James Corden (10)

I nominate gravitationally challenged James fucking Corden for a cunting.

He’s had a few over the years I’m sure for various reasons but mostly for being unfunny and loving himself a little too much. Nowt wrong with having a bit of an ego but this pompous luvvy prick takes it to a new level.

Most brits probably thought that his long overdue absence from our screens a few years back was due to him somehow managing to fit his rotund physique fully up his own greasy anus but it wasn’t. When he realised that his career was going nowhere in the UK he decided to inflict him self on our mates over the pond and for that I’m sure most of them now fucking despise us.

Fuck knows how but he landed these pointless gigs. They basically involve him fawning over celebs (mostly of a certain political leaning) so sycophantically that its hard to not bring up a furball if unfortunate enough to be watching.

For years the yanks have put up with this bloated decaying bovine carcass but recent events may change that.

I’ve worked with a lot of Americans over the years and the two things that stick out most from that was their work ethic and manners. Very polite and respectful people. Mindful of the latter, fatty boombatty and all round talentless cunt Corden could well be heading for a bit of self induced shit storm.

Telegraph News Link

Seeing folk being rude to service staff boils my piss and lard ass has done it twice now in the same frikkin joint!!! I’m sure he’s on a damage limitation exercise now but despite apologising to the proprietor who publicly shamed him he’s said jack shit to the two members of staff he thought he would sound off at.

Corden, you are fuck all mate and I hope this incident ends your shallow, vacuous and ultimately pointless career. That said if it does don’t come back here, fuck off to New Zealand. They are minus a cunt since that ‘Civil Engineer’ of theirs tied himself to Dartford bridge recently.

Cunters, please second this nomination, it would help my mental health if I could see what you’ve got for this sweaty subcutaneous bag of fuck all.

Nominated by: The Cuntfinder General

Norman isn’t too impressed with this fat arrogant cunt either

James Corden is a cunt.

Of course, most of us already knew this. But now it is becoming common knowledge.

I never fell for his ‘man of the people’ nice guy act. And his celebrity arselicking is some of the most slimy and sycophantic ever (see his Car Pool with Adele, Madogga and especially Paul McCartney). Then there was his ‘heartfelt’ speech to English football supporters about the proposed European Super League. The fat bastard didn’t even know the game existed until he started hanging around with bellends like Rio Ferdinand (again, more famous arselicking). Never bought it for a second.

But, as much as he crawls to famous people, he treats so called ‘ordinary’ people like complete shit. He has done this many times. I have heard horror tales about him from various people who work in Manchester City Centre (again, hanging out with Man United knobheads like Rio and Rooney). Only this time he has been caught red handed. Corden verbally abused some restaurant staff and threw a tantrum. Simply because an order got mixed up. Another ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ cunt who thinks he’s above ordinary folk and thinks he can treat decent working people like crap. But, now people have finally seen him for what he is. I have no doubt he will ‘apologise’ in his usual slimy way to save his career. I have no doubt about at.

I am just glad that this human slug has finally got the salt poured onto him. What a complete cunt.

YouTube Link

The Taxpayer

Yes us stupid cunts who go to work for several hours a day, day in day out, week in week out. And at the end of the month we’re rewarded with a payslip that tells you your gross income, your net income and those lovely little deductions known as taxes.

Even those in retirement who have paid their dues all their working lives, still find themselves subject to tax on any income above the personal allowance. In other words if you’ve made provisions to save via private pensions, shares and dividends etc. all of which could be subject to tax along with the state pension.

These taxes that end up seemingly wasted on huge vanity projects, a bloated public sector, an unaccountable civil service, MPs, ministers and their bloated expenses, “special” advisors, lords and other cunts belonging to the Establishment.

On top of that they fund the social/welfare state and to come to the aid of those on low incomes or who have just arrived in this country for fair reasons or foul.

And to add to the pain we now find that basic rate taxpayers won’t see that 1p cut promised and then redacted from the recent mini budget.

Instead we’re going to have to work harder and for longer in order pay more tax to pay off the crippling debt the country now faces through no fault of the Taxpayer.

Moreover a great chunk of that tax revenue will still go to those people who won’t work or can’t work, especially when the energy price cap guarantee ends next April.

When it ends it has been suggested that those in greatest need will continue to receive financial support via the Taxpayer, while those who actually go to work may not receive anything.

I know it has been said many times but I’ll say it again – what is the actual point of going to work if you’re just going to end up paying to maintain the lifestyle of those who don’t. And at the same time finding yourself abandoned from any government help to prop up your own diminishing finances through these most difficult of times!

Taxpayers – active or retired – really are stupid gullible cunts!

Nominated by: Technocunt

Special Roles for Black Actors

I know Lenny Henry was cunted previously, but I think it was a personal cunitng again, rather than what he did.

What happened was that he got a role in the Lord of the Rings film – nowt wrong with that I hear you say. After all, he is a talented actor we all love and is one step from being beatified to a National Treasure (hope you all realise that this is sarcasm).

Anyway, the issue was that the role was completely made up – the character he was meant to be hadn’t appeared in any of the books, but they had to shoe-horn in a person of colour (as opposed to a coloured person, which is, apparently, offensive) and, hence, made up a new character.

I didn’t really think anymore of it until I received an email flyer from Wilton’s Music Hall for a Christmas Wind in the Willows special. There are two new characters “Duck” and “Otter” – both for dark keys. However, Mole is now also a silvery moon.

Honestly – where will this shot stop (not with the current “conservative” party, that’s for sure).

I’m sorry, but I can’t add a link as the one to the music hall just shows the show, not pictures of the characters.

Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford

Therese Coffey – Health Secretary no less!

This ugly, obese, four-eyed blob has been dishing out her own antibiotics to friends and family. For DECADES the medical profession has been trying to reduce people’s reliance on antibiotics so that a) they actually work when needed, and b) to help try and stop superbugs.

this gormless fat lummock comes along. AND she’s a cabinet minister. Jesus wept. Apologies for no link, but my brain and phone are not cooperating.

Women who look like Coffey should be painlessly destroyed. In fact, she is so unbelievably repellant, I wonder if she is a cock in a frock…

Nominated by: HBelindaHubbard

Helpful link provided by: Minge Juice Bottler

Daily Mail News Link

She’s not just any old cabinet minister – she’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, no less!


.Bullies , thieves, noisy fuckers, gangsters,
And all round avian thugs.

I put out mealworm and wild bird seed on my dovecote every morning.

I like watching the sparrows, tits, blackbirds.

But there’s a gang of magpies that attack the other birds.
Like raptors or something.
Right little cunts.

I don’t think it’s because their mixed race (?)
But these two tone little bleeders just can’t behave?

Once we had a cat that upset them.
This magpie would wait for the cat then attack him.
Wouldn’t bother the dog or other cat,
It wanted this particular cat.

The cat got neurotic,
Scared to go out.
So we let it out the front instead.
The magpie soon caught on and would wait on the front peering in through the window ,
Like Max Cady in Cape Fear.

Anyway, their cunts.

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt