Ivan Dimitrov

Good old British name. Apparently Ivan has been nicked by the spaghetti bashing coppers for carving his and his slag girlfriend’s name into the structure of the Colosseum. What a great idea shitforbrains!
Now we all know that we are, as a nation , constantly embarrassed by the chav trash that are attracted to travel to European shitholes, mostly in Spain, so they can relieve them of their bennies.

However, I must object to Ivan being called a “British tourist” from Bristol.
Ivan comes from Bulgaria, he’s 27 years old and he’s a fucking p*nce . This country is full of cunts like him. If they are born and bred here then we have to take responsibility for the useless thick cunts……but not this wanker. Fuck off Ivan! Fuck off back to Bulgaria you pikey cunt.

Daily Mirror

Nominated by Freddie the Frog.

The disparity between the way the police choose to act.

An enormous steaming turd of a cunting for the insanity that is the disparity between the way the police choose to act.

They were clearly on the horns of a dilemma when the woke twats from Just Stop Oil decided to protest in front of the equally woke Pride parade.

This clusterfuck of a situation called for decisive measures. The police move in to remove the JSO protestors thus proving that Pride takes ultimate place above any one or anything else.

Where were the police when thousands of people were stopped from getting to work/hospital/airports/etc ? You’ve got it. The police were doing fuck all.

But block a Pride march and the rozzers jump right in.

Get to fuck you woke hypocritical cunts.

Sky news

Nominated by MiddleEngland.

I want to cunt the mainstream media (9)

story broke earlier of an ‘household name’ BBC presenter that has allegedly paid 35k to a person (as the ‘victims’ gender was not made clear) for a series of mucky pics. said victim spanked ‘their’ winnings on crack (it is alleged)

BBC has form in this field. Jimmy Saville Row is the best example, but there have been others. Cuntonbury changed the name of the Jonathan Peel stage recently in a quiet way in light of what was a revelation to the Elvisses but what came as no surprise to anybody that had heard said cunt boasting about his pubescent conquests. all that fact aside…..

EVERY male that presents for the BBC currently is under suspicion for this shit because the MSM and BBC won’t say who it is.

don’t get me wrong, Vine is shit to me and Linneker is the king of cunts BUT these people have had to speak out because of shit they’ve got for doing fuck all (we assume at this point).

they are both undoubtedly cunts of the highest order but every man in the BBC is now a suspect. nah, this shit isn’t right. huge potential for unintended consequences cunters. there are absolute fucktards out there that act on the slightest sniff of stuff like this.

the way this story has been covered is potentially endangering lives and I’m not cool with that. I know we generally all hate the BBC but this is the wrong way to break a story.

as an aside, this is obviously a smokescreen story to shield the real news but every male front of house employee has come under scrutiny. nah, I’m not down with that. they may all be cunts, but they are innocent until proven otherwise.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cunter S Thompson link provided by Jeezum Priest.

ITV News at 10 and Mika Minio Paluello

As part of its further descent into the pit of wokery, ITV decided to interview a trans ‘woman’ to talk about the cost of living.

Too much to expect that they would just interview a normal mother, they had to choose this character, who, it turns out is not just a transgender activist, but also a hard left activist and a TUC ‘policy officer for climate and industry’, er yeah me neither.

Obviously carefully chosen in advance, to put forward an agenda.
I expect the Beeb are green with envy that they didn’t get ‘her’ first.

Daily Fail

Macron (12)

Here’s that cunt over in France who “runs” the country, at an Elton John concert while the riots were kicking off and he knew it, but partied on…


This speaks for itself. This mega-cunt speaks for himself by now as all these “leader” cunts do now. Just a total and utter globalist goblin. And he also blamed the rioting on, “bad parenting”. No, no, no. It’s not that, mon ami, try again,fuckface.

I hope there’s a military coup in France this year

Nominated by Pull My Finger.