Ukrainian Refugees

I was a bit bored this morning…snowing and cold outside…so had a look at a Facebook page run by some local Worthy Old Bag. She was on about 3 Ukranian refugees who are coming to stay with her and was offering advice to anyone wanting to do the same who needed help completing the paperwork ….loads of comments saying what a hero she was, blah, blah.

Using my false name Facebook account, I wrote innocently asking why she wasn’t and hadn’t hosted any Somalian refugees…fuck me!…looked a couple of hours later and I’m being subjected to the vilest of insults…I’m really rather shocked… 60 odd comments on my thread and none of them complimentary.

Think I’ll leave it a bit longer and then go on and accuse them of being “vile racists”.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

Seconded by: Morello Felch

Seconded, put up some of the comments if it gets chosen. Nowt like a triggered SJW to warm the cockles.

I hope they beat the goody two shoes cunt up and steal her underwear for Zelensky to try on.

The Ukraine Situation

Ukraine – ensuring freedoms future

Just thought I’d get this nomination in before I’m converted into a pile of radioactive dust. Apparently this is going happen next Wednesday.

Now you might wonder exactly what the fuck is going on in the minds of American Military Intelligence – which is a double oxymoron in itself. Seems sleepy Joe has been told by his spooks that Russian will start WWIII on Wednesday. Is Putin really that thick? Or is it a deliberate leak to pile on the pressure or divert attention to starting the war on Tuesday while they’re all off guard. Either way it sounds like a pile of steaming horseshit to me.

Putin, I hate to admit, has a point. The Yank’s got out of their pram when the Ruskies wanted to put missiles in Cuba but apparently it’s OK for the Yank’s to put missiles in Ukraine right on the Russian border.

Ukraine could stop a lot of this crap by just doing a Switzerland and declaring itself neutral. That takes care of Putin’s main beef that they be denied membership of NATO which, to me, sounds reasonable.

But no. The warmongers in the West – being as bad as the warmongers in the East – won’t just agree to that so we have troops on the border from both sides. Seems that it’s OK for the Yanks to put troops on the western border but not for the Russians to put troops on the Eastern border. Clear double standards.

So Ukraine joins NATO, attacks Crimea to get it back from Russia despite the fact that most of the population in Crimea is ethnic Russian anyway. NATO joins in and directly engages the Russians. The big red button gets pushed, missiles fly, and we’re all dead.

Frankly if the human race is this stupid then the universe will be a better place without us. And in the great scheme of things, the universe wouldn’t notice anyway.

Yes, the human race is stupid and stupidity will be the end of us all.

So fuck Ukraine. Do a deal with Putin and sort it out. And while we’re at it – the US should get the fuck out of other people’s countries and stop stirring up shit. And start by taking your bases out of Britain and go ensure freedoms future in your own fucking country before we’re all slaughtered…

Nominated by: Rt. Hon. Dioclese

And this just in from MeatShits:

The UK and USA miliary in its entirety are a bunch of useless cunts.
Right now both are getting involved in this Russian/Ukraine shit even though it has FUCK ALL to do with them.
This will be a disaster for the simple reason that both U.S and UK military will be more concerned about wearing masks,social distancing,using hand gel and trying not to upset the countless trans non binary they/them fuckwits they have enlisted.

Russia will wipe the fuckin floor with them.
Then North Korea will no doubt join in and fuck em even more for being such limp wristed knee dropping woke LGBTQ cunts.