Corrupt Asylum Lawyers

With the constant shit show of small boat arrivals every day. Which looks like it will never be stopped.

The daily fail sent in a undercover reporter to said lawyers.

The reporter was advised to make up a back story for his application, with tales of
Torture and beatings and slavery.
Even offering a doctors report and anti depressants.

You probably won’t be surprised who these lawyers are when you see the pictures in the articles.

The fees for this service ranged from 4 to 10 grand, now the article doesn’t say if the money was legal aid or private money.

These asylum seekers must be minted with a expensive boat ride across the channel and then private lawyers..

Then when the story broke, cue the outrage!! from the bar council and Stephen Kinnock, who took aim at itchy ballsack for speaking out against the lawyers..

Hopefully the corrupt cunts have all been sacking and with any luck be charged and imprisoned.
But I won’t hold my breath.

Daily Fail

Daily Fail

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

Jordan Henderson

Liverpool FC captain and Wokegate favourite for England, Jordan Henderson, is the latest in what will be a long line of top level players over the next few years, who will join the Saudi Arabian football league.

He’s reported to have been offered 700k a week, tax free.

I would normally say, ‘Good luck to him. Who’d say no to that?’ but you see, Mr Henderson has been called ‘an ally’ of the LGBT community in recent times.

He’s been at the forefront of the rainbow laces campaign, giving interviews about how strongly he feels about gay rights. Lecturing us all about how to be a good person like him and to be more caring and inclusive.

Up to him all that.

But you see, he’s now moving to play in a country that executes homosexuals.

Now, it couldn’t possibly be that he, like so many other sports folk and media ‘stars’, just say whatever is best for their image, a.k.a bank balance, at any given time, could it?

I suggest, and it’s just an opinion, he doesn’t give a fuck about gay rights, and would play for 700k a week if they executed black people for being black and murdered 50 random citizens every time he played.

These ‘woke’ footballers do not give a fuck about your woke causes, lefties. Only their bank balances.

You fucking mugs.

One hopes this will stop the libtards targeting sport for their agendas. If so, I’ll have to suggest ‘uncunting’ him, but for now, he’s a cunt for having ‘morals’ dictated by money only, whilst being a sanctimonious, holier than thou cunt previously.

Sky news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

Mike Stirling and The Beano Overhaul

Yes, a children’s comic has now gone totally woke, and has received a ‘modern makeover’

The publishers have hired ‘Inclusive Minds’ (who now doubt exclude anyone who doesn’t go along with the acceptable group think), to vet characters and reinvent the comic.
Characters now include Khadija Raad, a talented artist who wears a hijab; Mandira Sharma, a girl battling anxiety; Jemima Jones, a ghost hunter who is black; and Rubi, a ginger haired scientist who uses a wheelchair.

Stirling told the Sunday Times that he is comfortable with the prospect of being branded “woke” by some readers. Hope he’s still comfortable when sales figures go due south.

Nominated by Mystic Maven.

The 1975

The lead singer of The 1975 (me neither) was on stage in Kuala Lumpur when he decided to go on an expletive laden rant about the lack of gay rights in Malaysia.

Well it seems the locals, including its gay folk are not happy with his rant. It seems the crowd thought he should’ve just sang his songs and not been lecturing them or slagging off their country.

Matty Heally (the lead singer, I believe) has now been called a patronising ‘white saviour’ by the Malaysian gays too.

Apparently, his rant will make life even harder for them now. The singer, according to this article, gozzed on members of the audience too.

You see chaps, as straight (?) white males you cannot have an opinion on anything affecting other races.

You forgot that bit, it seems!

Suck it up. Next time, ‘Shut up and sing!’

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

The Left’s (8) dual standards

My sermon today concerns the portrayal of people with big noses. I have a big nose myself. I have occasionally been identified as Jewish, wrongly, I think, but who can be certain if their ancestors came from Manchester?

Happily it is extremely illegal to depict Jewish persons as having large noses if you happen to be a cartoonist. The otherwise flawlessly woke* cartoonist Martin Rowson recently lost his gig at the Grauniad for doing this to known cunt Richard Sharp, now ex-BBC chairman. Steve Bell, another Graun cartoonist, was also hauled over the coals a few years ago for depicting the megacunt Netanyahu as the possessor of stereotypical Jewish attributes. Which he is.

Both cartoonists attracted a sustained hail of criticism from the racially sensitive. They were antisemites, just like the …you know who. It’s ok to draw a hawk-faced comedy Arab, as long as you stay away from the Prophet himself (pbuh), but G-d help you – he doesn’t – if you draw the (ethnically closely related) Sephardic Jew in the same manner. Outrage from The Board of Deputies, outrage from Israel, outrage from the Community Security Trust (Google it).

Suella Braverman is on her mother’s side (and that would be the side that counted if she were Jewish) a Mauritian Tamil. And her somewhat beaky features are not unusual among that group.

Here’s Private Eye being nasty about Braverman, who offends all left-thinking wokies because she is trying to stem the flow of undocumented cunts into this septic isle:

This cartoon could justly be compared with any of Der Sturmer’s output except for just one thing. Braverman’s not Jewish.

Silence from the Left.

*also frighteningly talented and bitingly witty

private eye

Nominated by Komodo.