Dale Carnegie


Alas this is the way of things. The cunts at our gaff go on them and one course is £3,000 a pop (I shit you not), this Dale Carnegie shite where they learn to be more confident about themselves and give them confidence to chair meetings, give talks, speeches, etc.

They come back brimming with confidence and within 5mins I have the cunts in a pool of dribbling mess. What a waste of money!

As a contractor I am exempt from such bullshit but if the cunts were to send me on one I’d have Carnegie himself reaching for the valium & vodka solution within 10mins!

Hey cunts, ever heard of “common sense”? Works for me every time and for whatever shit life throws at me. Maybe you should have gone on the Dale Carnegie course for the hard of understanding, you cunts!

Nominated by: Rebel without a Cunt!