With the constant shit show of small boat arrivals every day. Which looks like it will never be stopped.
The daily fail sent in a undercover reporter to said lawyers.
The reporter was advised to make up a back story for his application, with tales of
Torture and beatings and slavery.
Even offering a doctors report and anti depressants.
You probably won’t be surprised who these lawyers are when you see the pictures in the articles.
The fees for this service ranged from 4 to 10 grand, now the article doesn’t say if the money was legal aid or private money.
These asylum seekers must be minted with a expensive boat ride across the channel and then private lawyers..
Then when the story broke, cue the outrage!! from the bar council and Stephen Kinnock, who took aim at itchy ballsack for speaking out against the lawyers..
Hopefully the corrupt cunts have all been sacking and with any luck be charged and imprisoned.
But I won’t hold my breath.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.