I was a bit bored this morning…snowing and cold outside…so had a look at a Facebook page run by some local Worthy Old Bag. She was on about 3 Ukranian refugees who are coming to stay with her and was offering advice to anyone wanting to do the same who needed help completing the paperwork ….loads of comments saying what a hero she was, blah, blah.
Using my false name Facebook account, I wrote innocently asking why she wasn’t and hadn’t hosted any Somalian refugees…fuck me!…looked a couple of hours later and I’m being subjected to the vilest of insults…I’m really rather shocked… 60 odd comments on my thread and none of them complimentary.
Think I’ll leave it a bit longer and then go on and accuse them of being “vile racists”.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Seconded by: Morello Felch
Seconded, put up some of the comments if it gets chosen. Nowt like a triggered SJW to warm the cockles.
I hope they beat the goody two shoes cunt up and steal her underwear for Zelensky to try on.
No good deed goes unpunished that’s for sure. Stray animals, stray humans, always seems to bite one in the ass somehow. Let the bleeding hearts take them on and learn hard lessons. I’m done. Anyone want some cats?
Jesus! Don’t fancy yours much!
Apparently all the old pervs have come crawling out of the woodwork to offer single female refugees aged between 20-30, with blond hair and big tits their spare room.
Put that to the Facebook group. Sit back and watch the reaction.
Better still, ask the dozy old doogooder how she will react when her other half is caught hanging out the back of Svetlana or gets her up the duff.
Get the popcorn on now and wait for the fireworks. ?
Ukranian refugees?
Surely this cunting is about Mr Fiddler’s worthy old bag friend and the 60 odd racist commentators, not sure where the Ukrainian refugees of the title come into it.
Let’s be a little more positive here. The 3 refugees could end up clubbing the old bag to death in her sleep! ?
Always look on the bright side of life, da do, da do di do da do…
True enough,MJB….but in my defence I was rather rattled to learn that I was,amongst other things,.. “nasty”,”heartless”,”ignorant”.”wicked”,”selfish”,”uneducated” etc…all true,I admit…but rather more worrying were the one or two who suggested that I may be a “Troll” and suggested that I may have previously popped out from under my bridge to suggest that they were all snobby selfish Boomers who didn’t understand da yoof culture,when they were campaigning to stop McDonalds building a restaurant in the town.
I’ve half a mind to sue.
Do you know if they’ve moved in yet? Why not pop round and present them each with a cricket bat, it would be a nice way to welcome them to England. Cricket bats more dangerous than guns, according to the late Prince Philip.
Better title would have been 60 yo virtue signallers in hindsight, but I get the point you were making. Maybe racist 60 yo virtue signallers who only only take in white refugees. OMG I just turned heartlesss vile, wicked, selfish uneducated, and morally right 🙂 I am off to campaign against a local mcdonalds building a restauraunt on the bridge I live under, or something
I bet Chris Bryant MP and a few others like Mandy will be seriously considering taking in young Ukranian men, of any nationality to give them a bit of TLC. Not only will it make Starmer’s Charmers look even more saintly, it will while away the long summer recess which will be along soon.
They won’t even have to apply to them – they will go out looking for them. There will always be a bed in their home for any waif or stray…… or soldier, or sailor.
If only Saville were still alive – he’d be in his element along with Rolf and Hall, the three amigos…
Great nom Dick. It will end in tears
I have dealt with some Ukie “businessmen” over the years – without exception crooks and hoods.
I am also amazed at the welcome given to the Ukies, but not the dinghy riders – not.
There are definitely a load of vile racists out there – call them out
PS loved your alarm system name – W O G W A T C H – brilliant
You make a valid point about Ukrainian ‘businessmen’ Al. The problem is Ukraine, like so many other places, never benefitted from the civilising effect of belonging to the British Empire. Without that, the concepts of trust, decency and integrity which are essential for business are not embedded into the national psyche.
My rule of thumb is very simple. If Johnny Foreigner doesn’t play cricket then he can’t be trusted. And if he’s from the UEA or Parking Stan then he still can’t be trusted.
What a tremendous moral victory it will be for the comfortably woke chattering classes when finally the flood gates open (silly me they never shut in the first place) and ten or hundreds of thousands of Slavic foreigners roll up in the UK.
Let’s not worry about the fact that our infrastructure is already collapsing under the strain of the country being stuffed to the gills with grasping vermin.
Fuck the hospitals,schools and every other vital service.
The whole maudlin tale by the BBC and all the other craven sob story cunts about refugees from anywhere is shit.
Let them all claim their asylum a long fucking way from this country.
The barrel of dirty rats.
Fuck off.
Oh and well played DFF.
I quite fancy getting one of these facecunt accounts for the purposes of making veganists etc burst.
To bloody true. Where will it all end?
I wouldn’t mind letting in Ukrainian women and children refugees as long as the male dingy cunts were all sent to the front.
Yeh, give us a link to the Facebook page, Mr DF. I have a sockpuppet Arsebook account so will be happy to lend a hand in “support” of our delightful Somalian refugee friends.
No fucking way….I think one or two of them may already have their suspicions as to who ” Lillian Allen” and ” Mason Dixon” might be…last thing I need is the “support” of one or two from this site.
Liable to get fucking lynched.
If one o them is Larry Ginekar I would definitely worry
me too
Seems to me that Ukranians are the only ones we should be letting as genuine, deserving refugees, as opposed to the dinghy crew who are just economic migrants abusing the system.
Well, we took one in once and she would hoover pretty much all day taking over an hour on each room.
We thought she was Ukrainian but it turned out she was a slow vac.
Oh well played sir!. She was only the fishmongers daughter, but she laid on a slab and said fillet
She was only the Admirals daughter but her navel quarters were always full of discharged semen.
She was only the welder’s daughter, but she had acetylene tits.
She was only the radio operators daughter but she did it did it did it.
She was only the Heart Surgeon’s daughter but she had acute angina (and lovely tits).
I am a vile racist.
I wont take Somalis etc because they are scum and we have quite enoujgh of the fuckers infesting the country.
Also, isnt it odd that the scum fleeing war torn France are mostly young males?
Be fair, Cuntstable. Most of them are child migrants in their 20s and 30s. ?
Female doctor who lives round the corner has taken one in. Her and her lawyer partner (male, funny enough) are just a pair of middle-class, virtue-signalling twats. Some of the twat neighbours are, as expected, praising her for doing it. When I originally found out, I said it would be funny if it turned out to be a 6ft3 black “Ukrainian” and the partner had to look on while the refugee was giving the woman doctor a seeing to. However, it now turns out it is fairly good looking female doctor who has turned up with her son. I think the roles will be reversed and the old fella will be getting his oats while the female looks on! I am in the minority round here for thinking it is all bollocks and pointing out a) the boy will take a school place that means a local loses out and b) why don’t they take in a Palestinian, Syrian or Yemeni refugee. Cunts.
I suppose I am waycist too.Let the dinghy riders rot in hell
I wonder how many refugees Linecunt, Lenny Henry, Lilymong and their virtue signalling hoards have taken in (and not just for a pissy couple of months, but for at least 3 years!)
I also notice how very few Guardian writers have piped up to proclaim that they too have taken in some refugees (not so much Ukrainians, but how about Syrians?)
But there is a case to be made as to why a lot of these virtue signalling cunts are falling over themselves to take in Ukrainians, but don’t give two fucks about anyone else, not least Syrians. Surely that’s racist!
And don’t forget there’s a massive civil war going on in Ethiopia, which the MSM don’t seem all that bothered about reporting. But I wonder if the Woke mob, and Dick’s “Worthy Old Gal” (see what I did there?), would be quite so keen taking on some Ethiopian refugees?
Moreover, I have yet to hear anyone from the BLM support white Ukrainian lives, and footballers still choose to bend the fucking knee for some cunt of colour, while thousands of white cunts are massacred!
Funny old world.
After we escaped from the EU, the amount of burglaries in the UK plummetted. We started having the audacity to ask for people’s experience, skills et cetera, and consequently thousands of skilled and experienced Romanian burglars have had to go elsewhere with their profession.
Thankfully, these manky, rickety peasants can fill that UK shortage.
The “lockdowns” less than two months later were of course purely coincidental, eh Captain Magnanimous? Irrespective native Romanian or a native of Bootle, I would have imagined an occupied house a less-than-perfect arrangement for the average practitioner of the ancient art and craft of larceny, naively perhaps. The chance of a spot of “ultraviolence” and a nice long sentence for aggravated burglary has only a limited appeal, after all.
Truth is, those nasty Romanian criminals all just upped sticks and pissed off home to Cluj on 1st February like good chaps. A fine analysis, Captain.
We are all ‘racist’ to some degree. Racism seems to be difficult to define properly.
I’ve come to the conclusion that racism is not always bad. It’s natural. We can’t help it, even the libtards (who are more ‘racist’ than most in reality).
Ukrainians look a bit like us. This is why honkies feel more empathy towards them than say, Africans. And this is why dark keys and brown skins feel more empathy towards their own too.
Only difference is that everyone is allowed to do this but honkies.
I’ve given up worrying about this shite. I don’t like seeing anyone suffer (well, there are a few exceptions of course!), but I feel more bothered by honkies in need – but not that much, mind.
Nature is nature.
They don’t want Somalians in their houses because they have a natural fear of them, even if they would never say that and try desperately to believe the opposite.
And they’re right to fear them. Low IQ, backwards, violent, rapey sameheads (allegedly).
When’s your massive foreheaded Somalian moving in DF? 😉
Mr DF, I was so moved by your feelings for the Somalians that I took the liberty of informing the Home Office of your philanthropic postings on Arsebook.
They too were moved, and it seems, somewhat excited when I revealed that your property was ‘vast’. However, the twelve single Somali males of fighting-age, that were then scheduled for moves to your home, were put off when they found out there would be ‘no white girls’ to greet them.
However, you’ll be pleased to hear that they did perk up somewhat when they heard about your priceless antiquities and large stash of precious metals.
In fact, they started laughing and talking to each other in foreign at that point. One of them drew a line with his finger across his neck while laughing like a madman.
I guess this is his cultural way of saying thank you? How lovely!
They’ll arrive at Fiddler Towers at about tea time 🙂
No bother…I’ve had Krav locked away in the Anne Frank suite for a while now…I’ll set the fucker loose…he’ll sharp deal with the Sooty interlopers…. then I’ll let DCI Gene out of the Harold Shipman wing to deal with any survivors.
Who are you calling honkie you racist vanilla hating wholemeal loaf? Just kidding, you actually made some good points, we may be deep down racist whether we like it or not. Like to think I make good decisions about people but I guess on a subliminal level we are always attracted to what what we feel are our own socio-economic group
We had a similar conundrum a while back. Whilst I didn’t mind Tamils escaping the civil war come to Oz by boat (at least their curries had significantly less buggered goat in stale cheese sauce), I very much did and still don’t care for people from countries named after some ancient English King (Stan) flying to Indonesia or Malaya, then buying a short boat ride here. But that’s all over now. Tony Abbott for English foreign minister.
At least the Ukrainian refugees are being checked (supposedly), the dinghy cunts are unchecked, undocumented (maybe not all) and are 100% economic migrants/get everything free.
Any genuine refugee would claim asylum in France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, why pay a couple of grand to get on a flimsy boat if you can get asylum in a EU country.
Back in the summer last year there was one bloke getting into a dinghy, he had been in France for 7 year but 5 had been in prison.
Only one way to stop the cunts coming lock them up and then deport them, every single one, then they would stop coming.
Can any money be made for handing in Ukrainian refugees to the Russians?
And does anyone know what the russians pay per head?
The Russians would pay plenty for us to keep the ones in the header pic (probably the piano man would too)
Like the old days when you got 10 shillings for a grey squirrel tail from the local nick.
Fuck me, I’m old but cannot remember that!
A judge in Moscow goes into the judges chambers laughing his head off. A fellow judge asks what is so funny.
“I’ve just heard the best ever joke about Putin.”
There’s a pause and the other judge says. “Well, aren’t you going to tell me?”
“Fuck off” he says “I just gave some cunt ten years for that.”
Nicking that ! lol !
Man in GULAG to new arrival: “Twenty years, comrade- what did you do?”
New arrival: “Nothing”
Old hand: “Bollocks to that. Everyone knows it’s only 10 years for doing nothing.”
The Countries surrounding Ukraine can take them.
Fuck them, enough is enough – why are WE always the mugs who get shit dumped on us?
While there is one UK born national homeless, jobless or hungry we should NOT be taking in foreigners.
Johnson can send arms to Ukraine, but can’t make sure our armed forces are properly equipped.
If only a stray 7.6 were to drill the cunt Johnson…..ahhhh!
Don’t forget, they’ll all be going home after the war is over………yeah, like fuck they will.
They’ve even started businesses here already. I wouldn’t be starting a business with the intention of going home. I love the ambition and frankly gritty attitude of their national pride, makes a change from some layabouts over here. But it should be a visa requirement that you cannot own your own home or start a business here frankly.
I wouldn’t house a refugee of any description. But there is a big difference, between housing a Ukrainian, and housing one of the baboons washing up in a dinghy.
Sorry Dick cannot agree with what I’ve read of your cunting.
You house the Somalis and I’ll house the folks from the Ukraine ??. Met quite a few of both by the way.
Fuck Ukraine, Fuck Ukranians. Fuck Europe, Fuck the EU. Fuck Macron Fuck Johnson inviting Ukranians here, Fuck NATO and a special Fuck for that Clown Zelenski.
Fuck Russia?
Incredible to think that even now some people continue to suck on Putin’s ding-dong.
I’d suck him off for 10 roubles.
I’d swallow for 20.
Aim for 30 Dick,
The roubles worth fuck all at the moment.
Dickvandyke is Sister Ray and I claim my £5.
I’m still searching for my mainline. I said I couldn’t hit it sideways.
I was considering 5 roubles MNC.
I had already factored in the poor exchange rate.
If he gave me a set of those dolls, within an doll, within a doll etc, I’d do it for free.
A Lada Riva and I’d let him do anything to me.
RTC, I’m actually Arnold Layne.
Top man! ??
? All we are saying, is give tyranny and oppression a chance ?
Came across this yesterday. An interesting film from the Russian supporters perspective in. Many of these issues go back to late 2013/early 2014 and what was known as the Revolution of Diginity or the Maidan Revolution. The president at the time decided not to sign political agreements with the EU, instead choosing to align more with Russia.
It really is a mess of a country and not as unified as the media will lead you to believe.
Whilst many atrocities are taking place, we need to be mindful of our actions so as to avoid any direct serious consequences.
I have a problem with the ‘sob stories’ too and our rather desperate need as a nation to be seen to be doing more. We can’t save everyone from their own internal conflicts, we already have enough of our own problems.
Sorry,I forgot to add the link https://m.vk.com/video-195607387_456239339
Like we need more Eastern Euro trash in the UK?
It is wave after wave of immigration, We asked people to come here from the west indies (the windrush generation), then we tried sending them back, That was so morally wrong, Then there were the refugees from uganda, not our problem, then letting eastern europeans come in, then Iraqis, then afghans then more eastern europeans via the EU then somalians, and then Afghans again when we pulled out, and now Ukrainians and inbetween any other fucking country who has a civil war. Fuck that shit, Britain is full, have a nice life in Rwanda, you will be safe there, or France, or Italy or Greece or Poland or any other country that you passed through to get here. Rwanda need car washes too. Don’t whine you need to come here for your safety, pretty sure you won’t get killed in any eu country. We left the EU to get away from all this shit