Womens World Cup


FUCKING women’s World Cup!!!

Football, rugby, cricket – who fucking cares? Watch them, they’re shit in all three events. Don’t even get me started on tennis where the screaming cunts feel they should be paid the same as a man when they don’t even play the same fucking game. Best of three sets for £1m!!!! CUNTS!!!

As for the cunts that promote this shit all over the press and TV they should be ashamed of themselves. Stick to netball and hockey which are WOMEN’S sports or at a push golf where at least the women can compete to some degree with the men!!!

Nominated by: Cunty Cunterson

Apparently there’s a BIG GAME tonight? Not sure what because as far as I can see it’s just some cunts kicking a ball.


Nominated by: Dioclese

The Paralympics


If you are physically crippled, and you know you’re good enough, then there is nothing stopping you competing in sports against the able bodied. A triple heart bypassed black Kenya African athlete would most likely whoop the arse of, and still win against, a super fit white English long distance runner. A one arm Russian high jumper might still win the event against all two arms’ high jumpers.

And if you are a wheel chaired or other crippled sporty person and can’t compete with the able bodied athlete – get over it! You’re not good enough to compete with the fittest you whinging cunts. You are given equality under the law to compete with the fittest in any Olympic event if you want or can. But you want ‘special treatment’ to have your own Olympics at tax payer or fit peoples expense. Well nothing is stopping you finding your own private sponsors or paying for your own crippled contestant team sports – so fuck off and do just that.

Only don’t call it Olympics, you spastic cunts.

Nominated by: Entopy

Cunts on bikes


If it’s not bad enough having cunts with footballs, now we have cunts on bikes. Literally.

Today we are blessed with the Women’s Tour fucking up our town. It was a pain on the arse last year, and it’s going to be a pain in the arse again this year. Mind you, I might be persuaded to take a gander if they were more like the picture rather than a load of over muscled sporty tarts in lycra. Lycra. On bikes. Never a good look when the bird in question has legs like a weightlifter.

Thankfully I’m on holiday so I’ll miss the whole shooting match. Excellent. Must make a note to go away the same time next year as well!

Nominate by: Dioclese

Kevin Pietersen


Kevin Pietersen is a pompous, self agrandising, bouncer dodging cunt.

“They won’t let me play for England mum, it’s not fair”
Well boo-hoo to you Pietersen. Fuck off back to South Africa and play your silly bat and ball game for a country that can understand your ridiculous accent.

“But the ECB said I could play for England if I scored some runs for Surrey, and that’s what I did. It’s so unfair” Shouldn’t have bad mouthed Andrew Strauss then should ya, you foul mouthed cock fumbler?

Nominated by: Fleaboy

The Olympics


The Olympics needs a damn good cunting.

Does anyone remember being sold this glorified school sports day by that odious little cunt Ken Livingstone with the statement that it would cost the taxpayer no more than a walnut whip? Well, that walnut whip must be roughly the size of the northern fucking hemisphere once the sums were done and it came in at £24Bn.

That figure was arrived at once all of the disruption, the cost of building the Olympic park, the cost of putting up all the hangers on in top hotels, turfing established businesses out of their premises, bribes, bungs and brown envelopes to officials and the loss of £300m from the sale of the athletes village flats. How the fuck do you lose £300m on 2800 flats in London when there is a housing shortage?!

For two weeks we had to put up with a bunch of gurning cunts who use their personalities as birth control for the sum total of 29 gold medals. Anything less than a gold is a defeat in my books. So each medal cost the taxpayer £827,586,206.

The actual cost of an Olympic gold medal is £365. So for that price every man, woman and child in the UK could have been given their own Olympic gold medal and not have to endure an opening ceremony that was as cringe worthy as it was blatantly socialist and also not have their lives disrupted for a bunch of nonentities to run, jump and throw shit for a fortnight.

Put into context, this is the price of 24 top of the range county hospitals, or 4 brand new aircraft carriers (we currently have none), or decent equipment for our armed forces that would prevent them coming home in a box. In fact anything would have been a better use of the money than pissing it away in a style reminiscent of a thousand Dray horses full of lager. Yes, really that much pissing away!!

What galls me most is that this freak show only appeals to the kind of sad cunt that spends their Saturday in the pouring rain watching fucking losers run around in circles while sipping a thermos full of weak lemon squash sheltering under a kagool.

Look at it this way, right now there is some poor cunt in Syria running a fuck of a lot faster than Usain Bolt ever will, trying to escape the clutches of ISIS.

There is some illegal immigrant in France currently jumping higher than any Olympic hopeful trying to get onto the top of a lorry bound for England.

And there are scores of North Africans rowing like fuck across the Mediterranean trying not to drown on the way.

The Olympics can suck my fat one for being a waste of time, waste of money and a total cunt magnet.

Nominated by: Odin’s Balls