Gemma Collins

Gemma Collins. Or, ‘The GC’, as she refers to herself.

I’ve never even seen an episode of ‘Towie’ – specifically because it’s full of utter, utter cunts. From Essex. But I know much more about Gemma Collins than I would ever need to.

She’s fat, repulsively so, (not the end of the world, I like a curvy bird) but the thing that makes her repulsive is her ignorance, her pride in that ignorance, her total lack of self awareness and the fact that she genuinely believes she is an A list celebrity. Again – I don’t watch TOWIE and I’m not into the cult of celebrity but I know far too much about this fat hound.

Some sample quotes from an interview she gave to the current bun recently:-

““There’s a difference between being a diva and being an a***hole. You know: ‘Get me this, get me that.’ You’ve got to have manners,”

“I’m Gemma Collins, I’m 34 years old, I’ve earned my divaship”

“Take a good look at this. You ain’t going to ever get this candy”

To put these quotes into some context and for those of you cunts that are fortunate enough to have ever heard of her – she looks like a shit Essex Miss Piggy.

Nominated by Mecha-Rigsby