Elvis Costello [2] – Watching out for the Detectives

A nomination for Elvis Costello, who has now (42 years later), asked radio stations not to play Oliver’s Army due to the lyrics including the word n*gger.

Agreed that it’s an unpleasant term, but he was quite happy to earn royalties from it since 1979.

It would be even better if he asked radio stations to cease playing his stuff full stop, especially that dreadful dirge ‘a good year for the roses’. They must have used the rest of his shit songs as compost for that bountiful crop.


I never bought in to his nerdy image with his plain glass NHS specs, I just regarded him as a cunt, even then.

Nominated by: mystic maven

Elvis Costello


Elvis Costello aka D.P.Costello aka Little Hands of Concrete aka Napoleon Dynamite aka Howard Coward is a pseudo intellectual little has-been cunt who can’t sing and writes shit songs.

On 17 December 1977, Costello was scheduled to play “Less Than Zero” on Saturday Night Live; however, instead he copied Jimi Hendrix by stopping the song mid-intro, and played “Radio Radio” instead – earning himself a ten-year ban from the show, and considerable attention as an angry young man. Pretentious, copy cat cunt. Not a bone of originality in his entire body.

Called James Brown a ‘jive-assed nigger’, called Ray Charles a ‘blind ignorant nigger’. Fucking racist cunt. When asked why, he said he felt it became necessary for him to outrage these people with about the most obnoxious and offensive remarks that he could muster. Supercilious little cunt.

Hit an all time low after George Galloway used the lyrics from one of his hackneyed pieces to slag Thatcher when she died.

“When England was the whore of the world, Margaret was her madam.’Cos when they finally put you in the ground, They’ll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down.” Crap lyric done for sensationalism. Doesn’t rhyme. Doesn’t scan. Shit. Anyone who has Galloway as a fan has to be a cunt.

He’s so fucking bad at music that in 2008 he was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Music from the University of Liverpool. You don’t get much shittier than that as a musician. Now he’s fucked off to America because Brits ‘don’t dig him’. Too fucking right we don’t!

‘Less Than Zero’ sums the little cunt up perfectly, I’d say

Nominated by : ChasC