Carol Vorderman (5)

Carol Vorderman is a cunt, bare with me on this, she is a cunt because she is at max attention seeking level most of the time.

There is trend for over the hill mutton to get a shit load of plastic surgery, head to toe and then push for a last gasp on the career, do all sorts of racey pics, for shitty pr cunts who say things like CV is the most beautiful woman in the world,,,, wait, what are you having a fucking laugh, I bet she has more seams than a patchwork quilt, I’m surprised she hasn’t got a goaty, she’s had facelifts to the point we’re her snatch must be almost up to her chin by now, and yet she still has that wayward eye, again maybe one side of the face is tighter than the other.

There are lots of others playing to same surgery game followed by shameless attention seeking, Devina Mc Call, Amanda Holden, Claudia Wrinklman, Holly Willaby and countless others.

Some of you will disagree of course, but rather that self serving, over the hill attention seeking, TV slebs doing adds for old people in tight outfits claiming to be the most beautiful woman in the world, I think they need to stop, look around, see some of the actual most beautiful women in the world and realise, I’m a celebrity get me out of here looms soon enogh, and when the career has been fully milked there will always be an ex husband and kids who hardly know them……. The most beautiful woman in the world…. Cunt

Daily Star News Link

Nominated by Fuglyucker

Immigration (2) … Our Own Fault

We need immigrants.We need them because our own people are unwilling to do the “shitty” jobs….we have the graduates who are too educated to dirty their hands…we have the “full-time Mummies” who sponge benefits while raising ill-mannered brats…we have the ill-disciplined youths who would be a liability on a work-site ( if they ever bothered turn up)..we have the professional “neither work nor want” class happy to leech off taxpayers.

We need immigrants to work in the nursing homes, in the fields,on the building sites,in the supermarkets,in the cafes etc. because we allow our own “needy” people to opt out of working just because they don’t fancy the job or are too physically unfit to do a hard day’s graft.

Unpalatable as it may be,without immigrants we would grind to a halt….and it is our own fault for allowing laziness,weakness,a sense of self-entitlement and arrogance to infect so many of our own working-age people.

Nominated by: Foxchaser-Fiddler

Funding for the Arts

A cunting for luvvies and arts funding.

English National Opera are losing their funding and having it redistributed.
The luvvies are weeping about it, forgetting there is only so much cash in the coffers for ‘The Arts’ and most of that gets spunked on ugly sculptures, installations and festooning ‘public spaces’ in gayblack propaganda

BBC News Link

To keep things fair, slash funding for all of our cultural institutions, as they’ve been taken over by Year Zero Maoist cunts anyway. What better way to begin Austerity part 2 by making cuts to repulsive bullshit the public pay for but never really benefit from. This should include the defunding of the beeb, dismantling of Channel Bore and all of these fart-sniffing bodies always trying to blag a grant for making films about black muslim single mothers (a mate of mine went to an event on film funding from arts counciils, Basically you get cash if you fill your film with blacks, quares and cripples and make it about social issues, nothing that will ever make money or anyone not associated with the production or arts council would ever see)

Keep some money for The Natural History Museum, Gallery etc but most of the cash should be given to the Armed Forces and a barrier along the south coast.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

COP27 and Climate Hypocrites

(Old Photo: Same Old Shite – Day Admin)

There are 10s of 1000s of cunts in Egypt who are desperately trying to reverse climate change. Change which has been going on since the planet cooled from molten and using data based on very recent measurements. 200 years tops. Which seem to ignore the warm periods in recent and older epochs. But the point of this meeting seems to be simple.

The West wants to virtue signal. Hand wring and talk bollocks, achieving fuck all. Again.

The 3rd World want reparations that make the aid they rely on now pale into insignificance. Reparations that will be fairly shared out among the ruling classes of every shithole on earth.

Well worth the carbon footprint.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Quickly followed by CuntyMort

Climate Hypocrites

Cunters you will no doubt be aware of the stirrings in Sharm el Sheik this week. Every cunt his brother and sister going on about global warming. If they are so fucking worried why are they not holding these meetings on zoom?

Why has Krankie rocked up? What contribution or solution can she bring to the table? All these cunts flying in on jets. Rules for plebs not us. I seriously hope some fucking devotee of Alan’s snackbar performs a terrorist stunt on the assembled cunts.

As an added piss boiler there is a look at the menu these troughing cunts are indulging in, payable by us mugs. Fuck it I’m going to get pissed now.

Daily Mail News Link

And on a similar note there’s this from Cuntamus Prime

A cunting for ever more hysterical climate alarmism and closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

The BBC is parroting the apocalyptic gibberings of the UN ‘Chief’ (because it’s a fucking tribe) fat-face Guterres that we are on ‘the highway to climate hell’.

BBC News Link

Reuters Link.

Go directly to Climate Hell. Forget crisis, emergency, ignore apocalypse, do not pass go, do not collect £200.

I remember reading some years ago that 400ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere was a tipping point that, if exceeded, would cause decades or warming to be locked in, even if we went carbon neutral that day.

That point has long since passed (2016) and yet the proclamations from the media, government and UN are sounding ever more febrile and apocalyptic, and all for nothing. the climate horse has disappeared over the hill and left us with clusters of unscientific dung, scooped up and fed to us by everyone from Boss-man Guterres, Hugh Edwards and Just Stop Oil/whacko Rebellion Soy boys and Blue hairs.

Prof James lovelock, creator of the Gaia theory, has said that it’s too late to ‘save the planet’, computer models don’t reflect the complexity of our climate and people should simply stop worrying and enjoy life.

Telegraph Link.

Remember computer models in the pandemic? Half a million dead. It seems these models are only as accurate as the data fed into them. The public are very wary of scientist using models to justify huge lifestyle changes after the fuck-ups over Covid. Why should they accept this nonsense?

Whether you believe we’re responsible for this planetary hiccup or not, the result is the same; there is no longer any point worrying about climate change.

I remember noticing the passing of the 400ppm milestone, putting my feet up, eating a jam tart and saying, ‘fuck the planet’.

Out of Africa

Africa not going back appears to be such a Cunt?

BBC News Link

We are taught , or were taught, read somewhere that new theories are emerging; that Africa is was the cradle of man / human kind.

Many commentators have championed black and African achievements. ?

Still for a second pause for reflection, assume some of the above to be true, why then is every fucker trying to leave? And is suggesting that those trying to do so illegal should return such a wicked thing. ?

The link is the tale of a french mp who said so in parliament. Now of course the media beeb etc claims he said it to another FRENCH born mp who happens to be black. And of course deviates from the actual comment.

Return the illegal fuckers back.

Back to paragraph one. Why is it such a Cunt?? Apparently.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt