or… the Slow, Steady Death of Europe
Well it’s another day, another ‘migrant crisis’ story. Or three. Or six.
You’ll remember Liebour’s pledge to ‘smash the smuggling gangs’ and end illegal (sorry, ‘irregular’) migration to the UK. Here’s one for you. The Home Office has just ‘awarded’ new contracts to run migrant ‘processing centres’ in Kent up until 2032, at an eye-watering cost of over half a billion to UK taxpayers already on their knees;
We’ll still be ‘processing’ the cunts for years then. And once here, the chance of getting rid of most of them is a big fat zero. Give ’em all a hotel room, money, clothes, a mobile phone; it’ll only cost a few billion a year, which can be clawed back by getting rid of the Winter Fuel Allowance… The gangs, far from being ‘smashed’, have been given a licence to print money.
It’s not just here of course, the bastards are piling in everywhere. Take the Canary Islands for instance. Apparently the best part of thirty thousand have pitched up there since the start of the year, with a thousand arriving on a single day;
Ditto Greece. Ditto Italy. Ditto Malta…
Naturally any attempt at all to try to get to grips with the problem runs the risk of falling foul of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, whose members appear to live with their heads in the clouds, or up their own arses. This is even the case where we’re dealing with bad un’s of the worst sort;
Nope, you can’t throw out Mumbo N’Jumbo, an ‘asylum seeker’ from Nigeria, even though he’s been convicted of running drug smuggling and prostitution rings. He’s fathered two kids in France and four in the UK, so he’s ‘entitled to a family life’ (or two). No you can’t send Abdul back to Pakistan; he might look 38 but he’s only 15 and says he’s gay, so he might be stoned to death if deported. No you can’t send Ali back to Iran for raping and murdering that schoolgirl in Rochdale; he’d face ‘the cruel and unusual’ punishment of death there. This cunt’s ‘entitled’ to an education, that cunt’s ‘entitled’ to health care, some other cunt’s ‘entitled’ to a decent haircut…
Let’s face it cunters; we have weak, lily-livered politicians and governments at the helm, most of whom are too cowardly to get a real grip on things even when the vast majority of citizens want action. Even when there’s an attempt to do something, like as not that effort will fall on ‘yooman rights’ grounds, and even utter cunts will prove impossible to remove.
So it goes on. We’re being swamped by all manner of grifting, freeloading cunts and criminals, most of whom are from alien cultures who have little or no understanding or consideration for our inherent values, but who know a soft touch when they see one. They’re only too happy to pile in, slowly but surely turning Europe into the very shitholes they say claim to be desperate to get away from.
To quote Yoda, ‘fucked we are’.
daily sceptic
This Epistle was created by Ron Knee.