than the most despicable cunt to ever occupy #10, Auntie Keir Starmer.

With all the false bravado he/she could muster, Auntie Keir proudly proclaimed he would send Britain’s sons, daughters, trannies, and non-binaries to die on the Steppes in defence of peace in Ukraine.

Here’s my suggestion to Auntie Keir. After sitting around with your thumb up your ass…take your thumb out of your ass…stick it up Lammy’s ass…and leave the business of ending the war to Trump.

Feckless fucking cunt!


Nominated by General Cuntster.

Poor Attendance for House of Commons Debates

It is alleged that the highest attendance rates at the House of Scum are achieved when when a debate is being held about their salaries and expenses. Whenever, accidentally, I come across live debates,I see a few cunts lounging aimlessly in a very empty debating chamber. Today (5th February) there was a debate about knife crime/mindless slaughter. There were fewer attendees than at a Milliband Bros Bacon Butty Stall; whilst the HoC bars were probably doing frenetic business. Dan Jarvis “Minister for Security” was rambling on whilst a very glum Pixie Balls, looking twenty years older than yesterday, was there to give him support. The attendance was abysmal with those few present showing very little interest. Working from Home as an MP should not be an option for any of the indolent cunts.


Nominated by Sir Cuntalot.

Credit Card Company Greed & Stupidity

Specifically Bank of America, Chase, US Bank and Wells Fargo.

Bank of America.
Years ago I was visiting family/friends in the UK and used my BoA credit card as I went on my merry way. When I got back home to the US a week later there was a message on my answerphone. It was from BoA’s Fraud Department. Apparently they’d seen multiple transactions originating in the UK and were concerned about possible fraud. The message asked me to call them back immediately to confirm if these charges were legitimate. They were, so where the fuck did they think I was when they called me? Fucking morons.

For years, Chase’s 2FA method sent a text message to my mobile ‘phone containing a 6 digit security code. Worked fine every time. Suddenly that option was replaced by a call only option for two ‘phone numbers which were no longer valid. I had to call Customer Services to have them fix it. That took ages and resulted in my mobile number being listed, but for calls only – no text message option. Their call option is shit. Sometimes it calls, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it calls with up to 10 seconds of silence then drops the call. Requesting another call results in a new call being in progress when the dropped call tries again and then waits on-hold leaving you to wonder which call has the valid security code. The system is completely unfit for purpose and was designed by a cunt.

So back on the ‘phone to Customer Services to have my mobile ‘phone option switched to text message. Took ages naturally, but they reinstated it. For about a week when it reverted back to calls only again with no text message option. This time I wrote them a blunt message via their website, ripping them a new one and telling them to just fix it and absolutely do not tell me to call Customer Services for a third time to fix their screw up. How did they reply? Yep, you guessed it….empty apologies and told me to call the number on the back of the card. I closed both my Chase credit card accounts as a result.

US Bank.
I replaced one Chase card with a US Bank card, but that bastard thing had foreign transaction fees. I found out the hard way when buying something from Amazon UK. Even though I paid in USD, US Bank charged me a foreign transaction fee. Cunts. When I bought something via the Discogs website (seller was in Germany), I had the option of paying with my US Bank card or using PayPal. I chose PayPal. Fucking US Bank also charged me a foreign transaction fee even though I paid a domestic entity (PayPal) using the domestic currency (USD). PayPal handled the conversion of USD to Euros and sent the funds to the seller in Germany. That had nothing to do with US Bank. Absolute cunts. I will be closing that account shortly.

Wells Fargo.
The other Chase card was replaced by a Wells Fargo card. I have never previously held any Wells Fargo cards so was a brand new customer to them. All went well, so I applied for a second (different) Wells Fargo credit card which does not have foreign transaction fees to replace the bastard US Bank card. Application declined!!! I got the letter in the mail yesterday stating the reason:

“Not enough history with your most recently opened Wells Fargo credit card (we look for a history that shows how you’ve managed credit over time)”

OK, then how come they instantly approved the first application – with no history of how I manage credit over time, but denied the second application only a few weeks later using the SAME information on the application form? Fucking idiots. I’m going after them for this!

Have banks and credit card companies been a cunt to you?

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

Justice Michael Humphreys

A Coroner who says:-

” the use of lethal force cannot have been reasonable.”

These were 4 IRA, who considered themselves soldiers. Gerry Adam’s men but that’s another story. They were certainly not civilians. And were armed to the teeth.
They had attacked a police station with guns. The SAS ambushed them and shot the fuck out of them.

This cunt of a coroner, with no military experience considers combat in a war by soldiers to be ‘unjustified’ They should have been arrested ffs.
I wonder if he would feel the same if these IRA cunts were coming for him.

Mr Justice Michael Humphreys.

What a cunt.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Ivanpah and the Greenies who championed it

Most of the readers of the August body will know the name Solyndra. For those that don’t, it was the failed Green pet project of the Community Con Artist masquerading as American President, Barack Obama and it cost the American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

That is nothing compared to the newest Green disaster, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility.

Ivanpah was the wet dream of the Green Raw Deal. A massive solar powered facility that took advantage of the Sun’s (free) warming rays to provide unlimited electric power (that could then be sold to consumers at a profit) without the icky, nasty, planet killing effects of those horrible fossil fuels.

Located near the California / Nevada border on 3500 acres of public land, the Solar Power Monstrosity (as critics labelled it) was bordered by both State and federal Parks and Preserves.”

More than $2.18 BILLION was sunk into this Green idiocy, much of it in the way of taxpayer funds, Federal Loan Guarantees and State Tax credits only to watch it all go up in metaphorical smoke.

After over a decade of failures and costs overruns, the Ivanpah Solar Power Clusterfuck is being closed.


Not only did Ivanpah fail to provide the promised power, but it seems it did enormous damage to the environment and the wildlife it was supposed to protect.

It destroyed acres and acres of desert habitat by covering it up with massive solar panels. Solar panels that generated so much heat in the form of radiation that they literally fried birds in mid flight and roasted tortoises in their shells as they plodded along the desert floor.

Well done Greenies! Billions of dollars, countless birds, an unknown number of tortoises and 3500 acres of pristine wilderness all burned up in a misplaced farcical devotion to save the planet.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

If that’s true then the road to Ivanpah is paved with utter fucking stupidity.

Nominated by General Cuntster, proof reader extraordinaire.